
Stumbling upon the Heavenly Path

In the darkest corners of the universe, where stars flicker and galaxies collide, there exists a soul unburdened by the weight of destiny. This is the story of a man who has seen beyond the veil of existence and found no solace in the mysteries of the cosmos. Having traversed the realms of life and death, he has gained a profound understanding of the fragility and fleeting nature of our existence. The universe, with all its grandeur and complexities, attempts to force upon him a responsibility he does not care for. For what purpose, he wonders, should he bear the burden of shaping the fate of a world that seems inconsequential against the backdrop of eternity? Some seek solace in the embrace of religion, finding meaning in the arms of a divine creator. But to him, such beliefs are nothing more than feeble attempts to fill the void, to find purpose in the face of our cosmic insignificance. Even if gods were to exist, what purpose would they serve in a universe so vast and uncaring? In the grand scheme of the universe would their purpose not be any different from the most insignificant of particles of dust? Gazing into the abyss, where the cold embrace of oblivion whispers its seductive promises. He has seen the ebb and flow of civilizations, the rise and fall of empires, and realized that all is but a fleeting dance upon the stage of eternity. And yet, in the midst of this existential chaos, he remains untouched by the weight of cosmic purpose. In this tale of defiance, he embarks on a journey where the paths of gods and mortals intertwine. The universe may demand his participation, but his heart is unmoved. For he is a wanderer, a reluctant traveller upon the tapestry of fate, guided by his own desires and unyielding will. Through realms of mysticism and threats that lurk in the shadows, he will navigate a world where destinies collide, forging his own path amidst the chaos. And as he stands at the precipice of the unknown, he will ask himself, "In a universe so limitless and callous, why should I care?" This is the prologue to the tale of a character who, in the face of universal expectations, dares to challenge the very fabric of existence. For he has seen beyond the illusions, and in his rebellion, he may just discover a truth that surpasses the confines of gods and mortals alike.

Boqueeffious · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3 - The flames of fate

The crackling flames of the fire painted the clearing with a warm, golden glow. Amidst the symphony of nature, the rhythmic sound of stones grinding herbs filled the air, accompanied by the delicate fragrance of the vibrant paste being created. Loki, his eyes focused and hands steady, worked diligently as he mashed the petals of the Fragrant Angle flower, their light pink overlapping petals surrounding a radiant golden cone.

Beside the fire, the beast lay unconscious, its legs and mouth bound to ensure Loki's safety. Carefully, Loki gathered the fragrant paste, his fingers tracing the contours of the beast's wounds. As he applied the medicinal concoction, the air became filled with a strong, lovely fragrance that enveloped both healer and patient.

Time passed, marked by the descent of the sun and the lengthening shadows. The beast remained still, its breathing shallow, as the day gave way to the tranquillity of twilight. Loki, growing impatient and aware of the impending consequences of his tardiness, muttered under his breath about his aunt's imminent displeasure 'Fuck, she's really going to kill me this time'.

To his surprise, the beast's eyes fluttered open, grunting in pain as it struggled to regain its senses. Confusion clouded its gaze as it surveyed its surroundings. What it found astonished it: the beast discovered itself covered in bandages made from torn clothes, exuding an overwhelming floral scent.

"Why?" the beast spoke, its voice carrying the same ominous distortion as before. Loki, caught off guard by the creature's awakening, replied with genuine curiosity, "You can speak while your mouth is tied up?"

The beast, its gaze locked with Loki's, responded with a mix of amusement and arrogance. "Of course, human. I cannot produce sounds like you humans do with my physical form. Instead, I manipulate my spiritual energy to vibrate the air and replicate your speech."

Outwardly, Loki couldn't help but maintain his sarcastic tone. "I don't sound like Darth Vader, though," he quipped, his mind racing with astonishment and realization. "Holy shit! There's actually some form of energy like in the novels in this world!" he thought to himself, his excitement brewing beneath his nonchalant demeanour. There was finally concrete proof that what he sought truly existed.

The beast let out a low growl, its eyes narrowing as it regarded Loki with a mix of curiosity and suspicion. "You find this amusing, human?" it rumbled, its voice resonating through the air.

Loki shrugged, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Well, yeah. I mean, here I was, thinking you were just some mindless creature, but it turns out you're quite the conversationalist. And it seems like there's a lot more to this world than meets the eye."

The beast's gaze intensified, its crimson eyes searching Loki's face for any sign of deceit. "Indeed, human. This world is vast and filled with wonders beyond your comprehension. It is a place where the realms of the mundane and the extraordinary collide."

Loki's curiosity burned brighter, fueling his desire to unravel the mysteries of this newfound knowledge. "Tell me more," he urged, his voice tinged with excitement. "Tell me about this spiritual energy and its role in the world."

The beast hesitated for a moment, its gaze softening ever so slightly. "In this world, the flow of spiritual energy is the lifeblood that sustains all living things. It is the essence that courses through every creature, every plant, and every aspect of nature. It is a force that can be harnessed and manipulated by those with the knowledge and ability to do so."

Loki's mind raced, his thoughts swirling with the possibilities that lay before him 'so, it's like the mana or chakra in the stories I used to read?'. "Can humans tap into this energy too?"

The beast nodded, its massive head swaying slowly. "Yes, human. Though the path to mastering this energy is treacherous and requires great discipline and understanding. Few possess the innate ability to wield it, but those who do hold great power within their grasp."

A spark ignited within Loki's eyes, a newfound determination taking hold of his being. 'Since I'm pretty much living on borrowed time, I no longer care for much in life except for living carefreely and fulfilling my desires. This is going to be a lot of fun.'

The beast regarded him with a mixture of caution and amusement. "Be careful what you wish for, human. The pursuit of power can lead one down a dangerous path. It can corrupt the purest of hearts and shatter even the strongest of wills."

Regaining his composure Loki asked "Why did u attack me earlier? Having spoken to you a little, you don't seem like a crazed murderer"

The once warm and playful atmosphere surrounding the campfire abruptly shifted, as if a shadow had fallen over the scene. The dancing flames, once vibrant and alive, now flickered with a sense of trepidation. The air grew heavy as the beast's eyes emanated a chilling, cold light, causing a shiver to crawl down Loki's spine.

"You Humans have taken my pup from me!" the beast roared, its voice laced with a deep-seated fury. Loki, though unsettled, met the creature's gaze with unwavering determination. "I don't hunt cubs," he responded firmly, his voice steady despite the growing pressure that emanated from the restrained and wounded beast.

The beast's gaze pierced through Loki, its intensity unyielding. "Yet you smell similar to the scent left in my home," it retorted, its voice tinged with a mixture of accusation and confusion. Loki's mind raced as he connected the dots, the gears turning in his head. "Hmm, well, if it's someone that smells similar to me and managed to make it this deep into the forest, it can only be a handful of people from my village," he replied, his voice laced with a glimmer of realization.

An idea began to form in Loki's mind, an opportunity that presented itself amidst the tense encounter. Gathering his courage, he made a proposal to the beast, the words carefully chosen to serve his own ambitions. "I'll help you find the one who took your cubs," Loki offered, his voice steady despite the weight of the situation. "But in return, will you teach me about spiritual energy?"

In that moment, a delicate balance hung in the air, the tension between human and beast palpable. Loki's request held the promise of knowledge and power, a path that could lead him closer to his own aspirations. As the flames crackled and the campfire held its breath, awaiting the beast's response, Loki's eyes gleamed with a combination of determination and curiosity. The scene, bathed in the dim light of the fire, held the potential to shape their intertwined destinies, setting in motion a journey that would reveal secrets both ancient and profound.