
struggle to get the 'doctor ' tag.

it was the day time, a time of 24-7-1993 at 3pm.,two babies born in a poor family ..it was a fabulous moment for the family Cz the father finally got a favorite bccha "baby boy" somehow second baby was deprived from this b'coz the baby was 'baby girl,..

my story began with this as the baby girl was 'me', it was not something unexpected that during 90's every family wanted to have a baby boy,especially when the there are already two more girls in the same family..

'papa' always wanted to have 'beta' Cz he wanted some1 to help him for the further struggle.

when two baby came in month of July, 'mom' put their name on the basis of an add which was famous during 90's.. the boy as 'rahul ' ,the girl as 'preeti'.

when i born, papa decided me to give me as an adoption to a Punjabi family in Punjab.

it was not really a turning point as I was a kind of shattered, rebellious baby.. I made that family so depressed that they finally dropped me back to my own family. in real sense it was the real turning point. an old say 'aasmaan se gira, khjoor me Atka ' n finally it was 'atki '.

in the house there was strong bond between me and my one of two elder sisters.i used to Call her as 'didu'.

we were a poor family ,papa was a hawker. he used to earn on daily basis. my mom always had strong dreams for her 4babies. sometimes mom cooked less roti Cz of less 'aata' but she ate less.it was a real scenario in front of me. but as a girl child I always wanted my mom n papa to love me in a same way as they did 'rahul'.

time passed away..

a new morning came to my house with lot of shadows .. it was 2009.