
Studying under Orochimaru, the Evil Scientist of Hidden Leaf Village

thanks for the invite, I'm currently in Konoha, having just become a disciple of Orochimaru. 'So, the evolution of the Sharingan from one tomoe to two and then three, is it a genetic mutation or something else?' Looking at the test subject in front of him, Kenichi Yumigami revealed a look full of curiosity. '...I always feel that this disciple's gaze towards me is somewhat off,' Orochimaru thought, holding the research report submitted by Kenichi Yumigami on 'The Impact of Soul Transference on the Body,' with a displeased expression on his face.

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Chapter 17: A Sudden Inspiration During the Experiment

Chapter 17: A Sudden Inspiration During the Experiment

In reality, Yang attribute chakra indeed possesses similar effects, with Palm Sage Technique utilizing Yang attribute chakra.

Of course, an excessive amount of Yang attribute chakra can disrupt the chakra circulation within the opponent's body, leading to unconsciousness.

Previously, Kenichi almost killed the illegitimate child of the Hyuga clan several times.

"What are you planning to research?" Orochimaru looked curiously at his disciple, knowing well that his disciple always had some bizarre ideas.

"Teacher, I just want to study that previous case," Kenichi said with an innocent smile. What ill intentions could he possibly have?

Is it just to give his enemies lung cancer? Orochimaru was momentarily stunned upon hearing this, knowing the case Kenichi mentioned, and couldn't help but look at him, realizing his disciple might have a darker side.

Indeed, not keeping him in the decaying Leaf Village was the right choice.

At this moment, Kenichi was already making plans. Since he was going to defect from the Leaf Village with Orochimaru, he could also set up his laboratory outside. Why build it himself when Orochimaru, being so wealthy, could easily provide one? The issue shouldn't be too big, right?

After receiving the materials from his teacher, Kenichi took them to the laboratory to continue his research.

"However, the cigarettes I bought last time are almost gone. I need to restock next time," Kenichi thought, touching his chin, then forcibly infused chakra into the body of the test subject in front of him.

Since he didn't have to worry about this or that, and the subject was in good condition except for missing a hand, there was no concern about accidentally killing the subject.

Thus, Kenichi's operations became bolder.

"What are you doing?" When Orochimaru entered, he felt as if he was witnessing a madman. His gaze was peculiar as he looked at the scene, unsure of what to say.

"Conducting an experiment," Kenichi said matter-of-factly. What else could he be doing if not experimenting?

Orochimaru pinched the bridge of his nose.

"So, why did you open his chest?" Orochimaru asked, feeling complicated. The person was still alive, breathing, and begging for death.

"Of course, to observe more closely," Kenichi replied as if it were obvious. If he couldn't see through the skin, then splitting it open was the solution.

And indeed, this method proved successful, at least now Kenichi could accurately affect the lungs with nicotine.

Well, if the subject was already a smoker, that would save a step.

"Fine," Orochimaru said somewhat helplessly.

Kenichi watched his teacher leave, then turned back to continue his experiment, feeling he was not far from success.

"Another material consumed, but it's worth it. Now, even without opening the skin, I can accurately affect the lungs with nicotine."

"However, how to make Yang attribute chakra affect the corresponding cells is a problem. Every use makes the subject's lungs overly active."

"Wait, after becoming too excited, the subject's heartbeat starts to have issues. Is this respiratory alkalosis?"

Kenichi put down his pen, interestedly observing the test subject.

The subject's heartbeat was accelerating, and his lips were trembling involuntarily, his complexion pale. Kenichi instantly diagnosed it as a respiratory syndrome caused by excessive ventilation.

This was also Kenichi's fault, as he now had the physique of Senju Hashirama, with an excessive amount of Yang attribute chakra, and without professional training, naturally couldn't control the amount of Yang attribute chakra he condensed.

"This is an unexpected joy, but for a ninja, respiratory alkalosis shouldn't be a problem," Kenichi noted down this discovery.

"Wait, if Yang attribute chakra can stimulate the organs, what about using it on the heart?" Kenichi pondered, deciding to conduct an experiment. After all, there were plenty of materials, so there was no worry about running out.

And unsurprisingly, it was a success.

The laboratory's mute cleaners efficiently took the body away for burial. They were numb to it; in just one afternoon, eight people had been buried in the laboratory.

They trembled at the sight of the laboratory and the serious young man inside, who seemed even more terrifying than Lord Orochimaru.

At this time, Kenichi was unaware of the psychological shadow he had cast on others, lost in thought.

The excessive injection of Yang attribute chakra indeed had the effect Kenichi envisioned, making the heart overly active, leading to tachycardia and ultimately, sudden cardiac death.

It seemed quite effective.

"However, it's not very practical. Ninjas aren't fools," Kenichi shook his head. This technique would be considered a silent killing technique in his previous life, but not in this world.

Unless the target was a civilian without the talents of a ninja.

But if that were the case, Kenichi wouldn't need to use this technique; a simple shuriken would suffice.

Any ninja wouldn't just watch as so much chakra was injected into their heart.

In summary, improvements were needed unless he could figure out how to quickly infuse a large amount of chakra into a ninja's body.

Of course, he also needed to find some ninjas for experimentation.

"For the advancement of science and ninjutsu, please sacrifice yourselves," Kenichi went to find his teacher.

Orochimaru had provided him with ordinary people, not ninjas, probably thinking he didn't need them.

But he really did!

"Aren't those ordinary people enough?" Orochimaru was also numb by now, surprised by his disciple's rapid consumption of materials.

"Indeed, teacher, you know ordinary people and ninjas are different," Kenichi said diplomatically, referring to the issue of chakra.

Chakra is the most unique power in the ninja world, making ninjas beings with extraordinary powers.

"I have a Genin here, use him sparingly," Orochimaru pinched the bridge of his nose, then agreed.

He was also curious about those strange cells, which seemed similar to the First Hokage's cells.

(End of Chapter)