


I turned around to see a BIG-ASS WATER TORNADO IN THE MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN. "Dude, how is that possible oh my lord," I said in awe. "If we get caught up in that waterspout the ship is going to sink for sure," Katzo exclaimed. "Get the sails lowered, now!" The captain ordered. "Right!" "Anything I can do?" Gon asked as I nodded with him. "Yeah! You two, follow me up on deck!" I nodded as Gon and I followed after him. 'HERE WE FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOO!!!' I screamed excitedly in my mind.

Once outside, Gon and I were immediately put to work. We tugged at the rope, trying to lower the mass. While we were doing this, I couldn't help but look over at Kurapika and Leorio, not wanting to really miss this moment between them. Over the loud roars of the ocean and the harsh rain, I couldn't hear a word they were saying. I held in a scream of excitement as I saw Leorio whip out his knife. 'FUCK YEAHHHH, I'M JUST SAYING- MY THIGH HAS SPACE BRO. A LOT OF SPACE.' My eyes were wide in excitement, my body starting to tremble. Instead of letting my grip on the rope weaken, I instead, I used my overwhelming excitement to tug harder at the rope. Even more so when Kurapika took out his...wooden nunchucks? Is that what they are or? I didn't have time to mull it over, as the winds grew more violent, sending men below us flying apart. Gon and I looked over as Katzo flew around the ship, his body being knocked around by the wind as he held onto the rope for dear life. "Mr. Katzo!" Gon cried out. Almost in slow motion, Katzo flew over the side of the ship, causing Leorio and Kurapika to jump into action. Gon and I looked at each other and broke out in a sprint, jumping down onto the main deck to help out. Kurapika and Leorio tried grabbing for Katzo, to no avail as he was to far for their arms to reach. Gon launched himself out into the air after Katzo, causing me to scream in fright.

Look, I know he was going to be okay, but seeing a small child you've come to adore as a younger brother was still scary as shit. As Gon grabbed Katzo's arms, Kurapika and Leorio jumped over the side of the ship, holding onto the wooden rail tightly as they grabbed Gon's legs. Gon and Katzo fell into the ocean, but thankfully Leorio and Kurapika held on to both the ship and Gon firmly. I immediately set to help them, pulling Gon and Katzo back onto the ship as Kurapika and Leorio yanked them up. "Holy shit dude! Gon I swear if you do that again I'm gonna beat your ass!" I yelled worriedly as I cradled his face. "...You okay?" I asked him. He smiled and nodded, "Yeah! I'm fine!" I sighed in relief, "Gon try not to die, not only will I fall into an endless depression but your aunt will stomp on me to the ground." He grinned, "I won't die! You don't have to worry about Aunt Mito, because I'll be alive for a long time!" I ruffled his wet hair. "You better be, weirdo." I looked over to a dripping wet Leorio wiping at his glasses. I ran over to him, a worried expression on my face. "Leorio! A-are you okay?!" He sighed and gave me a reassuring smile. "Yeah, I'm alright. Just a bit wet. ...And my hands are a little sore from gripping the side of the ship. I think I got a blister or something, but nothing to worry about!" I sighed and smiled at him. "Please try to be more careful next time dude, I was freaking out! I was scared you were gonna fall over!" He blinked at me and chuckled, his cheeks flushing as he scratched his neck.

I glanced over to Kurapika, equally as soaked, and went over to him shyly. "Uh- are you...Are you okay?" I hesitantly asked. He looked at me and gave me a small smile. 'AWEEE A CUTIEEEE!!' "I'm fine. Thank you." "You sure? Do you have any blisters or anything from holding onto the ship?" I fretted. He nodded. "I'm fine, really. But thank you for your concern." I smiled at him and happily nodded. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay! I'm glad-!" "YOU IDIOT!" Leorio yelled, drawing our attention. We walked over as Leorio stood over Gon, the sky clearing up. "If it hadn't been for us, you'd be shark bait!" Leorio scolded. "You owe me big time, kid. And don't you forget it!" "Honestly, how reckless can you be?" Kurapika sighed. "But it's fine. You caught me," Gon replied. They let out surprised 'huh's as Gon continued. "You both did. You both caught me together, and then (Y/n) pulled me back up!" I sighed and knelt down, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Gon, even if they did catch you- you still have to be careful! I'm glad you have trust in others, but not everyone is selfless like Leorio and Kurapika are," I said softly. Leorio hummed, "Well, (Y/n) does have a point." "Gon!" Katzo cried out, running up to us.

Gon stood up, "Hey, Mr. Katzo!" "Thanks Gon, you're incredible. You saved my life back there!," Katzo said gratefully. "Yeah, well, I didn't do it all alone!" Gon told him before turning to us. "Those three over there helped rescue you, too!" I let out a giggle as Kurapika and Leorio turned to him in surprise. "He's right. Thank you, all of you!" Katzo thanked us, bowing. "No problem dude! You were in trouble!" I smiled. "Please, no thanks necessary," Kurapika said. "Yeah, no prob!" Leorio said coolly, running a hand through his hair. 'WHEW CHILLEEEEE, SOMEONE GIVE ME A DRINK CUZ' I'M THIRSTY AS HELLLLLL!!' He looked up with a small blush and a grin on his face, "We're just glad to see you made it okay!" "Me too! In fact, I ought to get back to my post right away!" Katzo replied before walking away. Leorio chuckled before he noticed Kurapika staring at him. "Hm?" Leorio grunted as Kurapika chuckled. "What's so funny?" Leorio asked suspiciously. "I'm embarrassed at my behavior," Kurapika admitted. "Pardon my rudeness, Mr. Leorio." Leorio blinked at him in surprise before he flushed. "I wasn't expecting that. Just- forget it," he said dismissively, waving a hand at him as he turned away. "You can drop the mister, Leorio is fine." 'AWWWWWEEEEEEEEEE!!! HE'S SO CUTEEEE I'M SO HAPPY!' I gushed, my cheeks flushing from excitement. I covered my mouth as I grinned, watching as Leorio apologized. "I'm sorry, too. And I take back everything that I said to you before. ...That was wrong of me." 'AWWWEEEE!!!' "No, it's fine," Kurapika said.

"Awe, you guys are so cute! I'm so happy!" I squealed, clasping my hands together. They blinked at me before a loud laugh broke out, making us turn to see the captain step out of his cabin. "You four are going on me! So...I'll make sure all three of you get safely dropped off at the port closest to the Exam site! How does that sound?" he chuckled. "You will?" Gon asked enthusiastically. "But, what about your test?" Kurapika questioned. "It's like I said, I decide who goes on to take the exam," the captain said before grinning at us. "Congratulations! You're all moving on!" Leorio grinned and chuckled, Kurapika sighed with a content smile on his face, I beamed and and cheered with Gon, jumping up as we yelled, "All right!" 'LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOO!!!' I screamed in my head, unable to contain my joy. "God, I can't wait to take the exams with you guys! Oh man, I hope we can hang out the entire time!" I said excitedly. "Yeah! But if we're against each other, don't think I'll hold back just because we're friends," Leorio winked, making my face steam from heat. "Hehe, that's okay! I hope that doesn't happen though," I said playfully, waving him off. We all laughed, ready to face the Exams.

After a while, we finally reached Dolle Harbor, a large city and streets full of bustling people awaited us. I excitedly walked off the ship with Kurapika and Leorio, scanning the area with wide eyes. Many shady-looking guys were around us, all carrying various types of weapons. "Oh, I can't wait for the exams!" I beamed, turning to the other two. Gon ran up behind us, a grin on his face. "let's go!" We walked around and spotted a large map on a small billboard, going up to it. "Hmm, that's odd," Leorio muttered, holding a hand to his chin. "What is?" Gon asked. Leorio turned to us and looked at a piece of paper clutched in his hand. "Well, uh, according to this notice I received, the exam is supposed to be held somewhere is Zaban City, you see?" He said, showing us before turning back to the map. "Now, we're here, and that tree is there, which is the opposite direction of Zaban." "Could you have misheard the captain?" Kurapika asked Gon, who shook his head. "I don't think so. He told me I should go towards that cedar tree." "I see..." Kurapika sighed. "And this stupid notice isn't any help at all! It says the exam's in Zaban City but it doesn't say where, exactly!" Leorio grunted. Kurapika crossed his arms and sighed, "Our task is to find the site using only limited information. This is another test to determine if we're worthy of the exam." "Yeah, I already knew that, smarty pants! So give it a rest!" Leorio exclaimed.

"I think I'll check it out for myself, find out what the captain was talking about," Gon said as he began walking off. I trailed behind him as Leorio said, "Whoa, whoa, are you serious? The bus to Zaban is gonna leave any second! We need to be on it when it does!" Gon waved behind us, not looking back and I turned around, walking backwards as I called back to them. "Okay, but what if it's a trick? You should really come with us guys!" Leorio shook his head and sighed, "You too? Geez, you guys are too trusting for your own good, you can't just trust everyone all the time, and it's ironic that I'm telling you of all people." To his surprise, Kurapika began walking after us. "Huh- Kurapika, come back!" Leorio called. I smiled at the blonde as he approached us. "I'm intrigued by the captain's advice. But even more so by Gon and (Y/n)'s behavior," Kurapika said to Leorio. "I'm curious to see what they'll do." I grinned at Kurapika before I watched Leorio sigh with his hands on his hips. "All right, whatever. See ya! It wasn't long, but it was nice knowing ya!" I frowned at Leorio and called, "Well, we'll see each other at the exams! I'd hate to depart on a bad note, y'know." "See ya there then, (Y/n)!" he called back, waving behind him.

"Hmph," I puffed my cheeks and turned around, knowing he's just gonna come right back running. Turning to Kurapika, I smiled and asked, "So, how're you doing?" He replied, "I'm doing fine, actually. I'm curious to see what the exams will be like-" "HEY, HEY, HEY! WAIT FOR MEEE!!" Leorio exclaimed behind us, making us turn around to find him sprinting after us, suitcase clutched in his hand. I snorted and beamed at him. "Whalecum back, Oreo." And thus, beginning his long series of excuses as to why he came back. We walked down a long dirt path along a large field, the grassy terrain aweing me. "It's just- I knew you guys would be lonely without me. Plus, it's not fun traveling alone!" "We aren't alone, we had each other," Kurapika replied, making me snort. "He's kidding!-" "I'm not." "I missed you. I'm actually really glad you came back, Leorio!" I giggled, patting his arm. "Heh, well, I figured I'd stick with you three a little longer!" he laughed, to which I joined him. Damn, his laughter was contagious.

A while more of walking, we finally began walking through an empty Zaban City, the sounds of our footsteps on the dirt and the wind whistling being our only company. "It's quiet as hell here bro, you'd think everyone just all up and died," I said, kicking a rock. A crow squawked loudly, startling me. "Bruh, shut up! Damn, can't have ANYTHING in Detroit," I deadpanned before giggling to myself. "Man, this is one creepy place. You're right, there isn't a single soul anywhere," Leorio agreed. "No, there's a bunch of people here!" Gon denied, causing Leorio to gasp, "What?" We stopped in the middle of the street before a door suddenly opened, making us gasp in surprise. There, stood two weird-looking guys with masks and brightly-colored hair. They stepped out, pulling a wagon behind them. We stared dumbfounded as a punch of them came out hauling what was revealed to be a small stand into the middle of the road. An old woman sat in the middle, surrounded by these creepy-looking people as they held instruments.

"What's up with these guys?" Leorio muttered. "Exciting," the old woman spoke. "'Exciting'?" Leorio repeated. "Exciting," she said again. "'Exciting'...?" Leorio gulped. I couldn't help but snort in amusement before the old woman suddenly yelled, "It's time for the exciting multiple-choice quiz!" The band began playing their instruments after her announcement, leaving the boys staring comically confused at the display. Meanwhile, I simply laughed in amusement at both what just happened and the looks on their faces'. "Aye! The beat go HARD! Shew, clown horn is having a BLAST!" I cackled. "Let me take a guess. You four are headed for the cedar on the hill, aren't you? There's only one way to get there. You'll have to pass through this town first." The woman said. "Huh?" they all grunted. The old woman continued, "You must pass a quiz comprised of a single question." "Wait a second! What's going on here?" Leorio exclaimed. "You'll have five seconds to answer. If you're correct, then you can move on. If not, then you're disqualified from this year's exam," she said. "Oh, I see. It's another trial we have to pass before taking the Exam," Kurapika said. "So that's it, huh? Lucky I'm an expert in quizzes," Leorio chuckled, placing down his suitcase. "Wait- one question?" He suddenly realized, gasping.

"Your answer must be either the number one or two. Any answer that is not number one or two will be deemed incorrect," she told us. "Eh- hold on! All four of us have to share the same question? So if Kurapika here gets it wrong it means I get disqualified, too?" Leorio exclaimed. "Not very likely. Although, if the roles were reversed it would be all but inevitable," Kurapika said bluntly. "You wanna repeat that?!" Leorio growled. "It's okay! Even if only one of us knows the answer, all four of us get to move on! And I'm really bad at quizzes," Gon chuckled. I nodded, "Yeah, that makes sense! And I'm almost one-hundred percent sure I'll get this quiz right!" I chuckled, patting the side of my belt. Leorio beamed, "One-hundred percent sure? You seem confident in this, (Y/n)!" I snorted, "Well...let's just say I have a big feeling..." "Hey, hey! Hurry it up, or I might answer it before the rest of you get the chance," some weirdo said out of nowhere, walking up behind us. "So, who the heck are you?" Leorio asked. "You don't know? He's been following us pretty closely ever since we left the port," Gon said. "Really?" Leorio said in surprise. "What a weirdo," I muttered to Kurapika, causing him to nod in agreement. "Yeah, sorry, kid! Didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I couldn't help but hear you guys talking," he shrugged tauntingly. "What will you do?" The old lady demanded. "He seems pretty eager to me. Should we let him go first, guys?" Leorio asked us. Gon turned to me. "(Y/n), didn't you say you knew the answer?" I nodded but pointed back at the other guy. "I do. But I'm nice, so if he wants to go ahead of us, that's fine by me!" 'Loser, rot in hell,' I cackled evilly in my mind.

"Sure, fine by me then!" Gon nodded. "No objections here," Kurapika agreed. The guy stepped up as one of the masked-dudes placed a stand with a button in front of him. "Let's get to it, then," he said cockily. "Now, here is your question," the woman said before a horn was tooted and a crow cawed. "A group of villains have kidnapped your mother and your true love, and you can only save one of them. Choose one for your mother or two for your true love," she told him. "Which do you save and which of them dies?" The boys gasped. "Hey! What kind of quiz is this?" Leorio exclaimed. The guy snickered before hitting the button, making a bell sound ring from the box. "The answer's number one," he said confidently. "Oh? And what's your reason?" the woman inquired. "It's your mom! It's not like you can replace your mom," he said. 'Hah, your MOM!' I internally cackled, refraining from slapping my knee. "-But a lover, you can always find another one." 'Um?? But?? It's your true love?? That's not as easy to replace either...Plus, technically you CAN replace your mom. Just get adopted bro, lol.' "What?" Leorio grunted, probably agreeing with my feelings. Well, at least the first part.

The crow squawked once again before the old woman pointed to her right. "You may pass," she said. "Seriously?" Leorio protested. "Looks like the trick is telling the old lady whatever she wants to hear. Adios!" the guy snickered, swaggering away. "Bye, bitch. Your nose is big too," I muttered before hearing Gon and Kurapika snort behind me. I giggled as well, holding a hand to my mouth in amusement. "Hold on! What kinda crap is that? There's no way that was the right answer!" Leorio exclaimed dramatically. "We're just supposed to say what we think she wants to hear? What's up with that!? Say something!" Leorio demanded before the crow squawked once more. "Ugh, okay. I've had just about enough of this! I'm gonna find my own way!" He groaned. "It's too late for that," the old lady said, causing him to turn around in alarm. "Refuse to take the quiz if you wish, but know you'll be disqualified." "Grr, that's nuts! Different people would answer that in different ways! There's no right answer for that question and never has been!" Leorio protested. Kurapika suddenly gasped, "There is no right answer? I see." The old woman hummed, "Oh?" "Leorio!" Kurapika exclaimed. "-That's enough! I don't want to hear another word out of you. Say anything but your answer and you're disqualified." "Alright then, I'll go," I said, stepping up to the box.

The boys looked at me in shock, Kurapika especially had a somewhat frustrated expression on his face. 'Lmao, he probably thinks I'm gonna say something stupid. GUESS WHAT BOYY?? YOU THOUGHT WRONG!' I cackled in my head. "Alright. Here is your question," she said as a horn and a crow went off again. I grinned at the other three and winked before turning back to the woman. "You learn your son and your daughter have been kidnapped. You will only be able to rescue one of them. Choose one for your son and two for your daughter. Which of these two will you rescue?" she asked. I stayed silent, glancing back at the boys as she began counting down. I made eye contact with Kurapika and nodded with a determined smile, causing him to blink at me before realizing that I knew the whole time. On the other hand, Leorio grew impatient and walked over to a building, grabbed a long thick wooden stick and swinging it. 'DON'T YOU FUCKIN' DO IT, LEORIO,' I mentally groaned. Finally, the woman mimicked a buzzer, "Time is up!" Right as Leorio sprung into action, flying to the old woman, I grabbed his leg as he almost landed and pulled, making him fall on his face, stick in his hand. He looked up at me and grit his teeth. 'Ouch, no please don't look at me like that I'm actually getting really sad.' "Let go of me, (Y/n)!" He yelled. "Calm down, dumbass!" I scolded him. "You didn't even answer! You said you were sure you knew what it was, one-hundred percent!" "And I do! God damn! What's your problem?!" "Just let me teach this old hag a lesson! She's been messing with us anyways!" "Shut the fuck up for one damn second and let me take care of it! We got the answer right! Holy fuck Leorio, quit being a dick!" I said angrily, feeling tears well up in my eyes in frustration. He recoiled, his eyes wide. "We...did?"

I let go of his ankle and walked over to Gon's side as Leorio got up, Kurapika grunting, "We've already given the correct response, just as (Y/n) said. Silence. Any other answer would have been incorrect." "What do you mean, 'silence'?" Leorio said in confusion. "Just that. You said it yourself, remember?" "Huh?" "'There's no right answer for that question and never has been'. You were right. There was no correct answer to our question. However, we had to say 'one' or 'two' as a response. And so, our only choice was to respond with silence," Kurapika explained. As Kurapika was explaining the answer to Leorio, Gon grabbed my hand and looked up at me worriedly as I exhaled through my nostrils, still upset and frustrated at Leorio's behavior earlier. "What about that guy? He made it through!" Leorio said. "She never told him he was correct. All she said was 'you may pass'. Which means that this is not the pass to the Hunter Exam. Right?" Kurapika asked. The old woman smirked. "Hm, that is correct." She got up and walked over to the double doors next to us. "The real path is right over here. Follow this path for two hours and you will reach the lone cedar tree." "...Okay, I was not expecting this." Leorio said, dumbfounded. "There is a couple that lives in a small cabin under that tree who will serve as Navigators on your journey. They will guide you to the Exam site- if you live up to their expectations, that is," she said. Leorio dropped the stick, causing it to clatter to the ground as he went over to the old woman and bowed. "I'm sorry. I hope you'll forgive me for being rude." "Don't be, I don't mind." 'I better get an apology too! God, I wanna kiss you but I wanna beat your ass into the ground sometimes Leorio,' I mentally sulked. "Meeting people like you is the only reason I do this job in the first place," she said before turning to him. "Do your best. Become the best Hunter you can be." He blinked at her before smiling and chuckling as he scratched his ear. "Sure."

Gon groaned, making us turn to him in concern. "I'm stuck. I can't figure out the right answer!" He complained as he flopped onto his ass. Leorio chuckled, "You've really been thinking of an answer this whole time? You can stop now." "Huh? But why?" "Because the quiz is already over," Kurapika chucked. "I know that, but what if...you know? Well, what if that really happens to me someday? If two people are in trouble and I can only help one of them? Then what?" Gon said, Kurapika and Leorio looking at him in surprise. "It wouldn't be right to pick one over the other. But like it or not, that's a choice I might have to make. I just hope that I know what to do," he finished, staring down at his feet. I softly smiled and patted his head, causing him to look up at me. "You're a good kid, Gon. I'm sure that you'll know what to do." He grinned at me and nodded, hopping up. "Yeah. Let's go!" I nodded and walked over to the open doors leading into the dark hallway, standing closer to Kurapika as we waved goodbye towards the old woman and the other masked people. We began walking towards the bright light at the end of the hall, Gon and Kurapika at my sides all the while. I didn't glance at Leorio, although I was almost sure he kept looking towards me guiltily.

The entire two-hour and a half trip was silent, except for the occasional sighs and grunts as we walked. Leorio complained loudly, and while I knew what he said were his genuine thoughts, I also had a feeling that maybe, just maybe, he said it loudly to get my attention. And it worked, sometimes. Kurapika would tell him to quiet down and I'd look over at the commotion, only to snap my eyes back in front of me as Leorio perked up at my attention. 'Geez, he's just like a puppy,' I mentally snorted. '...Cute. NO! NONONO NO! We're MAD! We're UPSET! Keep your ass in check, girl! It wasn't right of him to act like that.'

The tension between us was starting to become unbearable as we walked through a dark forest, the moon shining above us as we walked on the grass. The sound of crunching leaves filled the air, along with the grumbles of Leorio complaining of the various things that bothered him about the journey. I stuck with Kurapika and Gon, waiting for Leorio to do something, anything as an apology. I fought down the urge to approach him first. Although, my pride was getting to me. I always did despise awkward tension between my friends, especially involving myself. My feet felt like I was walking on knives. Knives that were on fire. Fire on knives. My ankles burned in agony as the thick leather of my Maryjane's scraped into my socks, peeling at the skin on the back of my ankles. I knew this because obviously, it wasn't the first time I wore these shoes for a long period of time. God, it's painful. But, beauty- well, gothic subculture aesthetics in this case- is agony.

"Guys! I'm so hungry! I need to take a dump!," Leorio complained loudly from behind us, making us turn to face him. I rose a brow as Gon called back, "Try to keep up, Leorio!" "I need to pee too! Hey- hey guys!?" "I think I see it," Kurapika said as he looked ahead. We turned to see what he was talking about, finding ourselves near the cedar tree. "Oh yeah, let's go then," I nodded before continuing to walk.