
Stuck With You!

Childhood Best friends, Joan Afolabi a successful lawyer and Steve Olawale a successful businessman, are forced into an arranged marriage by their parents. Having a drunken one night stand with your best friend was one thing, but marriage? That was completely different and unexpected. Is friendship going to be enough to keep the marriage between Joan who doesn't believe in love or submitting to a man, and Steve a proud womanizer? Or perhaps there was something more than friendship between them? Something neither of them knew about?

Naijabooks · Urban
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152 Chs

Can We Talk?

What was wrong with her? Steve wondered when he heard Joan bang her bedroom door. Could it be that she was upset because of her father's health? She did say she was going to be visiting him later that day. Or have things taken a turn for the worse? He doubted if that was the case because the look on her face showed she was angry at him. But why? Or was she angry with him for coming back late? She didn't even give him a chance to explain. 

He sighed tiredly as he placed his laptop bag on the couch and went to get himself some water to drink from the kitchen. On his way to the kitchen, he saw the dining table was set. He opened the plates and saw jollof rice and turkey, with fried plantain. He immediately realized why Joan was angry with him, she had prepared dinner, and he wasn't home on time to eat it. If he knew she was going to be preparing dinner, he wouldn't have gone out to have drinks with his friends. He would have been home way earlier.