
Chapter seven

Elquior stared at me, baffled.

"Of course you feel nothing! I triggered your change last time, and you've run out of power. Since you're not fro-"

"Well, we have here a lovely couple, don't we? Let's cut the nonsense."

Whipping my head around to meet the bandits, Elquior stared at them and raised an eyebrow, most likely irritated as they had cut him off. His eyes glowed gold before returning to its' beautiful crimson colour.

Elquior sighed, tapping Azalea on the shoulder.

"Come on, i'll lend you some Magic power for now."

He took out a box, opened it and gave it's contents to me. After his hand retreated back to Elquior's side, I looked down and saw my silver bracelet.

"So you had it this whole time?"

"Just put it on..."

After my grumbling, I put it on as the bandits ran towards me.

"Done saying your goodbyes? Hurry up!"

Nervous, I closed my eyes as my legs felt my jelly. Falling to the ground, I found that I was not hurt.

Slightly confused, I turned to look back at Elquior, only to find that he had a similar bracelet on, except his' was made from a black material. Obsidian, perhaps?

"There. Now it'll protect you from attacks depending on my skill level. It'll be hard for someone to hurt you then."

"Wait, what's your level? What are the bandits'? What is mine?"

Elquior looked on, amusement dancing in his eyes.

"The bandits' average level is five. Yours is two, unfortunately, as you've just entered this world. As for mine, you don't need to know."

"Wait, you knew?"

Laughing bitterly, he nodded his head towards the fifty man army.

"Try out your new powers, go berserk, whatever you want to do. Just remember to be careful, okay? Don't get hurt."

"I'll try not to, but no promises."