1 The Pilot

My name is Danny, Danny Miclide and I'm a pilot in the military. Today I borrowed a military jet to go see my old area. It was still a dump. My father, the general, ordered me to pay for the gas that I used. I couldn't believe it. Never had I been so insulted.

Later that day, I met my rival, Jimmy Cilantro Sahara. He was a navy seal and more importantly the best water bottle flipper I had ever known, under me of course, of course. So I challenged him to a spicy duel. We kept on landing the bottles for 7 straight minutes but then my arm ached only for a second and I wasn't able to make it. I lost and will never be able to relieve my shame. Jimmy happily said, "How the mighty have fallen" in a very cocky and arrogant voice. I then decided to meet my girlfriend because I wanted her to comfort me in these dangerous times. I knew she was at "The Big OJ Juice," a small coffee shop. Therefore, I asked my girlfriend if she wanted to go to the movies and she said, "no."

Just because she was grieving from her father's death because he died yesterday gave her no reason to say that. So I did the only responsible thing and broke up with her. It might have been a little harsh considering that she is a poor, brunette 18 year old and I'm a 21 year old billionaire but no one should ever lower their principles. I had been dating my girl for a while now, around 9 months and I was going to get married to her because I might have done the Devil's Tango without protection. Honestly it was one of her bigger mistakes that she really should have thought through before making. I guess the stupid never really learn.
