

  David held a birthday party where all the celebrities were invited, including Elena and Logan. Elena knew Logan might not like this kind of occasion or being surrounded by many people. But since Daisy insisted, she had to accept the invitation.

  On the day they were supposed to attend the party, Elena realized she hadn't prepared a gown for it. She looked at those new clothes in her wardrobe, having no idea which one to put on.

  Logan asked Jacob, "Where's the dress I bought in the bridal shop?"

  "The dress in the bridal shop? When did you buy it?" Elena heard him and turned around.

  But Logan just smiled quietly. When Jacob gave her the dress, she realized that it was that light blue one she had tried on.

  She looked at the dress, feeling confused, "I remembered you said I didn't look good in it."

  Logan explained, "Did I?"

  Elena thought she might misunderstand then. He just wanted her to take it off and didn't make any comments.