
Stygian King of Despair

After his city is destroyed by large hordes of monsters, Samuel devotes that for the rest of his life, he'll protect the people around him no matter what. He trains to grow stronger and stronger everyday, and eventually wants to be the strongest. Follow his journey, one filled with hardships and despair with a little bit of friendship sprinkled in.

Destrominator · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Alliance Banquet

A few months after the treaty was signed, Juld and the elves then created an alliance. To celebrate the formation of a new allyship, they chose to celebrate with a banquet held in the royal palace of the Elven Kingdom. Military officers, high ranked soldiers, and other high contributors of the war would attend. They would all wear formal clothing such as dresses and suits. As they got ready, Samuel was having trouble with his bandages. Not the bandages from his fight against Cerulea, the queen, and Dobronx but the ones he had when he left his party for a year to train. To that day he hadn't taken them off. But he had to make a decision, either take it off or let them degrade on their own. After some thought he chose to take them off and started to unravel it. But when he did, Suzuni and Rya walked in. They saw that he had his pants on along with his shoes but his upper body was completely naked. The bandages dropped to the floor revealing a warped magic circle on Samuel's forearm. He turned around and saw the two girls. He put on his dress shirt, waistcoat, and then finally a trench coat. He was going to walk out of the room when Rya stopped him.

"What was that on your arm?" She asks him as she pulls him back from the door.

"It's a magic circle designed to nullify all physical attacks." He answers her.

"Then how were you hurt during your fight in the valley?" Suzuni asked him.

"Because it wasn't fully charged. Now that it's been 6 years, it's been marinating in my mana. The reason I was losing so much mana 5 years ago wasn't just because a demon inhabited my soul, but because this seal was constantly drawing energy from me." Samuel explains.

"Okay, c'mon let's go." Suzuni pushes him and she runs downstairs. All of the girls wore different colored evening gowns. Suzuni wore red, Rya wore black, Lumine wore white, and Verion wore blue. The boys on the other hand just wore simple black suits with Samuel substituting the suit jacket with a trench coat. Kaiser didn't wear any jacket and only wore the dress shirt and waistcoat. They walk outside to their carriages. There were 2 of them, one for the girls and one for the boys.

When Samuel saw this, he commented, "Segregation." Then chuckled to himself. Suzuni heard and chuckled a bit too but Samuel told her to shut up. "Shut up, bitch." Suzuni pouts at him and gets into their carriage. The girls' carriage goes first and the boys follow close behind. Samuel is sitting down with one leg crossed over while he slumped his head on his fist. Kaiser sat next to him with his legs crossed and extended while flaring his elbows out and resting them on the seats. And sitting across from them was a well known model who volunteered in the war. She was in a red skin tight turtleneck dress with black leggings and red high heels. She had long flowing blonde hair with brown highlights and had very little make up on.

Her along with 12000 other civilians volunteered as doctors, nurses, soldiers, and communicators. She was pretty awkward seeing as she was sitting with the two strongest men in the country. To her, they were absolutely stunning. Samuel took a quick glance at her and she quickly jerked her head away. Kaiser noticed and held his hand out to Samuel. They dap each other up and Kaiser says, "My guy."

"Y'know it." Samuel replies. She couldn't help but be embarrassed to the point where she was bright red.

"How are they so quick with it!? They know what they're doing but do it so casually!" She squealed in her head. She was absolutely head over heels but couldn't admit it to them, plus one of them was married so it would just be disrespectful.

"Wait a minute! No wonder you looked familiar! You were one of the nurses running around treating the injured I saw at the camp!" Samuel blurts.

"Really? I thought you'd recognize her because she's a famous model." Kaiser says.

"She is? No wonder she's that beautiful." Samuel comments and continues to look out of the window. She was absolutely flabbergasted and couldn't know how to react but her senses eventually came back.

"Oh, sorry, my name is Huiwon." She tells them and holds her hands out. Samuel uncrosses his legs and leans in to shake her hand. Kaiser then does the same thing.

"How long is this trip again?" Samuel asked Kaiser.

"30 minutes." Kaiser answers.

"Yeah, fuck this shit, imma go on my own." Samuel says.

"Bro! You waited 6 years for a spell to be finished, why can't you wait 30 minutes to travel somewhere?" Kaiser asked.

"I'm bored. Aight, see ya!" Samuel kicks the door open and leaps out. 30 minutes later, everyone else makes it to the Elven Kingdom. They go to the Royal palace and see that Samuel is already conversing with Jessie Dobronx and Cerulea. Huiwon goes off to do her own thing but Kaiser gets up behind Samuel and slings his arm around him.

"Bro got goddesses falling for him now. Aight, leave some for every other man on earth." Cerulea chuckles in her sleeve and Jessie shakes her head. "Aight, imma go see the stuff around the city. I'll tell you if I see anything cool."

"Yeah, also stop commenting about how girls act around me." Samuel tells him while giving him the thumbs up.

"No, I won't!" Kaiser yells from across the room. Cerulea chuckles and smiles at him slyly.

"So, are you actually trying to get intimate with one of us?" Cerulea asked him.

"Ugh, fuck no. Old bitch. Fucking cougar." Cerulea slams her glass back down and goes to punch Samuel. Samuel just stands there and her hands come in contact with his face but he doesn't move a single bit.

"What the fuck? I swear I put so much strength into that." She said confusingly.

"Ahaha." Samuel laughs and rolls up his sleeves. Cerulea clicks her tongue and downs the rest of her wine and walks away angrily. A lot more people had come in and 15 minutes later, Kaiser returned. Once he did, the two boys went up on the second story to watch the ceremony from above. Although not really watching, instead eating and drinking while tuning in for a little bit.

"What a load of bullshit!" An Elven man yelled. He was massive, his suit bulged from the amount of muscle on him.

"Excuse me sir?" The queen asked.

"I said this is bullshit! The humans fuck a ton of shit up and now we want to create an allyship? That's the stupidest shit I've ever heard!" The man said while getting closer to the queen.

"Sir, step back." A guard told him.

"Fuck off!" The man punches him and blood splatters as his body drops to the ground. Samuel finished his wine and stood up. He signaled Kaiser to follow him and they both walked down with their hands in their pockets.

"Oh look, some small pussies wanna fight too? Come at me!" The man yelled.

"Constrain him." Samuel tells Kaiser and blue glowing chains appear around him and tie around the man. The chains drop into the floor, making him kneel.

"What!? How is your magic stronger than an elf!?" He was stunned. Samuel steps up to him and bends down.

"How stupid do you need to be to see how beneficial this is for both countries?" Samuel asked him.

"Go kill your-" An insane amount of pressure filled the air and nearly everyone dropped to their knees, including the queen. Kaiser, Lumine, Rya, Suzuni, and Verion were fine though. They could still feel the pressure, they were just stronger than everyone else.

"When did I allow you to speak? Exactly, I never did!" Samuel stands up and stomps his foot down on the man's head. Everyone stared in horror as the Elven man's head busted open. When Samuel took his foot off, a large wound was on the man's forehead.

"See what happens when you fuck around not knowing your surroundings? Now, you may think that I'd be punished for this. Oh how stupid you are. You don't know who I am because I'm not part of the military or any governmental institutions. I'm just a man who helps around when he wants to. No one in this world is stronger than me. Trust me, I've tested it out. Oh I can't even kill myself. About like 3 years ago, I tried to commit suicide because of guilt and shit that happened when I was younger but that didn't even work. I'd take my fucking heart out and my body would just regenerate it. I thought it was really depressing, but then I had a thought. I can do anything I want without any consequences. So now look at me, not a care in the world. I am able to do anything and everything I want. Now, the reason why this alliance is good. Both Juld and the elves have materials that the other country needs. The Elven Kingdom has lumber, magic crystals, and an incredible amount of animal parts only found in this region that can be used in medicine and other medicinal purposes. Now Juld. Juld has oil, minerals, it's not landlocked so it can export and import goods. There is also an abundance of natural resources. Not only that, they're renewable. Most natural resources in the Elven Kingdom are nonrenewable so it'd be best if you would shut the fuck up, mind your own business, and go on about your day." Samuel stands back up straight and starts turning around. "This goes to all of you. If I have to stop something that the royal guards can't stop, the same thing will happen. I am not playing anymore, I am fucking tired. I didn't want to come, but your fucking queen insisted on me coming because I contributed a lot. Fuck this shit, c'mon, let's go explore or some shit." Samuel unpressurized the area and Kaiser let the man go. The two of them began to leave the Royal palace but the Elven man still had something to say.

"Fucking pussies, walking away huh? You cowards!" Samuel appears behind the man and gets a hold of his head.

"I'm sorry that everyone has to witness this but blame him, not me." Samuel steps on the man's leg and pulls his entire head off along with his spine and nerves. Samuel revives the man and he is cowering in fear.

"Too bad, now fuck off." Samuel kicks him in the face and just walks over him.

Later that night, they were staying in a house that the queen granted them access to. Samuel, Suzuni, Rya, and Verion had their own rooms while Kaiser and Lumine would share a room. As Samuel sat on the couch in the living room, he groaned and leaned back. He put his hands on his head and he sighed frustratedly. Suzuni walked past to get some water and asked him, "What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing, just, shit has been dehumanizing to me." Samuel tells her. She gets her water and she sits down next to him.

"Okay, tell me, what do you mean?" Suzuni asked him.

"Well, everyone just sees me as a monster I feel like. Something that's too strong to even be possible. Something to be fearful of." Samuel tells her.

"So? That's good right? They won't mess with you or the people around you."

"Yeah, but the thing is. They see me as something to be scared of, not someone to be scared of. I guess the previous years have just stripped me of my humanity. I wasn't feeling like myself, I didn't have the emotion I used to have. Yeah I got angry and laughed a bit but that was it. I miss the years where I cried, I miss the years where I felt shame, pride, I miss the old me. And I believe some of it has to do with the things happening as of late. The five years I was gone gave me a lot of time to think about my actions and what I want to do in the future. I felt guilty and tried to end it all but obviously that didn't work. So now all that's left is a husk of what I used to be. I wanna live again, I wanna feel true happiness. I wanna be myself again." Samuel just let it all out. He told her everything he wanted to say for the past 6 years. He left out some details but he thought his explanation would suffice.

"I see. Well, to begin with, why don't you tell me who your romantic interest is. I know it's a big thing

to start off with but I think I can help you a lot. All of us can. I'm the one that helped Kaiser and Lumine get together actually so I think I have the experience to help you." Suzuni tells him.

"Okay...Fuck, I don't wanna. Shit..."

"It's okay Samuel. Just breathe and relax." Suzuni calms him down.

"Okay. But I want you to promise me something." Samuel tells her.

"What is it?"

"Regardless of what I say, will you still treat me and act the same way round me. Can we keep the kind of relationship with each other?" Samuel asks her.

"Of course! I'll always be by your side. Everyone will."

"Okay, I like you..." Samuel anxiously waits for her response and drops his head. After a few seconds, he looks back up and sees she is smiling.

"Me too Samuel. I'm proud that you said it yourself. Come here." She holds her hands out and Samuel leans in. She takes a hold of him and puts him in her warm embrace. She places his head on her bosom. Samuel didn't know how to react. Soon, his senses returned and he felt like he was human again.