
Stuck to Love You By Olosuwe Ressy

Olosuwe_Ressy · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter One... Tears welled up my eyes as I thought about my life.Let me give you a

<p>Her Story....<br/> Tears welled up her eyes,as she thought about her life.Her name is Iris, She's a pretty girl with body endowment,she has hazel eyes and a pretty charm which attracts the opposite sex to her.She was born that way anyway.She is a short heighted girl but very brilliant and courageous.<br/> "Mom please wake up"she cried but all her tears didn't make her mum to wake up.She checked her pulse and she was still Breathing.So she called Emergency Line from the Hospital and they drove in after twenty minutes.<br/>They put Mrs.Viola(Iris's mother) into a stretcher and was taken to the hospital.They took her to the Theatre.The doctor named Frank spent hours trying to find out the cause of her illness.When he was through he came out sweating profusely.Iris rushed to him almost making him have an heart attack.<br/> "What's your name?Dr.Frank asked.My name is Iris.Ok,ur mother has an Ovarian cancer and it needs to be done and operation for it to be out of her system.Dr Frank further explained:If it continues growing,she could die..So U need to be fast with your payment,So that we can start.<br/>ok how much is it? Iris asked.Its two million Naira.. Before he could finish,Iris has already Fainted...She was just thinking of how to start up with everything.She had to stop the University so that she could pay up.She called her director actually to tell him of everything.He told her to be strong and gave her some advices.<br/> As Iris fainted,they quickly rushed her to be giving medical attention before she dies too.....</p>

This chapter is actually a great one, pls read, like and comment, I will feed you with interesting updates

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