
Stuck With You!

Childhood Best friends, Joan Afolabi a successful lawyer and Steve Olawale a successful businessman, are forced into an arranged marriage by their parents. Having a drunken one night stand with your best friend was one thing, but marriage? That was completely different and unexpected. Is friendship going to be enough to keep the marriage between Joan who doesn't believe in love or submitting to a man, and Steve a proud womanizer? Or perhaps there was something more than friendship between them? Something neither of them knew about?

Naijabooks · Urban
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152 Chs

Food Poisoning

"From the test that was conducted, we found out that she has food poisoning," The doctor that was treating Victoria said to Deji.

"Food poisoning?" Deji asked, surprised.

"Yes, probably she ate a food that wasn't properly prepared or something like that," the doctor explained.

"I see, but how is she now? Is she going to be okay?"

"Yes, she is going to be just fine. We've administered some medications on her, she should feel better in the morning," the doctor said.

"Thanks, doctor."

When Deji went back to Victoria's hospital room, she was fast asleep and a drip was being administered to her intravenously. Not wanting to leave her alone at the hospital, he decided to stay back and spend the night with her there.