
Chapter nine

I sank deeper down and down into the dark abyss known as the sea, my surroundings like a sphere encased in black, shutting everything inside it within it's own pitch black nothingness.

I was stuck inside that sphere that was devoid of light.

Like a black hole, it absorbed and blew away the hope that I had left.

My will to live slowly turned into desperation, as my oxygen supply ran low. Flailing helplessly weakened my arm, as it slowly numbed. Bubbles circled me as oxygen, my lifeline, escaped my mouth.

Black spots invaded my vision, dancing around in my eyes and prevented me from seeing.

My life was hanging on by a thread, fatigue further endangering it as it waltzed across the red string of my fate.

However, just as that string that was as if it was made of fragile glass was about to snap, oxygen engulfed me in all it's glory, blessing me with it's presence once more.

"Azalea. Azalea are you alright?"

Finally regaining consciousness, I sat up from the bed I was sleeping on.

Wasn't I in the forest a few minutes ago?

"Thank gods. You've been unconscious for five days, an-"

"Five days? Five days!" Jumping out of bed, I examined the interior of the room.

Blue royal wallpapers with gold aces on it decorated the whole room, along with a mirror that was polished to perfection, lining the supposed bedroom that was accompanied by more gold.

"Calm down. We're not in the forest anymore."

"We're in my palace, in the middle of the forest."

Sorry, I'm getting busier every day and I can't really keep this schedule of updating daily. Forgive me!