
# 11 Recess<1>

Writer's POV

Iseul and Ji-Ho pointed themselves.

"You're sitting at my place."Ha-joon mouthed.

"Me??"Ji-Ho also mouthed.

Looking at Haj-joon mouthing , the students kept scanning their eyes to see who Ha-joon - the hot boy - was talking to.

"Hey! Kang Ha-joon go and sit down.There is an empty seat behind Si -Woo !!!"

"Yes yes"Ha-joon raised his hands a little in surrender .He shoot Ji-Ho a death glare and she flinched.

They class became a bit noisy.

"Hey!! I don't remember asking you to talk !!" Mr.Tang yelled and the class became silent .

"* Clears throat*As I was saying,This class is a very tough class and we expect you all to ace to your tests.Especially to the bad boys in this class.Kang Ha-joon and his friends,eh,Kim Ji-hoon....."

Mr Tang went on and on advising them. Ji-Ho took a look at her table a saw that someone had drown the music sign on it .

"Could it possibly be his?"She asked inwardly and turned to Ha-joon who was chuckling like every other kid in the class .

It was like Mr Tang said something funny and the whole class kept laughing.She kept staring at him but stopped to stare at the music sign on the table.Sighing, she looked up at Mr.Tang.

"As i was saying it's very important to stop following bad boys.And The girls to,no guy is more hotter than your maths text book."Mr Tang said and the students burst out laughing . Ji-Ho turned to Cho-hee.

"You hear that? "She whispered and Cho-hee rolled her eyes . She chuckled.

"Ooooooooooooooohhh!!!!"Yi Jun ,Si woo and the other boys yelled.

"Hey!!"Mr Tang yelled and the class went silent again.

"You need to pay attention in class....."Mr Tang continued.

"Here is not comfortable enough"Ha-joon muttered.He turned to the girl who stole his place.He kept staring at her with a frown .

Ji-Ho turned to him and they glared at each other . Ha-joon gave her the ' you're dead ' sign .


She mouthed, pointing herself and Ha-joon pointed her . She winced.

Did he just say she was dead?

Ha-joon smirked and looked away but she didn't . Ji-Ho kept looking at him , she was thinking of what she did.

"Hey"Cho-hee whispered .

"Who were you looking at?"

"No one"Ji-Ho sat up right .

She turned to Ha-joon .

"Recess "he mouthed.He did the ' you're dead 'sign .

She flinched and looked at Mr Tang while stealing glares at him . She got scared .
