

  Shirley's scandal became the hot search for several days, followed by the termination contract with her company and commercial partners. The Green-light Magazine had also become popular because of this interview.

  The editor-in-chief couldn't help but to praise Elena and Sophia, "This month's bonus will belong to our Group two because of your help. People in the Group one always pride themselves on being veterans!"

  Sophia nodded approvingly, "Exactly.

  They also deliberately said that our performance was poor and tried to get us to clean the toilets! But this time we have proved ourselves!"

  Elena didn't know much about the conflicts between Group one and Group two. But it just sounded like there was already a lot of resentment. She sighed secretly, just hoping she wouldn't be involved.

  As they entered the conference room, they immediately felt hatred from Group one. Elena silently followed behind, trying desperately to minimize her presence.