

  "Come here, Elena Bush!" cried Coral, the chief editor.

  Confused as Elena was, she stood up and came into her office, "May I help you, Miss Coral?"

  "Elena, I have something to tell you.

  You did a great job last month because you have successfully interviewed two high-profile figures. How talented yet young you are!" Coral praised her highly.

  "Thank you. I just did what I should." she smiled and answered her calmly.

  "So I decided to give you another assignment, interviewing Jeremy Smith of Group Smith who married recently. I hope you can make an appointment with him and finish this interview successfully."

  Jeremy Smith? Who married recently? So she would interview her brother-in-law?

  Elena wan utterly unwilling in her heart.

  She knew it was a small world. But she never thought her work would get related to Jeremy this soon. What was worse, she was the only person responsible for this assignment. She just wanted to refuse.