
Stuck With Mr. Billionaire

Katya Mahesa, a girl who has just experienced the bitterness of life after being left behind by her father. When there are no more treasures in her life, the universe brings Katya together with a man who wins a bet on her. He is Arthur Maverick. A billionaire who later tied Katya down in marriage. Arthur's reason for marrying Katya was simply to avenge himself on Katya's older brother Juan. So, what happened? Did Arthur succeed in avenging Juan through Katya? How did Katya deal with this cruel man?

ansawriter · Urban
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Tears Of Katya

Katya looked at herself in the mirror. There was no happiness in her eyes. Even the beautiful dress that wrapped her body did nothing to change Katya's sad mood. Today Arthur was going to say his vows on her behalf in front of God and everyone who came to watch.

Tears fell freely. Katya felt very guilty about Juan. She was getting married without her brother's blessing and presence. Katya could only apologize silently. Hoping that someday Juan would still want to see her face.

The door to the room opened. A beautiful girl stepped up to Katya with a beautifully engraved smile. Katya hurriedly wiped her tears when she saw Airi's arrival through the reflection of the mirror.

Airi was amazed to see Katya who looked even more beautiful with her makeup. "I swear! You're really beautiful. You're like a princess you know."

Katya flashed a faint smile. It was only after two meetings with Airi that Katya remembered that Arthur's younger sister was an Instagram celebrity and had a YouTube account. No wonder when she first met her, Katya felt familiar with her face.

"Let's take a selfie first! I want to show off to my followers that I have a super beautiful sister-in-law."

Katya couldn't refuse. Airi was so kind to her. Katya was born five months before Airi. The college Katya chose was also the same as the college where Airi studied. It was just that they had different faculties.

Arthur had answered all the questions his parents asked about Katya's family. There was nothing that Arthur had covered up about Katya being the younger sister of his former best friend. Arthur's parents also knew about the past between their son and Juan. However, there were still lies that Arthur told. He lied that he and Katya got married because they loved each other. And Arthur also said that the reason Juan and his small family couldn't attend was because they had business overseas that couldn't be left behind.

Not really, the lies Arthur told only applied to Sabrina and Airi. As for Leo? The man knew the truth, but he didn't stop Arthur's plan or intend to expose it.

"Eh! It's about to start the marriage ceremony." Airi immediately held both of Katya's cold hands. "Don't be nervous. I'm sure your wedding will go smoothly."

Katya smiled a fake smile. In fact, she really wanted her marriage to Arthur to fail.

"I marry you, Arthur Maverick bin Leo Maverick to Katya Mahesa bint Arkana Mahesa, with a dowry in the form of a set of diamond jewelry totaling 20 carats, a Lamborghini car, 1 billion rupiah, and a set of prayer tools paid in cash!"

"I accept Katya Mahesa's marriage bint Arkana Mahesa with the dowry paid in cash!"

"What about the witnesses? Is it legal?"


Katya burst into tears. She wasn't happy, nor was she moved, but she felt sad and disappointed that her bachelorhood had ended in a way she never wanted. A marriage without her brother's love, blessing, and presence.

"Aaaa! Congratulation Katya! Now we're sisters. I'm so happy. I finally have a sister!" Airi exclaimed happily while hugging Katya from the side.

Katya closed her eyes as she felt Airi's comforting embrace. Airi's presence and attitude that welcomed her warmly, was able to slightly cure her longing for Juan's existence. The hug Airi gave her was almost the same as when Katya got a hug from her brother.

"Come on, Ay. Now let's go see your husband."

Airi helped Katya walk to where the wedding procession was taking place. Katya's heart skipped a beat. Not because she was nervous. But Katya was dreading the next six months with Arthur. Because Katya was sure that her home life would not be like any other.

The bride's arrival had all eyes locked on her. A long, white, luxurious gown wrapped around Katya's body. Her hair was beautifully styled with a diamond crown on top. All eyes were watching as if they were witnessing the presence of an angel. Except for the man in the black suit who had married the angel a few minutes ago. His radiant smile signaled that the game had begun.

Katya stood opposite Arthur. Her gaze was cast downward. She was too timid to even meet his gaze.

With the Master Of Ceremony's direction, Katya kissed the back of Arthur's hand.

"Don't make people think badly of us. You still remember what I said that day?" Arthur whispered before he finally kissed Katya on the forehead.

The corners of the twenty-year-old's lips immediately pulled up into a smile. There was a lot of clapping and whistling. Everyone believed that Arthur and Katya were a couple who were happy about their marriage.


Shaka slept comfortably on his mother's lap. Meanwhile, Listy stares at the dilemma of the photo displayed on her phone screen. Through a post that Airi uploaded on her Instagram account, Listy saw a photo of Katya's wedding that took place on this day. After Katya left home, they never exchanged news. Juan requested that Listy block Katya's number and never try to communicate with her.

"Aya, congratulations on your wedding. May you be happy with your choice. I wish we could be together again."

Listy cried. She loved Katya very much. And the breakdown of Katya and Juan's relationship made her sick.

Juan came out of the bathroom rubbing his wet hair with a towel. He was surprised and rushed over to his wife when he saw her crying.

"Honey, hey? Why are you crying?"

Tears streamed down her cheeks. Before Listy could say anything, Juan had already seen the photo displayed on his wife's cell phone screen. Juan's jaw seemed to harden. Katya was really married to Arthur.

"I already told you. Don't you ever find out about Katya again! Let her live as she pleases!" Juan threw carelessly the towel he had been using to dry his hair, and strode wide out of the room.

Listy moved Shaka to his sleeping box. Then walked quickly after Juan.

"Honey! I miss Aya!"

"Enough! Don't mention that name again. I don't want to hear her name."

"Honey! She's your little sister. No matter what, blood is thicker than water. You can't break this kind of relationship with Aya!"

Juan stopped walking and turned his body to look at his wife. "I'm not the one who broke the relationship. It's her, honey. She has dared to fight and leave this house without my permission. She's the one who broke it off."

Listy shook her head. She knew that Katya never wanted to break up with Juan. Katya just no wanted to be restrained, especially when it came to romance.

"I still don't understand. Why did you forbid Katya to choose Arthur as her husband? What's wrong?"

"That's enough, Dear. I don't want to discuss this anymore. You'd better go to your room and rest."

"No! I need answers. I want a clear answer from you!"


"I love Katya. I don't want our family to be destroyed like this."

Juan stared at Listy for a long time. The mother of one was still waiting for an answer from her husband.

"Because Arthur is not a good man. He's a jerk."


The reception atmosphere in the evening was crowded with guests who continued to arrive. Arthur and Katya received many words and prayers. Their charade really managed to fool everyone present. The newlyweds looked as happy as two people in love.

Katya's heart seemed to stop for a moment at the arrival of Kevin and his parents.

"Congratulations on the marriage of Mr. Arthur and Katya. May it last until death do us part." Beni said as he greeted Arthur and Katya.

"Thank you for your prayers and presence, Mr. Beni and family." Arthur replied with a friendly smile.

Karina hugged Katya.

"No one knows about soul mates. I was hoping you and Kevin could be together. But you turned out to be Mr. Arthur's soul mate." Karina chuckled. "I wish you a happy marriage and a baby soon."

Katya was still faithfully displaying her fake smile. "Thank you for coming."

"No problem."

Now it was time for Katya to face Bara. The man Katya was comfortable with and might soon fall in love with.


Kevin kept smiling even though his heart was breaking. Being close to Katya for the past few months had made her fall in love with the woman who always looked cheerful. Kevin already had plans to take Katya seriously. But alas, she was defeated by Arthur. And now all that was left was regret.

"I always wondered what made you suddenly change colleges and disappear without a word." Kevin stopped his words. "And now I have an answer to that question, although it still feels strange."


"Why did you keep your marriage a secret? Even from Seli, your best friend." Kevin wouldn't have known about Katya's marriage if it hadn't been for his father. He wanted to prove it, so Kevin came and found out that it was true, that the woman Arthur had married was Katya, the one he loved.

Katya couldn't invite Seli to come here. She was too shy. Besides, it wasn't the wedding Katya wanted. So it wasn't something to celebrate. Especially with her best friend. This was a bittersweet moment that Katya hated.

"I haven't even seen Juan, Listy, and baby Shaka. They're here, right? I want to meet them."

Katya twiddled her fingers. She didn't know what to answer. Katya was so embarrassed that Kevin knew the truth. She married without her family's blessing and presence. She was a stubborn girl.

Don't think Arthur didn't hear the conversation between Katya and Kevin. Of course he heard it clearly. Arthur also knew that Kevin had feelings for Katya.

"Why are you so quiet?"

Katya gasped as Arthur wrapped his arm around her waist. It made Kevin's eyes wander to the man who had become Katya's husband.

"Sorry to interrupt your conversation. But there are still many invited guests who want to congratulate you and offer their prayers," Arthur said with a smile.

Kevin nodded. He looked at Katya first before coming down the aisle.

"Your boyfriend, hm?"

Katya shook her head. "No."

"But I think he's interested in being your boyfriend," Arthur said and gave Katya a brief peck on the cheek, before returning to shake hands with his guests.

Katya wandered around trying to locate Kevin. But she couldn't find him. Ah, Katya was sure that Kevin would tell Seli about the wedding. Katya couldn't imagine how disappointed Seli would be when she found out.


The reception ended at ten in the evening. By now Arthur and Katya were on the road. Katya thought they were going to the apartment because the distance from the wedding hall to the apartment was not far, so it seemed unlikely that Arthur would take her to a hotel.

Katya raised an eyebrow as the car drove past the apartment building. Where were they going?

"Where are we going?"

Arthur tugged on Katya's nape and then stole a kiss and gave her a quick lick. "Let's have fun for a while."

Have fun? Didn't Katya hear that wrong? After all the events they'd been through all day, wasn't Arthur tired? Katya was already aching for a break.

After a few minutes of traveling, Katya finally found out where Arthur was taking her.


Arthur flashed a smirk.

"I don't want to go."

"Why? I know you're familiar with this place. Let's go."

Katya bit her lip as she shook her head no. She knew what nightclubs were like, so she didn't want to go in. Especially now with Arthur. A man who looked creepy in Katya's eyes.

"So you don't want to go down?"

Katya answered with a nod.

"Okay. It's your choice." Arthur pecked Katya's cheek. "I'll get some male prostitutes to keep you company here," he said and got out of the car.

Katya hurriedly followed Arthur's wide stride. She knew that Arthur would not hesitate to back up his words.

Knowing that Katya was after him, Arthur could only smile smugly. It was so easy to threaten the girl. It made him even more confident that his plan would go the way he wanted it to.

Arthur was immediately accosted by a couple of bitches who flirted with him. The man didn't resist, of course. He let his body be touched and even kissed by the bitches. Meanwhile, Katya was disgusted with him.

"I'll wait over there."

Arthur immediately grabbed Katya's hand and led her to join the people dancing. Really, Katya was not comfortable here. Her body was being pushed to and fro because of the nudges from the people near her who were dancing. Arthur, meanwhile, didn't care and was dancing with a drink in his hand. He even cared about the bitch who was trying to flirt with him.

Katya was fed up. Arthur took her into the club and pulled her into the middle of the crowd, then he just ignored her.

A man hugged Katya from behind and stole a kiss on her cheek.

"Shit!" Katya tried to shake off this man's embrace. "Get off me!"

"You're so beautiful, Honey."

Katya began to panic as the man's embrace grew tighter. Screaming for help would be useless in this place.

"Leave me alone!"

"Why, Beautiful? Just relax. Dance and enjoy the music."

Katya had fully expected Arthur to help her when he looked at her. However, instead of rushing to help, he pulled out his cell phone and took a picture of Katya. Expecting help from someone like Arthur was futile.

Tears of disappointment and hurt welled up. Whether or not Katya joined the club, she was still humiliated.

Arthur lifted his chin as if signaling to his bodyguard on duty. Then he helped Katya off the jerk and made way for her to leave. Katya immediately ran as fast as she could out of the club.

"Why would you do this to me? What did I do wrong to make you treat me this low?"