
Chapter 45: Sage Mode

Chapter 45: Sage Mode

"Teacher, I heard you've become an S-rank rogue ninja," Kenichi said with a smile to Orochimaru.

On the third day after their defection from the village, the ninja world began to widely spread the news that Orochimaru, one of the Legendary Sannin from Konoha, had defected. Subsequently, Konoha had no choice but to acknowledge this and even released some information about Orochimaru, marking him as an S-rank rogue ninja.

Kenichi also heard about his own status; it seems he was classified as an A-rank rogue ninja by Konoha.

This appears to have a certain connection with that Root ninja.

"Uh-huh," Orochimaru showed little interest in such matters, as he was engrossed in his research, particularly on the Cursed Seal.

Kenichi glanced at the Cursed Seal, a recent topic brought up by his teacher, and pretended to be very surprised.

However, he knew that this Cursed Seal was actually derived from studies conducted on Jugo, and now his teacher must be researching the Cursed Seal of Heaven Right?

Speaking of the Cursed Seal of Heaven Kenichi thought of his junior sister.

Anko had such a seal on her, and the teacher must have also sealed Anko's memories, which could be considered a good thing for her.

"Kenichi, why do you think there's a high probability of death when the Heaven's Cursed Seal is transferred to someone?" Orochimaru put down what he was holding and looked at his disciple.

"Teacher, I think it might be because not everyone can absorb natural energy," Kenichi shrugged.

Under his teacher's guidance, he gained a deeper understanding of the Cursed Seal of Heaven which is essentially a simple method of becoming a sage.

However, since it was extracted from Jugo, using this power leads to the violent absorption of natural energy, causing various changes in the body.

To some extent, it's like a compound that significantly enhances the recipient's abilities, but the problem is that it's selective and has a high mortality rate.

This is quite similar to Sage Mode.

However, Sage Mode is not something that can be learned casually; it requires talent.

"Speaking of which, weren't you planning to learn Sage Mode?" Orochimaru looked at Kenichi, who had expressed such a desire back in Konoha.

He had considered imposing the Heaven's Cursed Seal on his disciple, but considering that the disciple was in line with his expectations and easy to use, he abandoned the idea.

"Yes, teacher, I indeed have that intention," Kenichi admitted straightforwardly, having expressed his intent in this regard before.

Orochimaru pondered for a while. If he knew Sage Mode, he could teach his disciple, but the only problem is that he doesn't know Sage Mode.

When he went to the Ryuchi Cave, Orochimaru had attempted to learn Sage Mode but was unsuccessful.

However, his disciple might have a chance to try.

"Since you want to learn Sage Mode, let me tell you about it first," Orochimaru's expression became serious.

He indeed doesn't know Sage Mode, but who is he? He is Orochimaru, a ninja of exceptional talent. When he attempted to learn Sage Mode, he did remember some content.

Now, it's quite good to use this knowledge to teach his disciple in advance.

Kenichi listened very attentively, but as he listened, his expression became strange.

According to the teacher, the most important step in learning Sage Mode is to first sense the natural energy present in the air, and each of the three sacred places has its own method for this.

For example, Mount Myoboku uses toad oil to help practitioners sense and master natural energy for the first time.

After trying to sense it according to the teacher's method, Kenichi was astonished to find that natural energy was everywhere around him, and with his intention, he could almost instantly absorb it into his body.

"Is it because of the First Hokage's Sage body?" Kenichi pondered.

The First Hokage was an exceptional existence among those who practiced Sage Mode, able to enter Sage Mode instantly compared to Jiraiya, who needed to absorb natural energy.

This talent is extraordinary.

And Kenichi has inherited the First Hokage's physique, so sensing these natural energies is naturally expected.

However, Kenichi only inherited the physique and not the knowledge, so he had not been able to grasp it before. Now, with his teacher's explanation, Kenichi has pierced through the veil and successfully entered a new realm.

Without showing any reaction, Kenichi sensed the natural energy, which eagerly wanted to rush into his body like the nymphs in a book.

He quickly cut off this sensation to avoid being overwhelmed by the natural energy.

After all, his teacher, Orochimaru, possesses the Impure World Reincarnation technique, and showing such an astonishing talent might make the teacher covetous.

So, Kenichi decided to practice privately.

"You can absorb natural energy now, but you still need to mix the natural energy with your body's energy and spiritual energy to achieve a balance..." The teacher continued speaking, and Kenichi listened attentively, as this knowledge is not available elsewhere in the ninja world.

Kenichi now has a new understanding of Sage Jutsu.

This made Kenichi eager to try researching Sage Jutsu, especially since he felt a close connection with the natural energy, probably related to the First Hokage's Sage physique.

"Teacher, can I apply for some research funding?" After the teacher finished speaking, Kenichi expressed his amazement and then quickly asked.

Back in Konoha, they had financial support from the Root, but now they had to find their own ways to buy things.

But Kenichi still had uses for that money; he hadn't forgotten about his side mission to establish his own laboratory.

"You're an A-rank rogue ninja, Kenichi. It's time to learn how to make money on your own," Orochimaru showed a smile and patted Kenichi's shoulder.

Kenichi's mouth twitched, but seeing the teacher's smile, he knew the teacher definitely wouldn't provide research funding.

"Alright, teacher, then I'll apply to take on some commissions or something," Kenichi sighed, realizing he needed to find a way to join the ninja world's top group quickly.

(End of Chapter)

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