
Stuck in a white room for years

Izuku Midoriya after his usual beating by Kacchan came home only to receive another scolding from his mother because he brought dirt inside the house so he was thrown out, it was just an excuse to see her lover, trying to find a place to pass the night he met an old man who asked a weird question but it was that question that changed everything mha/Genius MC/Crazy MC/

daoistofeverything · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Destroing and a meeting with op beings

After Jean being trolled by Izuku they just chatted for a while waiting for them to wake up, in the meanwhile Jean made him meet everyone in the mansion, Jean reassured everyone that he was her friend and that everyone was safe, there was someone that made him interested, he could be seen in a corner of the mansion reading a book, he is a kid with black hairs bags under his black eyes wearing the usual x-men suit ignoring what was happening in the middle of the mansion

Izuku:'' Jean who's that?''

Jean:'' He is… I can't remember? Oh, he is Forget me not?''

Izuku:'' Ohhhhh.'' Izuku remembered this character from the comic he surely had a sad story doing good things and not being remembered for them is a hard thing to do, Izuku went towards him.

Izuku:''Hi I am Izuku Midoriya you must be Forget me not right?''

Forget:'' Yes I am but there are no reasons for you to introduce, since the moment you turn around you would forget me.''

Izuku:'' What if I have a way to make everyone remember you and make everyone recognize what you did?''

Forget:''…You what? That's impossible several have tried but so far no one was successful only, they were able to remember me when they watch me.''

Izuku had a sad smile on his face he was the same as him, he just wants to be recognized, Izuku then went towards his omnia gremori.

The book then changed his shape to his usual form, Izuku began searching for the suited magic, Jean was behind him, she had heard what he was saying and she would be if Izuku could make Forget me not be remembered.

5 seconds time skip.

Izuku:'' Found it.'' Izuku looked towards Forget me not showing him the magic he had just picked.

The name of magic is a memorial virus, it is a magic that usually would make someone only think about a determined person but if used on someone like Forget me not his power, and his magic would contrast making everyone only remember him and not be their only record.

Izuku attached the magic to a pair of self-repairing sunglasses that he had in his dimensional pocket(MAGIC) and began using the magic.

Forget me not was looking towards Izuku with hope, he spent 11 years(I made him 17) his life unnoticed due to his useful but horrible power.

Izuku:'' ne oblivione deperirent, ut Recordatus sum tui, ut semper laudatur.''(not to be forgotten, to be remembered so that you always praised)

Izuku then handed the pair of sunglasses to Forget me not, he weakly brought the pair of glasses to his nose, when the sunglasses touched his skin he felt strange energy enter his body.

Suddenly everyone inside the hall, on a distant planet and also some villains remembered him, they remembered someone that should be always forgotten.

All of the presents began saying sorry to him for forgetting him when they said they wouldn't Forget me not could be seen crying due to happiness with a smile that he didn't have in a long time, he looked towards Izuku and without saying any words he spelled

Forget:' Thank you.'

Izuku just raised his indicating that it was nothing, Izuku then with Jean went towards the principal room since Scott, Ororo, Logan, and Xavier would wake up.




Izuku could be seen in the principal chair waiting on his right there was Jean waiting for them to wake up.

Jean:'' You know, you would just need a cat and you would look like a perfect vill-.''

On Izuku legs a white cat could be seen, Izuku was brushing its head.

Izuku:'' Were you saying anything?''


Suddenly Scott, Ororo, Logan, and Xavier began waking up, Logan was the first to rise to his feet all of his memories came back and he knew all of his errors that he had done in all of his life, Ororo was the second to completely wake up when she saw Izuku she felt rage thinking that he had done something to them, but strangely her powers were working, no more like rage wasn't fueling her powers, Ororo was stunned, this was the first time that her power wasn't responding to her emotions and it felt strange, Scott was the third, he looked towards Jean and though:'Oh god what have I done.'(Yes I hate Scott but it wasn't his fault), the last one was Xavier, he didn't actually rise to his feet, you know why, he just opened his eyes with fear in them panicking when he saw Izuku.

Izuku:' Maybe I have gone too far.'

Freud:'' Considering the damage he had caused to Jean I completely disagree he deserved every second of that.''

Izuku then made the cat disappear(it was just a mirage) and looked towards them.

Izuku:'' You don't have to worry I have just done what your deepest desire was, well apart from Xavier, I mean you are a fucking monster, blocking someone emotion's just for the greater good.''

That made everyone look towards Xavier, well apart from Jean she already knew everything.

Logan:'' Really Xavier? Even with all of my memories, I can't think of worse torture than that.''

Scott felt disgusted by Xavier's action and considering the option of leaving the school.

Ororo looked towards Xavier with hate, she was someone that had to be emotionless or she could create chaos for everyone, so when she heard that Xavier had actually made Jean emotionless angered her to a dangerous level, but she still contained herself, after years as an emotionless human she could control herself quite well.

Xavier was looking towards the ground he knows that what he did is terrible, he just finished experiencing it, the weight for his action was, plus the mental torture made him faint.

Everyone then thanked Izuku, Ororo and Logan then went to…recuperate the lost time, and Scott said sorry to Jean and then took Xavier towards Xavier's bedroom to put him in his bed.

After everyone went out Jean looked towards Izuku:'' So what are you going to do next? Save a universe or two?''

Izuku:'' I will-''Izuku stopped mid-sentence because he felt a power coming from outside the school comparable to at least millions of Izuku.

Izuku:'' Stay here.'' He said towards Jean while looking towards the direction from where he felt the signal

Izuku then teleported towards the position from where the power signal was coming, the place is a park with on one side a green bench, on it there is a man with grey hairs and grey mustache on his face a pair of sunglass, wearing a black and beige with brown pants and black elegant shoes, he is giving foods to the ducks with a smile that could make even a Villain a hero and that if hurt would make someone kill everyone and then himself, the man turned towards Izuku and said.

Man:'' It's nice meeting you Izuku.''

Izuku was dumbfounded in front of him there is the strongest, kindest, funniest, and purest being in all of the Marvel Universe.