
Strongest Tree

The Goddess Gaia sacrificed herself to activate the Absolute World Protection to protect earth. The most powerful protection barrier that made even powerful Gods helpless! To let the humans thirst for strength the apocalypse started. Powerful Supernaturals was thus born but it cost millions of lives! Kence, a man that was tortured in almost all possible ways vowed that he will become strong enough to take his revenge! Due to some circumstances he turned into a tree but he will make sure that he would become the..... Strongest Tree!

KenceRussel · Fantasy
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93 Chs

Chapter 86

Some similar scenes to Alice happened everywhere in the whole Forest of Wonders. Some, due to some luck stumbled upon a place where they can get some inheritance. If they succeeded then they would surely become one of the strongest among the humanity

Another example is Brony, a brute man with a wild personality. Even though he was just a normal Supernatural and not a Mystic his strength was top notch among normal Supernaturals. He can even defeat some of weaker Mystics at his level

Brony is an early stage Grand Knight Supernatural, even his Rank was higher than most Mystics who all have something to rely on to make their selves stronger

He was currently fighting a group of ten bears. The strongest was in the same rank as him and the others are all in the peak of Knight Rank. He didn't flee though, a craze smile appeared on his face before he growled like an animal even if he is a human

"[Magic Skill: Hard Claws!]" Another layer of skin appeared on his hands that turned into a sharp and hard claws like the ones that a wild beast has. He jumped and he reached four meters in the air, using the gravity to make his attack stronger

His claws went to attack one of the Knight Rank Bear that died immediately as he claws burrowed on its eyes to the brain. Brony kicked on the bear's body to take back his hand inside its body. The blood and brain matter from the bear on his claws further enhanced his animalistic nature and assaulted his sense

He growled again before charging at the other bears. The leader bear was enraged at seeing one of its underlings was killed just like that. The bear's paw shone with a metallic luster and it charged towards Brony

The claw and paw met causing Brony to be blown away tens of meters. A normal bear's physical strength was already stronger than normal humans much less a bear that mutated and became a Grand Knight Supernatural. If Brony decided to fight it with force he doesn't have any chance of winning then

The pain just ignited more of Brony's animalistic nature, he stared at the bear with wild and excited eyes. He wants to have a life and death battle with it but the Knight Rank Bears are hindrances and he decided to kill those first

"[Magic Skill: Hard Legs!]" Brony's leg turned even more muscular with some veins popping on it. His speed exploded and his leg pierced another bear's eyes. Even when being this wild he still knew that these bear's defenses are extremely great. It would be hard for him to kill them if he doesn't attack in vulnerable parts like the eyes

Brony kicked the bear with his other leg to extract his leg on its flesh. He didn't stop though and went to another bear and stood on its shoulder. The bears are almost three meters high that's why Brony can easily use his smaller body size to his advantage. These bears have great defense and raw power but their speed was lower than Brony

The bear used its paw to smack the human on its shoulder but Brony jumped away from it causing the bear to hit its own shoulder breaking some bones on it. Another bear went to attack the human, as he was still in mid-air he doesn't have anything to kick and moved himself

The bear's paw smacked Brony's body causing him to be blown away again for another tens of meters crashing into a tree. He can taste a metallic substance on his mouth and he threw up a mouthful of blood. Some of his bones were also damaged from the impact. But the more pain he felt the wilder he became

"[Magic Skill: Enhanced Claws!]" His energy gathered around his claws giving it even more destructive power. The pain on his body didn't even bother him

His claw with difficulty and with all his strength pierced another bear's eyes, his claw even came out from the other side of the bear's head. The leader bear growled and its paw smacked on Brony's body, this time the damage he received was higher!

More of his bones crack and his body crashed on another tree but he was laughing hard like a maniac. Due to how hard he laughed more blood came out from his mouth landing on his body and the ground

His blood dyed the ground, without him knowing the place he landed on has a pair of wings mark. His blood activated the power behind that mark and a white holy light engulfed his whole bloodied and damaged body

When the light vanish it took Brony with it! The bears didn't know why the human they were fighting seconds ago suddenly vanished. They howled in anger before walking away, with their intelligence if they can't see the human what's the point of it?

When Brony vanish he was transported in a place full of red. The sky doesn't have a sun but only blood red clouds. He felt some sticky liquid on his foot and when he looked down he saw endless amount of blood

Everywhere he looks there would be a huge sea of blood. The area that the blood covered was wide but it is actually just a few centimeters deep. The metallic bloody smell in the air will make normal people nauseous but Brony was different

Even though this was his first time seeing this much blood but in the new apocalyptic era just how many creature he killed? How many blood he spilled? How many blood of different organisms came into contact on his body? He already lost count

Suddenly, from the sky a humanoid figure landed on the ground. It only stands on with its legs and has two pairs of hand but the thing's feature was not human like. His face was akin to that of a lion, no his body looks like a humanoid shape lion

He has that wild and craze look just like Brony and the two stared at each other's eyes before the lion man laughed loudly. "HAHAA! Welcome Challenger! You now have only two fate. One is to pass the tests and challenges and gain the inheritance or die here and your blood will join the ones on the ground!"

If it were other people they would surely freak out. But who is Brony? He likes blood and challenges and if the two combined then he will love it!

"You better make the challenge a hard one!" Brony said arrogantly. For him a challenge that is not hard is no challenge at all. The lion man's laughter became even louder as if he was the only man in the world. "Of course! Of course!"

"Now, I won't waste time for pointless chit chat. Let blood be spilled!" After saying those words, the lion man vanished into light particles that covered Brony's whole body and his injuries immediately recovered. Even his energy was replenished

Then, hundreds of humanoid shape beast appeared in the endless sea of blood. All of them has ferocious looks on their face as if they can't wait to rip Brony to shreds and drink his blood

"Hahaha! Survive and kill these beasts. The bloodier the better!" The lion man's voice entered Brony's ears which caused him to smile wildly. "Good! Good! That's what I like!"

Brony didn't even care at how many beasts he needs to fight. As long as he can let loose other things didn't bothered him. Even if he dies so what? Just how many million humans died on earth because of the apocalypse? Him adding one to the number won't mean much!

Thus, a bloody massacre started in the blood filled space


After days of constant travel, Anna finally reached the entrance to Kence's forest. Before, it took a lot of time of travel but now the fallens are mostly within their nest. Even the mutated animals were reduced in number which the humans didn't know why. The humans finally had the chance to take a breather from the constant dangers. As of now Anna is already an early stage Grand Knight and her speed was much higher than normal humans

Aside from sleeping, eating and resting for a bit all she does after escaping from God's Tech City was running with another horse she tamed and used it to travel and travel!

Fortunately, many plants mutated and in the wild as long as you have strength you won't need to be afraid that you won't have anything to eat. If there is no plant then you simple need to kill a Warrior Rank mutated animal. Cook it with fire then eat it without caring about the taste, as long as you have something to eat then everything's okay!

She cautiously entered the forest with her brown colored horse, all she know was that Kence wants to build a base here. But for her a forest is place filled with thousands of mutated animals that can attack, kill and eat her. If she wants to have her life intact then she needs to be extremely cautious

She scanned the forest for any dangers that will come and when she can't see any danger she made her horse to move and continue travelling. Along the way there were almost no mutated animals that she encountered. However, instead of making her feel better she became even more tense and afraid

This is too abnormal! A forest like this must have tons of mutated creatures within. If she encountered many animals then she would feel that it was normal. She doesn't like things being far from her 'common sense'

Suddenly saw a huge silhouette from a distance, the thing also noticed her and charged at her. Instead of being afraid it made Anna to feel better. At least there are still creatures within this forest

But when the thing became clear to her she was shocked to see that it was a moving tree about three meters high with a human like face. She even sensed that it was at the early stage of Knight Rank

"A-A treant?" The treant stopped at seeing a human. It was ordered to attack any hostile mutated animals or fallens that will enter the forest but the one in front of it was a human just like his master. She was riding on a horse that doesn't seem hostile and the treant decided to not attack them

There are also some horses in the forest that aren't hostile and his master let them as long as they don't indiscriminately attack anyone they saw

The treant ignored Anna and went to patrol the other areas of the forest. "Is that flowers?" Anna asked to herself at seeing flowers on the treant's shoulder. Actually, the carnivorous flowers were the 'sweeper' and 'cleaner' of this forest. The treants were always accompanied by a few carnivorous flower to eat any hostile creature that the treants killed. Sometimes these flower even help the treants kill the enemies

Seeing the treant ignored her Anna slowly tailed behind it to see what it's up to. She tailed it for hours until it was almost night time. She witnessed how it killed any hostile creature, thankfully all the creatures it encountered are all lower level than it. If not then this treant would surely die from its simple mind

The treant changed direction and head deeper in the forest. As long as Anna doesn't attack the treant the treant won't also attack her. She chased it until she entered the core part of the forest where Kence's family is

She was shocked and delighted at seeing the treant stopped somewhere not too close or far from Calter and the others. The middle part of the forest was actually lively than the other parts of the forest. There were a few tens of treants there while almost a hundred bees were flying around

The three aside from Calter was currently chatting with each other. Calter was a bit far from them and was still training. When the three saw Anna they were pleasantly surprised and went to hug her immediately

Hello, if you are going to vote in this novel can you please vote it in my other Novel Magic With You? It's for the lgbt writing contest. I hope you can support my novel thank you all!

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