
Stuck as a Dungeon Mob

Edward, an 18-year-old college student, found himself stuck inside of a dark abyss. "Where am I?" [Spawning Dungeon Champion] "Huh?" With only a single notice, he now housed an unfamiliar body in a dark broody dungeon being forced to attack trespassers. Will he ever find a way out? Or will he be a tool for endless slaughter? Or will he perhaps... do something else entirely? Warning and potential spoiler Due to the nature of the novel the MC will be switching between bodies. That's why the status window was made the way it was. If that's not your thing you might want to skip this one. The progress is not reset though. Discord Server: https://discord.gg/vrwdkurhaA

Pwnzer · Fantasy
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593 Chs

Power of Will

The lizardmen and A, who carried Ed, approached the center of the temple carefully. They skipped past some debris and were face to face with a blood soaked pedestal. The architecture was rather simple with the pedestal just being varying hues of blue.

Needless to say, this pedestal was in itself nothing fancy. There were two eye-catching things about it though. Namely, the blood and the letters that adorned its edge. The human alphabet was within Ed and A's reading capabilities.

The language skill was split however meaning that all the Eds out there likely had an incomplete language.

'Fortunately, I still know most of the basics' Not just that, but some words in the temple were older and less used so what he required were the ancient basics not the more modern version.