
Chapter One: Why her!!

"Why her!!" Both teen girls said as they pointed at each other, annoyed at each others presence.

Neither of the two girls wanted to have anything to do with the other.

"She's just a spoiled brat who doesn't even know the importance of education!" The girl with the glasses and dark black hair said as she glared daggers into the other girl.

"Why do I have to hang out with this introverted nerd who doesn't understand fashion at all!" The other girl with blond hair and a noticeable amount of makeup said after the first girl, glaring back the daggers that the other girl was glaring with.

The tension between the girls could honestly be cut with a knife, sliced into pieces, and then made into chunks. Both didn't want to even see the other as they both seemed to be irritated by the sight of each other.

"Ugh. What a mess," The teacher sighed as she looked at the two students who just couldn't get along. "What am going to have to do to get these two to get along!"


"Ai!! Wake up. It's time for school!" I hear my mom yell as I open my eyes to see my room filled with bright morning light.

"Coming Mom!!" I yell back, getting up in the process. Stretching my arms before getting up (I still feel sore from late-night studying) and putting on my glasses, I walked over to my closet to pick out a nice white, black, and blue, striped colored pants that were pretty thin with a long white shirt that reached around the middle of my thigh. Along with a long black jacket of about the same length, I also put in white studs in my ears.

Afterward, I put my hair into a ponytail to pull it out of my face and brushed my short bangs in place in front of my forehead.

Once I was finally done, I walked downstairs to get breakfast with my mom. Seeing a bowl and a bag on the table, I assumed I was having a simple cereal breakfast.

As I sit at the table, my Mom, who was on her computer with her glasses on, asks, "So how much studying did you get done last night?"

"I did a bunch. I think I stayed up until at least 1 am studying." I say, trying to remember what time I went to bed last night.

"That's good. I assume you should have already studied everything for this entire semester then and can ace your exams this year?" My mom asks as she looks up from her computer while tilting her glasses slightly.

"Yes, Mom. You know I can ace this year and the next as easily as if it was first-grade stuff." I say remembering the amount of study she has me do every year.

"I know. I'm making just making sure everything is in order for your future career." My mom had said as she seemed to be satisfied with the answer I gave to her question when she continued to work on her computer.

"Alright Mom, I'm going to go to school. I'll see you after library study!" I say as I get up from the table and put my empty bowl into the sink.

"Alright. Be safe sweetie."

Grabbing my black backpack, I walk to school on my normal route. Unfortunately, that includes seeing a shiny black limbo with a certain blond inside. Luckily, it seems as if she never sees me which is good.

Getting to the front of the school, I see a glimpse of the black limbo leaving and the same blond walking with a group of friends who seemed as much plastic and products as a Barbie doll.

Ignoring them, I walk to my homeroom, where I, unfortunately again see the same blond from the morning. Of course, we had to share the same homeroom.

"For fucks sake! Why do I have to see that same long pretty blond everywhere!" Realizing what I had just thought I immediately went to correct myself. "No wait- I-I mean long stupid blond. Yeah! That's what I meant!"

Before I could continue my thought process, my teacher had come into the room and had already started class. Shaking off my thoughts and hoping no one saw my awkward pause and also not wanting to miss anything the teacher said, I decided to focus on the lesson.


"Alright class. Today we are going to talk about a new discovery that was announced last week about..."

"Ugh. Another lesson. I swear, I can never focus on the lessons. They are such a pain in the butt!" Resting my head on the palm of my hand while brushing a strand of blond hair and pretending to pay attention to the teacher, I continue my thought process.

"I don't need to either way 'cause I'm Haruka Ichizen. Honestly, I don't know how that nerdy girl studies so much! Like how!!" Shifting slightly onto the right side of my hand and leaning my head over more, I continue not paying attention to the class.

"It's probably cause she doesn't have any friends. Ha! No wonder she was walking all by herself. She looked, so lonely and poor walking…" I paused thinking about my next words. "…all by herself…"

I pause slightly. "Wait. Speaking of the nerd girl, what was she thinking about? She looked petrified for a second or so. Probably something stupid and nerdy. What else would I expect from her!" I say trying to brush off my previous thoughts.

I pause again remembering what she did. "But she was really flustered. I wonder what would've made the nerd have such a cute flushed face…" I flushed a bit thinking about her being all flustered.

This thought made me chuckle a little aloud. A little louder than intended to be honest.

"Ms. Ichizen. Is there something funny about World War I?" The teacher asked, knowing I was obviously distracted.

Stopping for a moment to think, I then say "Yeah,"

I responded in a spunky tone. "That they were stupid enough not to buy their way to victory." Chuckling slightly at my own joke and hearing a couple of others laugh a bit, I heard a voice other than the teacher.

"Yeah, and if you were in the war, you'd be stupid enough to die since you don't have much of a brain." That nerd said across the room, still staring at the front of the class taking notes for some reason even if the teacher had already stopped talking.

"Oh, and I bet you would die because all you have is your brain and no money at all, commoner," I remarked back, knowing she wasn't as rich as me in the slightest.

"Why you-"

"BOTH OF YOU CUT IT OUT!! Ms. Ichizen! Ms. Shizen! We will settle this in my office at the end of school. Now everyone, be quiet or extra homework will be assigned." The teacher yelled as she threatened the students with what we all know is a student's worse nightmare.

The entire class was silent with the exception of my thoughts being angry at the black-haired nerd.

"Now I can't go shopping after school! Ugh! What a pain!"


"Now I can't study in the library!" Ai thought at the same time as Haruka. Both girls had anger literally seething through and around them that even the class could feel the tension without even knowing both the girl's thoughts.


"Now you girls both know what you did, correct?" The teacher ask in a stern tone to the two girls who were standing almost opposite of each other. Ai with her head down and Haruka with her head up, high and proud.

"Yes Ms.-" Ai started to speak apologetically until Haruka interrupted her by going in front of the other teen girl and speaking over her.

"Can we hurry this up? I'll pay you 5 grand if you let me go without any records or phone calls." Haruka had said, while checking her nails, not even having the last sentence as a question and was more like a demand.

"No Ms. Ichizen. I don't want your money. Unlike all your other greedy teachers, I'd rather you actually do some action other than paying money to get through school." The teacher said while crossing her arms.

"WHAT!!" Haruka shouted at the teacher as she slammed her hands on the teacher's desk.

"What do you mean! Do you want more money or-"

"Ms. Ichizen." The teacher said looking directly at Haruka with a stern face.

"You will be put under a proper punishment for your grades and your awful behavior in class."


At Haruka's voice, the teacher put her hand up signaling that she should stop talking.

"I can't allow a student to do absolutely nothing in my class and be disruptive. Therefore, I shall place you under a tutor."

"That's fine. My parents can just buy me one-"

"Which will be Ms. Shizen."

This caused not only Haruka to shout, but also Ai.

"Why her!!" Both teen girls said as they pointed at each other, annoyed at each other's presence.

Neither of the two girls wanted to have anything to do with the other.

"She's just a spoiled brat who doesn't even know the importance of education!" Ai said loudly to the teacher while glaring at the blond next to her.

"Why do I have to hang out with this introverted nerd who doesn't understand fashion at all!" Haruka said as she glared back at the daggers that Ai was sending her way. The tension between the girls could honestly be cut with a knife, sliced into pieces, and made into chunks. Both didn't want to even see the other as they both seemed to be irritated by the sight of each other.

"Ugh. What a mess," The teacher sighed as she looked at the two students who just couldn't get along. "What am going to have to do to get these two to get along!"

"Well, you guys have to do it either way. I will not allow any other solution."

"But Ms. Tsumiki! What about my own studies? My mom won't allow me to have others at my house unless I'm studying!" Ai said with panic in her voice.

"Now Ms. Shizen. You have perfect A's in every class. You will be fine. Plus, you are still studying for this year's curriculum." The teacher explained to the desperate student in front of her.

Knowing that Ai would interrupt her, the teacher continued.

"And your grade with drop to a B if you don't do this." The teacher finished, knowing that Ai couldn't contest her.

"…Alright," Ai said quietly, giving up on fighting her teacher.

"Hey wait! I never agreed to this!" Haruka said as she went in front of Ai for the second time.

"Do you want me to call your parents and tell them everything you've been doing? Especially what you have been using your money for? Hmm?" Ms. Tsumiki threatened.

"…" Haruka stayed quiet with her head tilted downwards a bit.

"Hmmm?" The teacher asked one more time.


Ms. Tsumiki sighed.

"Finally. Now. You two will have to figure out how you are studying. To make sure you two are studying together, I will have you both write a short paragraph about each other each week. It has to be an actual observation and not just an insult. Also, Haruka, you will have an academic test at the end of every month to show any progress given." The teacher continued explaining to the two defeated girls.

"One question Ms. Tsumiki."

Ms. Tsumiki raised one eyebrow, "What is it?"

"What about our homework from other classes," Ai questioned.

"I will inform all of your teachers of this arrangement." Ms. Tsumiki said as both girls nods their heads to show they understood.

"Now. Both of you. Please refrain from causing trouble and actually use this as a learning experience." The teacher said, adding an extra reminder.

"Yes, Ms. Tsumiki," Ai responded while Haruka scoffed.

"Good. Now get out of my office. I also have work to do, unfortunately, so please do leave as soon as possible."

Following their teacher's words, the teen girls walk out of the office. Standing in front of the office door, the girls fall into silence.



"…I don't want to do this, but." Ai hesitates to say.

"I am absolutely not doing this."


It was already too late. Hakura had already run around the corner and down the stairs before Ai could even reason with her.

"Are you kidding me!!" Ai thought as she ran down the stairs after the blond.

Running down 3 fleets of stairs and speed walking in the hallways past a group of teachers and then running across the front yard of the school was like running a marathon. At least for Ai, who wasn't the most active in physical sports.

Seeing the same black limbo from the previous morning, Ai runs towards it but misses it as it takes off leaving her on the road.

"Damn it!!!" Ai yelled as she stood where the car was only a few seconds before.

Staring at the black limbo from afar, Ai stands there, panting and tired. Slumping down onto the curve and putting her head back, Ai rests after her little run around the school.


After arriving home, I was able to talk to my mom about what happened today and she said to make sure that I tutor the girl as soon as possible.

"You can't let your grade down just because you hate her."

"But she's a complete brat! She doesn't even want to either way!"

"Well, you're not getting a single B on my watch. Either you convince the teacher to let you off the hook, or you can say goodbye to normal studying."

The conversation was summarized in about those couple of back and forth conversing. It wasn't the result that Ai wanted, but she couldn't argue with her mother when it came to grades and academic success.

Already ready for bed, Ai just lay in her bed, comfortably underneath the covers. Lying with her back flat on the bed and staring at the ceiling.

"Thank god it's Wednesday."

Wednesday was the only day of the week -under normal circumstances- that Ai could relax and get as much sleep as she needed. Yet with what had happened earlier, she couldn't sleep. Her eyes were wide opened that they were even starting to sting a bit.

"Ugh. I can't believe that brat just ran away like that. What was she thinking? She obviously has less to lose here, right?"

Pausing a bit and turning to her side, Ai curled up a bit more into a ball.

"Yeah, right!"

Pushing her head into the pillow further and looking to the side of her bed to see the clock read 2 am.


"I fucking hate Hakura Ichizen."

Next chapter