
Submitting To Him

"If you misbehave in public once, I'll spank you lightly. But do it again and I'll take you to the bathroom, understand?" ---- We started out as friends who liked each other, but when it came to dating... Things got intimate. We both liked being called one word specifically: I liked being called Baby Girl, and he liked being called Daddy. Kinky? Yes, I know. But it just seemed to work out for us. But we had one problem. Baby Girl didn't always wanna listen to Daddy... -------------------------------------------------- This story contains Mature Content.

Torn_Between_Us · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 4

So, instead, I ignored his question and pushed on his chest to get him to move. "I have to get Bella, Dimitri... Let me go..." I said, my voice sounding stronger than I thought it would. He grunted in disapproval and moved back, offering me a hand to get down from the bar stool. I gave him a small smile as I collected my purse off of the bar and sighed. His arms reached around me and he placed his hands on either side of me.

I turned in his arms and made a face. Why was he- "You know we came here in my car, right?" He said, a small smirk playing on his face already. I froze and was lost in thought for a moment, then groaned in annoyance when I realized that he was very much right. "Well... Can you drive me to the bar that she's at and... And then take us home?" I asked, my face turned in embarrassment.

"Sure." He leaned back and took his keys out of his pocket. I looked up and my mouth dropped in surprise. Really? It was that easy?! I shook my head and followed after him, my hand tightly clutching my purse as I sped up my pace.

We walked down the stairs at a brisk pace and I quickly unlocked his door and walked out, patiently waiting for him to lock his front door and come to the car as well.


We walked into the bar, music pounding so harshly that I swear I felt it. I scanned the room for Belisse, my eyes flicking to my phone's screen when I felt it buzz. 'In the bathroom... Liquor doesn't like me.' I laughed lightly and turned to signal Dimitri that he could wait there. He nodded and looked away, so I quickly ran to the bathroom...

Only to find Bel leaning against the wall, a hand clutching her stomach, and her voice loudly singing along to some song in her head. I rushed forward and grabbed her, helping her stand up properly as I looked into her eyes. "Analisse!" She gasped, a giggle making itself known as she grabbed onto me. "Oh... I missed you! But then I found this guy... God, what a sexy piece of meat he was..."

I rolled my eyes, the voice in my head currently dying of laughter. I helped her walk out of the bathroom, quickly steering her to the exit as I waved to Dimitri. He rushed over and took Belisse from me, swiftly scooping her up in his arms and heading to the car. After unlocking it, I waited as he laid her down in the back and then got in himself. He revved the engine and then we sped off, the car smoothly finding its way to my house.

After we laid Bel in bed, I walked Dimitri to the front door to see him out. "I... I enjoyed tonight. Thank you for the dinner." I said with a smile, my legs crossed nervously. "No problem... But, you owe me." He smirked. I laughed and looked up at him, a permanent smile stretched across my features. "Oh yeah? And what do I owe you?" I asked him.

He leaned forward and whispered his response into my ear. "I'll text you... Just keep your phone charged, Analisse..." And with that, he walked off. I closed the door slowly, my face heated from the way he said my name. I shook my head and walked away, quietly making my way to the shower with a mind full of crazed thoughts.


"Analisse! Can I see you in my office for a minute please?" A frustrated sigh left my lips as I stopped typing away on my computer, my boss seeming to be the most annoying thing at the moment. I stood up and fixed my pencil skirt, then made my way down the hall and into my boss' office. "Yes?" I asked as politely as I could, taking a seat in front of his desk. He gave me a nervous, fake smile and cleared his throat. "Well... We're receiving a new employee, someone transferring over from a neighboring company... And... Well, I was planning on moving them into your office with you."

"Okay..?" I trailed off, confused as to why he felt the need to discuss this with me at the moment. "Okay... I'm placing him in your office with you because he can be a bit of a... Troublemaker... Or... A flirt. And-" I cut him off with a groan. "You know-!" My boss put his hands up and stopped me from continuing. "And you're the only one I know in this firm that has the patience to deal with flirts. So, he'll be here tomorrow. And your office will be rearranged to accommodate him. Got it?" I sighed and looked away, anger lightly coursing through my veins as I replied. "Got it..."

"Good. Now, I'm giving you the rest fo the day off. Go! Shoo shoo!" He said, flicking his hands at me in a playful manner. I sighed and got up, fixing my pencil skirt as I made my way back to my office. Honestly... There were only 2 hours left of work... I grumbled in annoyance as I gathered my things, saved my documents, and shut down my computer.

I quickly made my way out and found my way to my car relatively quickly. Unlocking it, I placed my things in the back and then got into the front, starting my car up and then driving off. When I came to a red light I pulled my phone out and checked my messages. Belisse was telling me thank you for picking her up last night... My mom was saying good morning... And Dimitri... 'You looked absolutely stunning last night. We need a repeat, meet me at this address and bring a bathing suit.'

I smiled and looked up as the light turned green, deciding to go to a little cafe before heading home.


2 and a half hours later I pulled up to a huge, sleek building and turned off my car. I decided then would probably be the time to text Dimitri back. With a small laugh, I clicked on his contact and quickly replied, 'I'm outside. Do I need to go in?' His reply was surprisingly quick, and he told me to park my car in the garage in the back. Following his instructions, I drove to the back and parked, then swiftly got out and headed towards the elevator.

Pressing the button for the top floor, I relaxed a little and pulled my bag higher on my shoulder. The elevator shortly came to a stop, and I walked straight to the receptionist's area. "Hey... I'm Analisse-" I was cut off when she waved her hand dismissively and pointed to the door at the end of the hall. "No need to say more, Mr.Moretti is straight through that door waiting for you." I nodded my thanks and continued on down the hall.

My hand rose to knock on the door when a voice startled me to a stop. "Come in, Analisse." I suddenly felt nervous as I pushed the doors open and walked in, taking a seat in front of his desk as the doors closed on their own. Dimitri finished up whatever he was doing on his laptop and then shut it. He stood from his chair briskly and I watched him walk around his desk and to a mini fridge off to the side. "Care for a drink?" He asked me, still not having looked at me yet.

"Yes, water would be nice." I said as I looked down at my hands on my lap and twiddled with my fingers. I heard him shut the fridge and then he walked towards me. I reached up to grab the bottle from his hand but instead he grabbed my arm and pulled me up, out of the chair. I dropped the bottle in surprise as he wrapped his arms around my waist, his drink already placed on the desk beside us. Sharp spikes of lust curled in me, and I tried my best to ignore them as I turned my face up to look into his eyes. "We're going to the pool. Did you bring your bikini?" He asked. "Yeah, it's in my bag." I said as I turned my head away from him to look at my bag behind us.

Warm breath on my neck caused me to gasp, and Dimitri unwrapped one arm from around my waist to tilt my head back. "Do you know how to swim?" He asked, and I searched his face for humor. He wasn't joking... I scoffed and pushed him away, crossing my arms as I leaned away from him. "Of course, I know how to swim!" His laugh startled me, resounding within the room. My eyes widened subconsciously and goosebumps rose on my arms slightly. His laugh was so... And the smile on his face...

His laughing fit came to a stop and a small smirk played on his face as he peered down at me. "Come on, we can leave now. We're taking my car, by the way." He said as he leads the way out of his office, waiting for me to walk out as well before he closed the door and locked it. We headed to the elevator quietly and went down in the elevator... Quietly. By the time we made it into his car the silence had been broken, simply by me dancing around in his car to the music that was playing, but he stayed silent with an amused smirk on his face.

We finally made it to our destination within a few minutes, and I realised that he had brought me to his house again. He turned off his car and we undid our seatbelts, then I turned to him with a fake glare. "We're swimming at your house?" I asked. He looked at me and rolled his eyes, then got out of the car and slammed the door shut. I huffed and decided to stay in the car, not moving an inch as I watched him walk away. Suddenly, not even a few seconds later, the door beside me was yanked open and I flinched back, startled by the arms that reached in to grab me.

Next thing I know, the world is upside down and I'm hanging over Dimitri's shoulder. I let out a cry in surprise, then started yelling as I realized that my pencil skirt was riding up. I was probably flashing right now. "Dimitri, please! Put me down! I'll walk! I'll walk!" Dimitri simply shrugged and reached back into the car, grabbing my bag before shutting the door and locking up. "You should've gotten out of the car by yourself, instead of being a brat." I huffed in annoyance and ignored the tingles that shot through my body simply from his touch. I allowed him to carry me inside, my mind preoccupied as I watched the floor while he walked.

When he finally placed me down I fixed my skirt, my face red from being over his shoulder for so long, upside down... And from embarrassment. I swear I heard his smirk before I saw it, as he walked away and placed my bag down on a bar, before walking behind it to grab something. While he did that I grabbed my bag and took out my phone, then sat down on a stool and spun around to see the pool. It was pretty in this lighting, considering the fact that the sun was already going down. Lights flickered on in the pool, causing the water to change from blue to pink, to green, and purple... I stared at it and smiled, 'He really knows how to decorate.'

A glass being placed down behind me startled me from my thoughts and I spun back around to find a flute of champagne waiting for me. I rose an eyebrow at Dimitri and watched as he took a sip from his own glass. I picked up my flute and smiled. "You spiked my drink last time." Then I rose the glass to my lips and took a sip from it politely. It tasted exactly like how it did last time. Dimitri lowered his glass with a smirk. I lowered my glass as well and spoke at the same time he did. "It's vodka."