
Struck By Lightning

Three kids who used to be bullied turn superhero. These kids go in crazy adventures and one of them discovers new abilities of theirs everyday.

WYT_BAD · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
3 Chs


As I slowly gained consciousness, It felt like the hospital was undergoing an earthquake. The room was spinning, the ground was shaking, and so was I. I looked over to my left and I saw that I was hooked up to monitors. I quickly jumped out of bed, trying not to fall as the ground was throwing a tantrum. I checked the nearby rooms in search of Ava and Skylar. I bust down one of the doors and a bolt of light came dashing toward me. Luckily I ducked just in time to save myself.

"What the HECK was that?!" I asked Skylar frantically.

"I-I don't know, it's been happening ever since I've woken up.!"

"Have you left the room yet?"

"No, I don't know how to control what's happening. I don't want to go out there and accidentally hurt someone."

"That's the thing. The hospital seems completely empty."

"In that case we need to find Ava, and fast."

We bolted out the room, nearly tripping. The ground was still shaking and bits of the ceiling were starting to collapse.

"AVA! Ava where are youuuu?!" I shouted.

We threw open a couple doors with no luck.

"Where could she be?" Skylar asked.

"Right here." Said Ava.

"W-who said that?" I questioned.

"Me, Ava."

"Where are you?"

"Right in front of you."

"That's impossible, there's no one there."

Suddenly Ava appeared right before me.


"I don't know. I don't know how to control it, what triggers it, or when it's going to happen. It just does."

"Well we need to get out of here before the roof decides to trap us here." Skylar chimed in.

"Agreed." Said Ava.

We dashed to the nearest exit as fast as possible, not stopping for a second. When we reached outside we continued to run until the shaking ceased, ensuring we were safe at the moment. We stopped to catch our breath. I then realized that Ava wasn't with us.


"Right here."

"Okay. Okay, good. We're good."

Skylar's hand slowly began to raise.

"Oh, no. It's happening again. Take cover!"

Me and Ava ducked behind some bushes as lightning bolts wildly started flying from Skylar's hand. What was happening to us? The ground started to shake again and Ava disappeared. It then came to me. If Skylar could create lightning bolts simply from the palm of his hand and Ava could disappear, maybe I'm the one causing the shaking. But what power could that be?

Skylar and Ava were about to start running again.

"No guys, it's okay. I'm the reason the ground is shaking."

Ava then said- "It's clear something happened to us, but what?"

"Maybe we have superpowers." Said Skylar.

"But that couldn't be possible, and if it was, how is making the ground shake a power?" I said.

"Maybe you have the power of earthquakes or something."

"Or telekinesis, by shaking the ground, you are technically making something move with your mind because it's sure not physical." Ava said.

"Ouch." I responded.

"I didn't mean it like that. Moving the earth is hard to do mentally and physically so it's still cool."

"If you say so."

"So what are we going to do with our new found 'superpowers'?"

"Become superheroes, duh." Said Skylar.

"That's peculiar and unrealistic for children such as ourselves." Ava blurted.

"Can we give it a shot? Please, just one." Skylar begged.

Ava paused for a second.

"Fine. What about you Liam?"

"Sure, I'm in."

"AWESOME! You guys rock!" Skylar shouted excitedly.

I'd never seen Skylar so happy about anything before. It really filled me with joy to see how excited he was about all of this. I didn't know he was into superheroes that much, but whatever made him happy, made me happy. This'll be one adventure to remember.