
Stuck In A Yandere Host Club

Ikeda Kai died and was reincarnated as Yamaguchi Yutarou, an NPC who suddenly got a promotion as a game character. Now, he lives his life like a video game. After dying, the thing that awaits him, was death, once again. Will he ever find a way to survive? Can he survive? Will he be able to gain the affection of the yandere target characters and escape all the death flags? Will he be able to save the MCs life to save his own? [Synopsis maybe be updated through the course of the novel.]

rose_empresss · Games
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21 Chs

Chapter 12: Lunch Disaster...?

Yutarou wanted to skip club sessions even just for today. He was exhausted even though it has only been a day or two.

That's what he had decided.

However, he did not see this development coming.

It was during lunch time when Yutarou and Keijirou had an unexpected invitation.

A boy with brown hair and brown eyes knocked on the 2—A's door, walking straight up to where Yutarou was. "Greetings. I am Kiko, the personal butler of Kaneko Hiroshi—sama. He wished for you to be present at the club room right this second." He informed, bowing. who seemed to be at least one year older than the both of them.

Everyone's eyes were glued at them. Yutarou

"Wait, right now? I haven't eaten my lunch yet." Yutarou retorted.

"Yeah, can't they wait?!" Keijirou glared at the butler.

"Pardon me, I am only a messenger. However, I can bring any message you wish to tell my master." Kiko apologized.

"No, I want to talk to him in person." Keijirou's voice and expression was colder than the winter weather.

Yutarou shook his head. 'No, no, no. Bad idea. Very bad idea!'

"Takahashi, I'll be okay." Yutarou assured the blue haired boy.

"No way. These bastards has been enslaving you. You need to fight back, Yamaguchi." Keijirou

'I would if they weren't a bunch of psychopathic killers.' Yutarou rebutted in his head.


"Let's go." Yutarou put my lunch box in my bag and Keijirou did the same.

The blue haired boy dragged Yutarou to the club room, Kiko was following right behind them.

It was Jiyuu who answered the door when Kiko opened it for them. "Oh! It's you."

"Good afternoon." Yutarou greeted, bowing.

"What's your name, again, kohai?" The orange haired girl asked.

"Yamaguchi Yutarou." Yutarou introduced himself.

"Class?" Jiyuu interrogated.

"2—A." He answered.

"Ooh! Genius squad." The girl commented.

Yutarou thought that he sound a little bit like Akira.

"The name's Hime Jiyuu! 3—A!" She introduced, raising her fist to Yutarou.

"Nice to meet you, Hime—senpai. Your name could easily translate to Princess Liberty or better yet, Princess of Liberty." Yutarou bumped his fist on hers.

"I never thought of my name that way. I gotta brag about it now!" She said, laughing. After a while, she faked a cough. "Anyways, enough with the chitchat. Who's this boy behind you? As far as I know, Kiko was only tasked to fetch you." Jiyuu looked at Keijirou, up and down.

"This is Takahashi Keijirou, a my friend. He was worried since I haven't eaten my lunch, yet." Yutarou explained.

"I see. Y'all come on in, then. We're also going to eat in a few moments." Jiyuu told them.

"Okay." Yutarou nodded.

"Kaneko—sama. Yamaguchi—san is here." Kiko informed Hiroshi.

The white haired boy trailed his eyes on the Yutarou, then the other one behind him.

"Who's this?" Hiroshi asked, maintaining his stoic expression.

"Takahashi Keijirou." Keijirou introduced himself without even looking at Hiroshi. He sat on a chair and reached for his lunch box, slamming it on the table.

"Looks like someone has bad manners." Kazuya commented, scoffing.

"Like you're one to talk." Keijirou snapped back.

'MC, don't provoke him, please.' Yutarou wanted to beg.

"Aren't you a bold one?" Kazuya retorted, glaring at Keijirou.

The blue haired boy did the same.

'Please, please, don't target Keijirou. Gods of the Earth, I beg you. Change this man's mind.' Yutarou started praying in his mind.

"Anyway, Yuu—chan." Kazuya called.

'Haa... Thank the gods that didn't ended in a fight or death. I really need to visit a shrine soon. Wait... Do gods even exist in this world? Ah, useless worries.' Yutarou was immersed in his own world.

"Yuu—chan...?" Keijirou mumbled to himself.

"The gods love me today, thank goodness." Yutarou muttered.

"What did you say?" Kazuya raised his eyebrow.

"I didn't say anything." Yutarou smiled.

"So, are you free later?" The redhead inquired.

"Uh, well..." Yutarou didn't know if he should answer answer it or not. If he declines, would he die? And, if he accepts, won't he die, as well? There's no right answer here.

"Stop trying to steal my friend." Keijirou slammed his hand on the table, making everyone stare at him.

"Exactly. He's ONLY your friend, so stop hoarding him. He doesn't belong to you." Kazuya retorted.

"I'm his FIRST friend and the closest one at that, so I got something to say in this matter." Keijirou refuted to back down.

"You're one difficult guy, aren't you?" Kazuya scoffed, clenching his fists.

"Uh, senpai. We could hang out for about 30 minutes, today. I have quizzes tomorrow." Yutarou butted in, giving Keijirou's hand a tight but quick squeeze.

"Well, if you insist." Kazuya smirked.

'You're the one who wanted to hang out with me.' Yutarou wanted to punch him.

"Let's eat." Jiyuu chimed in.

"A first year applied for our club. So, he might be here this afternoon." Akira blurted out.

Yutarou sighed. He knew exactly where this was going.

"Are you okay, Yamaguchi?" Keijirou elbowed him.

"Yeah. Just excited for the other member." Yutarou laughed, which drowned out quickly.

"Ooh! Chicken and ramen. Nice." Jiyuu rubbed her hands together, licking her lips.

"Here." Hiroshi ordered Kiko to send one plate to everyone.

"Woah, why are we having a feast today?" Jiyuu joked.

"Because of the club." Kazuya answered.

"Club, my ass. This place is totally plain and boring. There's no paint nor designs, not even some abstract paintings or something. You guys need to be more creative." Jiyuu

"Oh, shut up. We've only started." Kazuya talked back.

"Don't tell me to shut up." Jiyuu pulled Kazuya's ear and sat him down on a chair.

"Ji, that hurts!" Kazuya tapped her shoulder.

"Of course it does." Jiyuu let go, hoarding a lot of rice and chicken. "Now, eat." She told everyone. "You two, start eating, as well." She told Yutarou and Keijirou who nodded. "Kiko, have you eaten?" She asked the butler who was standing behind Hiroshi.

"Yes, my twin and I had eaten in advanced. Thank you for your concern, Hime—san." Kiko said, bowing.

Everyone turned to whoever made a loud noise at the door. A boy with brown hair and brown eyes entered the room.

"Koko, finally!" Kazuya exclaimed.

"Brother." Kiko greeted

"Your order has arrived, Suzuki—sama." Koko handed a box to Kazuya.

"Oh, great!" Kazuya gestured for Koko to leave. "Here you go, Yuu—chan." He pulled out a box that was wrapped in silk.

"Pardon? What is this?" Yutarou asked, studying the box.

Yutarou furrowed his eyebrows. 'Is this a bomb? Or, is there an automatic flamethrower inside?'

Kazuya looked at Yutarou as if he was dense. "A phone."

"W—what? Senpai, I had told you that you didn't have to buy me one." Yutarou stammered. He couldn't believe how stubborn this boy was.

Yutarou began to unbox the gift, it was an iPhone box. "WHAT IS THIS?!" It was an iPhone in Rose Gold color with a pink diamond on its back.

"Oh, isn't that the new released iPhone?" Keijirou inquired.

"Yeah. Falcon Supernova iPhone 6 Pink Diamond." Jiyuu answered, as if it was a normal thing to say.

"You don't have to do this, senpai!" Yutarou exclaimed.

"But, I wanted to. Now, I can ask you to hang out whenever I want. I put Ji and Hiro's numbers, including mine." Kazuya informed.

"I can't take this!" Yutarou sprung up from his seat, yelling.

"Why not? Did you know that its introductory release price is around 15,183,080,000 yen?" Jiyuu asked me, filling her mouth with food.

"Why are you all so casual about this?! Senpai, it's really okay! I should just find my phone." Yutarou said, putting the phone back in the box.

'It even has a casing with it...' Yutarou wanted to scream and shout. But, that would irritate everyone in the room. 'I swear to God, he's going to put me in debts and I won't be able to escape him. I'll be dead by then.' He thought.

"I'm not taking it back. Either you use it or throw it away." Kazuya responded, eating, as if he didn't just waste over a 15 billion yen for a phone.

"What, no! Just take it back." Yutarou shook his hands. Why would he throw such an expensive and valuable item.

"I'm not taking anything back, Yutarou, so keep it or throw it away." Kazuya repeated, his eyes glowing.

Yutarou gulped, sitting back down. 'I'm sure he had put some kind of chip in this phone or maybe something like the FBI where they monitor your life through the lenses.'

"Geez, you really took a liking on Yamaguchi!" Jiyuu laughed.

"Y—yes, I will. Thank you for this, senpai. I appreciate your generosity. You're too kind." Yutarou managed to spit out a few words.

"Hmm. I am, aren't I?" Kazuya grinned.

'Damn these rich people. How did you even afford this with your toxic ass parents?!' Yutarou huffed.

Everyone had a peaceful lunch after the ruckus Yutarou and Kazuya caused.

Yutarou told himself that he would never EVER eat his lunch with the yanderes again.

After lunch, the three, Yutarou, Keijirou, and Akira went back to their classroom.

Today, there was a science quiz. The topic was the brain.

Now, Yutarou did a little skimming through the topic, but he didn't have to work that hard since he had learned this back when he was in highschool, and he'd rather not attract Akira's attention any longer. He should return to his invisible and average self.

He was not sure how, but he had to try.

His life depended on it.

"If I alter a few functions in the Temporal Lobe and Emotional Area. I could make a human robot, in theory." Akira spoke, sitting on a chair in front of Yutarou. Keijirou had to buy himself a drink.

Yutarou actually liked that idea. As an author, that was a good plot. The main character is either a robot, the inventor/scientist, or the average human who wanted to rebel against the government because of the illegal human experiment.

"What do you think about this topic, Yamaguchi?" Akira consulted the teal haired boy.

"Well, no fear and emotions do sound like a robot. However, the way one think would still be limited to what one know. A robot 's knowledge could be added or subtracted anytime, anywhere." Yutarou blabbered.

"As expected of my rival." Akira grinned.

'Shit, I spoke too much. This damn author urges.' He faced palm himself.

Yutarou had avoided talking about intellectual stuff for the rest of the day, even when they went with their club sessions.

"You guys really need to do some changes in this room. Like, I know y'all are popular and all, but people loves well organized and artsy kind of room, ya know?" Jiyuu commented, looking around the room, forming her index fingers and thumbs in a rectangle, as if filming a movie.

"I can help with that!!" A boy's voice exclaimed.

He walked towards the bunch who were eating some macaroons and cupcakes with a cheerful smile on his face.

His pink hair shone under the florescent lights, the red bowties in each side highlighted his hair's beauty. His golden yellow eyes scanned around the area, but mostly at the ceiling.

His black choker with it a cherry pendant dangled on his neck.

He hugged his pink bunny with red and black cherries on both the ends of its ears and the bottom of its feet. It also wore a black and red cherry necklace.

Nakamura Kenji.

"Huh? How did you get in here?" Kazuya asked, his eyebrow raised.

"True. I didn't hear the door open." Jiyuu seconded.

"That's because you were all so consumed in the conversation you were having." Kenji reasoned out.

'Look at this guy manipulate everyone.' Yutarou shook his head.

"You got a point." Kazuya shrugged it off.

"I'm the one who wanted to join the club. I'm also an artist, so I would like to help renovate this place." Kenji bowed.

"What do girls like?" Kazuya asked the others.

"Girls? We need to make you appealing to all, and I mean, everyone. Not just girls." Jiyuu glared at him, retorting back.

"O—okay. Don't be so worked up. Just a little mishap." Kazuya defended.

"How about we go shopping today so we can immediately work on it tomorrow? I'll send you all my ideas through messages, then." Kenji suggested.

"Okay." Kazuya agreed.

"I need all your cell phone numbers, though. You, too, senpai, and uhh..." Kenji scratched his neck.

"Takahashi." Keijirou answered.

"Right, Takahashi—senpai." Kenji smiled.

'I don't like that smile.' Yutarou thought, his heart beating faster.

I would like to thank for supporters. Thank you for the power stones. ( ꈍᴗꈍ)





I really appreciate your support! This means so much to me! Take care always!!

Published: July 19, 2022

Hello, everyone. If you don't mind choosing at all, may I ask for your wisdom about this topic?

Which story for you think is the best?

— Harem BL surrounding a man and the seven deadly sins

— a hero x villain (with a twist)

— a polyamory relationship surrounding four boys/men

— villains, partners in crime, slice of life

— a Romeo and Juliet BL retelling

Thanks for your suggestions!!

rose_empressscreators' thoughts