
Strongest Warlock - Wizard World Irregular

Ethan accidentally rode the wrong train and ended up in Brynhildr Magical Academy where Wizards and Witches are taught on how to use Magic. As someone who didn't have any magic powers, he thought that he would be punished for being in a place where he wasn't supposed to be. Fortunately, due to a stroke of luck, the teenage boy managed to avoid the worst case scenario, and ended up staying in the Magic Academy to learn magic. Ridiculed by many for being magically crippled, Ethan strived to adapt to his new school life with the help of his new friends, who made him realize what True Magic was all about. --------- Support me in Patreon!

Elyon · Fantasy
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683 Chs

The Young Ones Sure Are Bold

Ethan felt something sweet and wet entering his lips, making him lick it subconsciously.

A few seconds later, a soothing warmth washed over his body, making him sigh in comfort.

His eyes were too heavy to open, and even if he could open them, there was something covering them, which would prevent him from seeing anything.

Since that was the case, Ethan simply kept his eyes shut and enjoyed the sweet thing that he was tasting with his mouth, allowing his body to regain its strength.

As the minutes passed, his senses were getting sharper, allowing him to move his hands. But, just as he was about to remove the thing that was covering his eyes, a delicate hand held his wrist, stopping him mid-way.

“Don’t remove it just yet,” Emma whispered. “Just relax, Ethan. You’re not fully recovered yet. Don’t worry, I’m here for you.”

Hearing a familiar voice, the young man heeded the advice of his Promised One.