
Sua the destruction

This story is about a boy named Sua, a 14 year old boy. He has been living at the Vastia Estate for a month. Because the orphanage in which he lived found out that he was the dukes son. But one day while he was exploring the mansion, became he was lost inside it, something strange happened. This incident will change his life for ever.

Salty_Jack · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


The next day while Sua was sleeping peacefully, someone knocked on the door, waking him up.


It bothered Sua, especially since the event of yesterday made him really tired.

"Come in..."

"Good morning, young master."

It was the butler

"Yeah...so why did you come here?"

"The duke ordered that you get treatment from a healer."

"...Ok, so where is the healer?"

"Please come in." said the butler.

A tall woman with light brown hair and brown eyes entered the room.

Sua immediately noticed that it was the family doctor.

'He actually sent the family doctor to heal my injury...that's unexpected.'

The family doctor was someone who only healed the duke, infact when Sua got sick he couldn't get treatment from her.

"I know it's disrespectful for me to ask, but could you give me your hand young master?"

Sua didn't say anything.

He just quietly gave her his hand.

In an instant Sua's wound disappeared.

He was shocked at how amazing healing magic was.


The woman smiled at Sua and said

"Then I will leave now, young master."

"Why are you still here?"

said Sua to the butler.

"...Master said to introduce you to your new bodyguard.

Come in."

A man with a well built body came in the room.

He had dark brown hair and beautiful amber colored eyes.

"Good morning young master, I will be your guard from now on, my name is Klev!"

The man had a soft and tranquil voice.

He was even smiling at Sua.

'First the doctor and now him.

Why is he smiling at me, normally people don't even look at my face while talking, they think I'm a nuisance, just like the butler...he's wired.'

"Why did father send him as my guard?"

"The duke is worried about you.

He doesn't want you to get hurt again, so he sent Klev as your personal guard."

"He never cared about me before, why now...tell him I thanked him."

"Alright, then I shall leave now."

Sua didn't like at all the fact that his father sent him a personal bodyguard, but he couldn't just send the poor guy back.

"Why aren't you going outside."

said Sua.

"I'm your guard so I have stay by your side 24/7."

"That's absurd!"

"Unfortunately that's how it is.

Anyway aren't gonna have breakfast?"

"What do you mean by breakfast? No one ever gave me something to eat in morning."

"What!...young master could you wait a few minutes, I have to go somewhere."

"Umm ok..."

After that Klev left the room in a hurry.

Sua was perplexed by what had happened in those few seconds.


Suddenly Klev barged in Sua's room with lots of maids who were carrying food in their hands.

"Come in, come in. Put the breakfast on the table."

"You should eat the breakfast I brought you, young master."

"Ahh right, thanks."

Sua got up and started eating.

It was uncomfortable with so many people watching him, but he couldn't ignore Klev's sincerity.

After Sua eat his breakfast, Klev asked

"So what are you doing to do now?"

"Um I'm going exercise now."


"Yeah...someone told me that I'm really weak, so I thought by exercising, I could change..."

"If you want to become stronger, how about I teach you how to wield a sword!

I may not look like it, but I'm a Swordmaster."

"Wait really! That's amazing! I heard that it is hard to become a Swordmaster!

Can you...really teach me how to wield a sword?"

"Yes, if you want to learn let's go to the training ground."

"Ok, you go and wait there, I will come after I change."

Sua was really happy to hear Klev's words, it was like a dream come true.

He always wanted to learn magic or swordsmanship.


'I came here as fast as I could but I don't see him anywhere.'

"You came here quickly."

"AAAHH! Why did sneak up on me like that.

You almost gave me a heart attack!"

"Oh, I'm sorry young master.

Well then shall we start?"


"Alright then, run ten laps without stopping."

"T-ten l-laps?"

"Yes, you can do that right~"


said Klev with a quite scary smile.


After running ten laps Sua was quite tired.

It was the first time he had ran so much, infact he could barely stand up on his feet.

"Great job young master! I'm impressed.

Not anyone can run ten laps without stopping."


said Sua in a low and tired voice.

"Then let's do the next step.

Take this wooden sword and swing it a hundred times."

"A h-hundred times?"


Then Sua got up and started swinging without complains.

But that doesn't mean Klev didn't say anything, infact he shouted at Sua the whole time.

Sometimes he was swinging to lightly or sometimes maybe his posture was wrong.

After training finished Klev picked Sua up and brought him back to his room since Sua couldn't walk anymore.

'Guess he really is a Vastia.

He did everything without complaining.

The way he swung his sword was decent too.

If he practices like this he might become as stronge as his older brother Alen one day.'

-knock knock

"Come in" said Klev.

"Is the young master as-"

"Yeah, so tell me what you have to say and leave."

"Master asked that the young master has dinner with him."

"Ok, I will wake him up when it's time, so you can go now."



An hour had past since the butler left.

Klev had decided it was time to wake up Sua and get him ready for dinner.

"Wake up young master."

"Mhh, I don't want to."

"Your father invited you for dinner."


"Yeah so get ready."

"Why didn't you tell me before!"

"You were sleeping so peacefully that I didn't want to wake you up."

"Ok! I'm ready."

"Then let's go."

Then Sua followed Klev to the dinning hall.

During the walk there, Sua noticed that the hallway was similar to the one he took when he was lost in the mansion.

It gave him quite a nostalgic feeling, he stared missing El.

"Alright, this is the room.

Good luck!"

said Klev with a beautiful smile.

Then after Sua mustard up courage, he entered the room.

"I greet the duke."

"Yes, go sit there."

said the duke with a low voice.

"Alright. "

'He looks tired.

I wonder why he called me here today.'

During dinner they didn't talk at all.

And Sua didn't even try talking, he just eat the food, and admired the room.

It was decorated really beautifully, you could see that everything in the room was really expensive.

But there was on thing that bothered Sua a lot.

It was the butler, he was next to his father.

He was glaring at Sua for no reason.

'Ughh, he just can't leave me alone can he.

He's literally everywhere I go!'

"The reason I called you here today is because I wanted to inform you that tomorrow we will leave for the capital.

The Emperor is holding a banquet in three days, and he wants every duke with his children there."

"I see, thank you for telling me.

'Seriously that the reason he called me here today.

He could have just sent Angry for no reason guy.

This way I could have had my beauty sleep!'

Then I will leave now, have a nice day."


"You told me he was quite disrespectful and annoying."

said the duke.

"He is master he's ju-"

"You have quite the nerve lying in my presence."


"You are fired."

"D-duke plea-"

"Leave I don't want to see your face anymore."
