

Hey guys I'm taking too long to post chapters because of a reason, the author fell in love, that's right he met love and is fighting to win it so he ran out of chapters these days.

Wish me luck.


"Ahhhh." William let out a sigh as the box stopped emitting winter, the moment he got up the sounds of breaking glass echoed and the ice box he was in shattered into thousands of pieces and a white mist exploded all over the place.

Coming out of the fog, William's nude figure slowly revealed, "I feel great." William stretched his arms and checked his body, he felt he was able to control every part of him the way he wanted and the ice world was an extension of your body.

William was tempted to see if he could mold this planet to his will but gave up on the idea for now, "I still have plans for this place, let's not destroy it now." He muttered and opened a portal back to Earth.

Soon a portal opened in a forest and he walked through, "Hmm, this is going to be troublesome." Looking at the ground he stepped on was freezing rapidly, not only that but the trees were all freezing around him even though he wasn't doing nothing.

If he froze everything like that wherever he went it would give away his disguise, but William already felt that there was no need to keep his disguise any longer, as long as he doesn't reveal his real name his family won't be in danger.

After all his whole appearance has changed and if he's right his DNA plus the fact that he's already deleted his school and medical records so the only people who can recognize him now are hardly his parents and his old friends.

"I think it's time to put the next part of my plan into action." William muttered and took the Destroyer's frozen core and slowly opened it, then a pulse was emitted as it broke free and the air that was freezing heated a little.

William stared at the core for a while before making the cold seep into him and splitting it into thousands of pieces that were placed one in each point of his body to prevent the cold from forming.

All this was only possible thanks to perfect control and absurd power, William in the state he is in now is able to control the heat emitted by matter and thus control the molecules of any object he touches.

Nor would it be silly to say that given enough time he might even erode an infinity stone or turn life into a planet of frozen dust, he smirked before teleporting back to the orphanage.

"Finally back." William muttered as he passed through the portal that connected to his room, however when he looked to the side his face froze and he froze, "Look we only have one pervert here, hahaha!"

Natasha who was sitting on her bed looked at William naked and started to laugh wildly leaving William embarrassed and angry, "What are you doing in my room, leave now!!!"

He yelled but Natasha just laughed and got up, "Look at the shy little boy don't worry I won't tell anyone that you dyed your hair and it's only 12 centimeters hahaha." William couldn't take it anymore and turned to ice and entered the floor.

Besides your mother there are only two people who can embarrass you like this and put you in a humiliating position, " I swear, I'll make you pay for this!" William muttered and began to come up with his plans for revenge against Natasha.


At the Smith house, Mark swung his fist at his father but was easily repelled by himself and James immobilized him shortly thereafter causing him to slap his hand and give up, "Not bad son but it's going to take more than that to even hurt your father hahaha." James chuckled as he helped his son to his feet.

Mark would be 7 years old this year and it's been 2 months since he awakened his abilities, Mark was very happy about it and soon asked his father to train him to be a super hero, James that day looked at the boy with a look reluctantly, but ended up accepting in the end even against Margaret's wishes.

"You could go easy on me dad!" Mark complained and stood up as he cleaned up the mess, "The villains won't go easy on you remember, so better work hard here than suffer later!" James reprimanded his son with one joking tone which only took a tired sigh of the last one.

" Come on again, attack me!" James hoped that his son's dream of being a hero would die out over time or diminish if he put in severe training but that only rekindled his son's will to be a hero.

James dodged Mark's blows easily before slipping his leg and sending him to the ground, seeing his son lying there James couldn't help but think against his will, "What will he do when he meets his older brother?"

This was a thought that was circling James' head in time and keeping him from sleeping at night, James being William's father knows that he will do nothing against his own family and would rather suffer alone than seek help.

But William is someone who acts for reason and has always acted, while his brother Mark always acts for emotion as far as he's seen, "I can only pray for Mark's safety if he chooses to face William someday."

It's not that James doesn't have confidence in his son's training and talent, but he knows there's a gap like heaven and earth between him and William, it's not just about power but mindset, intelligence and more. .

James could only sigh and decide to help his son grow stronger even if it leads to an inevitable confrontation between those he cares about most.

Next chapter