
1.The Hero and the Flower

I'm not a freak. That's a horrible thing to say." Said the young red haired girl. She was wiping her tears with her small fists, her eyes were red and wet and her tone had a hidden anger within it. She had not expected her own sister to call her a freak. The other children in the school often called her one, but she didn't pay them any mind. But, she couldn't bear it when her own sister called her a freak. So she shouted at her sister Petunia. Young Lily was really sad.

But well who cares as she is not our hero. Our hero was sitting nearby under a mango tree, with his eyes closed and a suddenly, mango fell on his head. He opened his eyes and thought 'Eureka, I discovered gravity.' He was about to do further experiments to prove his claim when he remembered that he was supposed to be sleeping on his bed and it was the winter season, so there should be no mangoes. So, the mango was an anomaly. Then pain, immense pain surged through his head. 'I never knew mangoes were so hard. Had I known, John's days would have been much worse. Well, it's never too late to bully that idiot. Hahaha.' Then, he heard the commotion and after that, he looked around and thought that his surroundings don't look so familiar. When he saw the two lolis fighting each other, a frown appeared on his face. He had thought that the mango and the tree were an anomaly, yet now that he recognized the scene from the movie he saw and the novel he read and another fan movie he saw and another fan fiction he read and another picture on the internet and a ton of other sources, he realised that he was THE ANOMALY.

Then as the pain slowly subsided, he gained a new set of memories.( What,! you thought I forgot the pain.) These memories were definitely not his , yet they we… Nope they were not his. This was not that cliché shit. These memories were definitely not his. He was himself while the memories, they totally belonged to someone else. But he was happy because he needed something to confirm his stupid theory, which the memories now confirmed as they belonged to the one SEVERUS SNAPE and yup, he was right . he had reincanated or was it transmigration … whatever, he really had entered into the Harry Potter world as SEVERUS SNAPE.

Snape POV (Not the actual one, rather our mc. I'll be calling him Snape)

Sorry Snape, I am really sad that u died but I don't regret it a bit. I mean you had to die or else what about me huh.?? Even in the airplane, air hostesses say that you have to buckle your own seatbelts before helping others, even though death there is but a mere possibility. This is an actual matter of life and death. Why would I care about your death, when my own life is on the line. Anyway I'll live a life far better than yours, maybe it helps knowing that you Suck. So , what to do … hmmmm. If it were a Fanfic, someone would say Fuck canon … I rather like to follow cannon but the issue is there is no actual story about the time of Severus and I have reincarnated in the second of the only three cuckolds of the novel, the first one being Bellatrix's husband. That Lestrange guy and the third one was Ginny's earlier BF. He wasn't exactly one but heh.. who cares. And I am a guy who would Fuck other's women, not let his own be Fucked by others.

So, I looked at Lily who was crying quite loud. She even tried to bring a flower for her sister, just to maintain their relationship and friendship. Yet, she left her. Now that Petunia had gone somewhere, she had lost all anger and only sadness and loneliness remained. She looks quite vulnerable right now. I should not exploit her vulnerability, my morals said, after all she is just a kid. But, I didn't really care. I lived in a moral society. I was a rule following person. Well, except for beating a few fellow batchmates or juniors but that is just part of the course right. And the rule regarding not fucking a fellow member of orphanage was obviously just a formality. Wait I didn't tell you that I was an orphan? Well it doesn't really matter. What … character development, I don't need That, you should know my character by now … if not then then you are dumb enough to believe that Donald Trump is a Young and sexy girl. Moreover all that is useless as ultimately I died. Nothing came out of my life and I died an unknown death. Ah … the possibility of it being a dream?? Nah… I am not naïve enough to believe that. Not When mangoes hurt like shit.

So, basically I restrained myself in previous life. Result: Death at young age. Now when I have a new chance, why not live it a new way. Without regrets and without fears. Oh I'll be strong though but not to protect others. Bah.. it would be to protect myself and live a happy life. Being Low key and not getting stronger??? Are you an idiot, being Low key is all right but I still have to get strong because I am a half blood. Not being strong enough would mean endless discrimination. Who wants that.

Whatever, I looked at Lily once again. She looks cute umm but she is still 9 so it is totally as a child. But I think she would grow quite well. If not, I would just leave her. I can make a wager now? Can't I?

I approached her and then conjured a white Lily on my hand and on it sat a small Thumbelina. But her face was replaced with that of Lily (the Evans one , not the flower you idiots). Now that I think of it, isn't it wandless magic. Isn't it too early to do that. Am I a genius?? I guess.

"Hey there why are you crying?" I asked in a casual tone. Why the casual tone? Why not the calm and soothing one? It was because children open up better to friends than to elders. Especially bullied ones like Lilly as the ones that can bully her are usually elders as children are myself afraid of her. He do I know it ?? I'll tell at the end in a short note.

And as I had thought it worked because she looked up at me as I was about 6 inches taller than her and was surprised on seeing the flower forming on my hand. She was curious but restrained herself From questioning me and instead answered herself. She is tame and smart. I like her her already. Unknowingly, a smug smile formed on my face.

She replied, " My friends and sister call me a freak. Even my parents say that I am special and treat me differently, they give me whatever I want when I ask for it. It feels like they always treat me the way they treat my sister when she is hurt. It feels weird. But it is better than being ignored or caled a freak. So, it still feels better. "

Well I got to know a lot of things and the fact that her parents are merely pitying her is no surprise, the surprise is that she was able to notice it. She is pretty good and could be cultivated into a nice follower. Well she trusts me due to the fact that I too am a 'freak'. We will have to change that. She should trust me because I am the only friend who helped her when she was in the depths of despair, otherwise, the moment she gets to know about the magical world, she would be attracted towards it and my 'value' would decrease. I have to become an irreplaceable existence so I would not tell her much about the magic world. Better yet, I won't tell her about it at all and let McGonagall tell her about it. I would act that I got to know about it just then too, as my mother hid it from both my father and me.


About the tone, you see, I learnt something as a bully. Hurting batchmates and one year juniors is alright but one must never Bull young kids because they have the most say in front of their parents. So, it's better to befriend them as the world thinks that children don't lie. This way they can be used as a witness for a few Candies. Hahahahaha.

Children are just so damn good and useful ____________________________________________________________________________________________

AN: What to say ... well I don't know if you'll read it. Actually I am just taking my mind off things. and it turned out well enough to be published. I have a Percy Jackson Fanfic and I am gonna complete it too but not now as I am angry with life and my mood will definitely affect the story and the character. Moreover I don't feel like writing that now. This one is more casual. So, maybe two or three chapters a week but no promises as I hate them.

To be continued…

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