
Stuck in a Chinese novel

In a world of cultivation. A majestic world where miracles happen. There is a warrior who defies destiny and forge his own path facing innumerable difficulties ahead. Come and join the life of the person who will go against the set destiny of the cruel world and become something extraordinary. ===== Extraordinary my foot. What is this illogical cr*p? Does it even make sense? If you are doctor, then work in a hospital. What the hell are you doing going after girls? If you are a commander in the army, then bring your army to get revenge on those who wronged you. Why go through the trouble of pretending to be a weakling. You are a useless son in law? Your wife's family thinks you are good for nothing? Then how the hell did you score her in the first place?!!! If they like money so much and you are a hidden millionaire, then why in the name of sanity would you hide this fact and be berated every day?!!! The hell is all this?!!! The more I read it, the more illogical it becomes. Like this all came straight out of someone's as-- [Host, why don't you calm down?] 'You shut up!!! You're the reason I'm stuck here in the first place!!!!' [Host, you need anger management] 'THE FU*K DID YOU SAY?!!!!!' ===== Hello everyone! This is my second novel and so far, nothing is decided. This is just an idea that has been plaguing my mind for quite a long time and I decided to let it out and let you guys decide whether or not I should work on it. Give it a proper read and let me know. You guys will decide the fate of this novel. Also, I would like you guys to come up with proper genres for this story. ===== The cover is A.I generated and is mine. The update schedule hasn't been properly decided yet so for now there is only one chapter per day. That's it. Enjoy!

Bad_Wolf_7811 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
82 Chs


Chapter 62

"What happened?" The chief detective, Kai Bo asked.

"No idea. The constable says he found him like this. He asked for food and when the constable left to get it, he injured himself to this extent." A detective explained.

"What for?" Kai Bo curiously asked, hoping to understand the cause of such a move.

"No idea. However, the situation isn't looking good. The injuries are critical. The doctors say they are trying their best and since he is physically fit, he will push through." The detective explained.

"I see." Kai Bo said before he asked, "Have you reported this?"

"No. For now, it seems like a move to make an insanity plea eligible. It would be better if we kept this under wraps." Another detective advised. Kai Bo nodded in consent and then they just waited for the report.