
Stuck as a Dungeon Mob

Edward, an 18-year-old college student, found himself stuck inside of a dark abyss. "Where am I?" [Spawning Dungeon Champion] "Huh?" With only a single notice, he now housed an unfamiliar body in a dark broody dungeon being forced to attack trespassers. Will he ever find a way out? Or will he be a tool for endless slaughter? Or will he perhaps... do something else entirely? Warning and potential spoiler Due to the nature of the novel the MC will be switching between bodies. That's why the status window was made the way it was. If that's not your thing you might want to skip this one. The progress is not reset though. Discord Server: https://discord.gg/vrwdkurhaA

Pwnzer · Fantasy
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593 Chs

Sanev's Journey

Ultimately, Sanev's arrogance stemmed from his belief that he was above others where it mattered. Ed doubted Sanev thought himself a great warrior for example. But he also likely felt that his superior intellect and magical prowess were far more valuable than physical strength.

So what kind of community service could Ed force upon him to remove this arrogance from him?

"You will venture out towards this point here" Ed said after drawing on the sand just outside of Sanev's house. Sanev could only look at the drawing in complete shock.

"That's a circle!" What Ed had drawn was not a point but an entire circle. That was to say Sanev's destination was somewhere within the circle he detailed. A circle which for reference was 5 times as big as the 'point' Ed drew for their current location which was a literal city.

"Don't fret the details too much, take this" Ed said before summoning some resources from his system space. Sanev twitched.