
Chapter 5 : the hanging gardens meeting ..

Minister sitting next to her is her son Reno , he is a cold hearted man and he was born before his mother and father got married , through illicit relationship , King was kind enough to accept his birth and give him a position at the cabinet , legend says his mother's death was due to the relationship has father had with Reva but every detail regarding that is obscure .the cold hearted Reno always had his eye on the queen and that made him remain single for all these years .

The man next to Reno was King's cousin Reeveal , reeveal was a righteous man and always listened to his brother's orders , he was lean and tall but had cute blue eyes and that might be the genes .

The handsome lad sitting at the edge was Revel's elder brother , Reenrk , he was soft , handsome and intelligent and the one responsible for the King's financial strategies and whenever he laid out those plans or traps it never missed its mark , all the cousins had uncanny resemblance to the King .

Queen Mother : are you guys okay with having her as your counsel advisor , isn't that a bit away from our tradition , I don't think my son understands the seriousness ..

Renark : I agree mother , I don't think she has expertise in the financial field ..lets just join together and propose a proper solution to our king .

Reevl : I agree with brother and what I suggest is that we should bring Mannan as the advisor

Mannan is the Queen's cousin , he has always wanted to a major portfolio but he would always be bogged down by the advisor , Advisor thinks Maanan's dad played a crucial part in his father's killing , so he didn't like Maanan and eventually he showered his hatred towards the queen herself ..

Everyone agrees Maanan being the advisor instead of his cousin and they decided to bring this up during the next day court session ,all raised and started to leave the hanging gardens , those poor creepers need rest at last Maanan was happy , his faced filled with extreme smile and power is coming to him , Maanan speaks with his younger brother Kirlup , Kirlup is happy for him as he was never interested in power nor crown ,Maanan meets Kirlup who was even present at the hanging gardens meeting ,

Maanan; Brother , finally power is coming to our hands , I take this as immense pleasure and finally happy to do the work I have been dreaming about for the past years .

Kirlup : Happy for you , I always knew that you would make it , I have certain questions brother , isn't something off about King mother , she doesn't seem to be okay ,

Maanan; She was always like that , never ever once I have seen her without complaining , especially bout our cousin , for giving no heir she laments

Kirlup : Tts true , even we would have got ridden of her if that happened to our family , guess what she is not having a calm mind , uncertain all the time , confused , she even called me Maanan , I know for sure she is hiding something ,the other person on whom I have suspicion is advisor , he had a demonic smile when he read the message from queen mother , there is something going on and she is hiding from us , I guess its related to our cousin , Poor soul I don't know how she would be able to handle this

Maanan ; clear the clutter you have , even if that is the case , we are receiving handsome pay , that could help us in all ways , just stay happy , calm down and be there to cheer me during my naming ceremony , King mother is confident that she would change his mind ..

Kirlup ; That's good , I'll head to the administration office , it requires my presence , lets meet tomorrow for your naming ceremony ., before that just have this drink it would help to get rid of those dry throat which you have , I hope you don't like passing it on to our dearest King …

Maanan drinks it and collapses in an instant , Kirlup is baffled …