
Strongest Vampire Cultivator with a system

Mo Fan, an anime addict, commits suicide after a heart wrenching incident, catching the attention of the Omniscient author. “I would give you a new life, but you would pay for throwing your old one away.” The Omniscient author declared. Mo Fan suddenly awakens into a world of vampires, a world where only the strong can rule, a world where he would be respected as long as he was strong. “I refuse to die a failure once more.” Mo Fan vows to himself, if he was going to stay in this new world, he would no longer be a side character, he would become the strongest, the Almighty Vampire Cultivator. But the Omniscient author was not lenient in his punishment, he made Mo Fan a special kind of vampire, a vampire blessed by the sun itself. A predator among predators, a vampire that fed on it's own kind, a vampire that grew stronger by killing others like it. [NB: No Harem. MC has a system but is not it's slave Overpowered MC. MC does NOT hide his power. MC has no mercy. MC is vengeful.]

omniscientauthor · Eastern
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With tears in his eyes, Mo Fan still consumed the blood of Zhen and all his associates.

Now that his mother was dead, the only thing he could at least try to do was get stronger.

[Congratulations host , you have consumed enough blood to activate the system.]

[The Omniscient Author has decided to bless you with a system at the last moment, would you like to accept?

Note: Rejection would lead to death (⁠^⁠^⁠)]

"I accept." Mo Fan said our loud, from all the anime he had seen, a system was a big benefit, it would at least help him to understand his powers and give him quests to level up, it was better than nothing.

[Congratulations Mo Fan, you have been granted the strongest Vampire Cultivation system.]

[Name: Mo Fan.

Level: 1

EXP: 50/100

Age: 16

HP: 100/100

Blood Qi: 20/20

Talent: A rank.

Cultivation stage: Beginner.

Race: Sun blessed Vampire.

Title: Slayer of Vampires, Traitor to his kind, sunwalker, demon, Bloodline progenitor.


Bloodlines consumed: 5

Strength: 5


[Level: This refers to your system level, basically how much you have mastered the system.]

[EXP: Basically how much experience you have gained from that level.]

[Blood qi: This is basically the ammount of blood energy you have.]

[Race: As a sun blessed vampire, you are an extremely rare type of vampire, you are the second of your kind.

A sun blessed vampire is a little similar to a dhampir, you grow stronger by slaying vampires, especially when you consume their blood.

By consuming the blood of other vampires, you can assimilate some of their traits, especially their bloodline traits.

Whenever you drink the blood of a vampire, you cultivate their vampire bloodline, the stronger the vampire is the stronger the bloodline would be in you.

Currently, you have activated five bloodlines, the royal bloodline is all that is left to consume, you can use all bloodline traits.]

[Titles: This is every title that has been bestowed upon you, speaking them at the right moments can result in certain boosts.]

[Skills: These are special moves that you can perform, some are exclusive to you, some aren't.


Sun beam Level 1: Allows you to fire a concentrated beam of sunlight, which is highly dangerous to vampires.

[Cost: Nothing.]

Blood Bullet: A special skill belonging to the Irving bloodline, which allows you to fire a concentrated beam of blood.

[Cost: 5 Blood Qi.]

Compulsion Level 1 : A trait of the Kandik bloodline, this would allow you to impose your will on others, as long as you maintain eye contact and they are not much stronger than you.]

[AN: I didn't explain some tabs because everyone should know what they mean and to avoid filling up this chapters with long explanations.]

Mo Fan stared at the system screen before him, his heart was still heavy from the death of his mother and he could barely think about anything else.

"There he is, the sun blessed vampire." A loud feminine voice said pointing at Mo Fan.

Mo Fan stood up, turning to see armed guards all clothed in golden armour and holding various weapons, ready to take him down.

"We don't want to hurt you boy, the king just needs to speak with you." The guard said with caution written all over his face.

He could see the burnt bodies of the five men scattered all around Mo Fan, and the blood around his mouth.

Mo Fan's eyes darted around the place, what was the guarantee that the king himself wouldn't end up killing him?.

"No." Mo Fan declared, pointing out his right fingers at the center guard.

[Blood Bullet activated.]

A bullet made of condensed blood erupted from Mo Fan's fingers, heading towards the guard at break neck speed.

The guard plucked the bullet mid air, stopping it in it's tracks and staring at Mo Fan with a cocky look on his face.

"We are royal guards, we have been vampires for centuries, and you think you can take us down, you haven't even been a vampire for 10 hours." Another guard said erupting into laughter.

Mo Fan snapped his fingers and instantly bolts of sunlight descended on one of the guards, but he was quick enough to block it.

"Abandon the original plan, take this bastard out." The guard leader screamed, seeing how dangerous Mo Fan was.

Mo Fan didn't even understand what happened to him, one second he was preparing to run and the next all his limbs had been violently mangled.

[-90 HP]

[Blood Qi would be consumed to heal you.]

[HP has dropped to a critical level, consume vampire blood to heal faster.]

"We honestly didn't want to do it this way kid, but you forced our hand, you'd meet the king, wether you like it or not." One of the royal guards said.

Mo Fan waited for the first guard to place their hands on him before he lunged at them with his mouth, biting into their hand and drinking their blood.

[Blood Qi has been restored.]

[+30 HP]

Mo Fan's bones slowly began healing but before he could even start running , he had been hit in the head with a shield, causing him to pass out instantly.

"What type of a vampire is this boy? He took out 5 adult males, and even drank their blood after, what exactly is a sun blessed vampire?" Another guard said staring At Mo Fan's unconscious body.

But there was something else, the guard that had been bitten by Mo Fan, he could feel something, some kind of poison spreading through his body.

And worst of all the wound wasn't healing at all, he just shrugged it off as nothing a proper cultivation session wouldn't fix.

[You have bitten a vampire]

[Your bite is toxic to vampires and your blood is even worse.]

[You are too weak to turn a vampire of that calibre into your sired.]

[Would you.....]

Those were the last words Mo Fan saw before finally passing out.