
Strongest Tree

The Goddess Gaia sacrificed herself to activate the Absolute World Protection to protect earth. The most powerful protection barrier that made even powerful Gods helpless! To let the humans thirst for strength the apocalypse started. Powerful Supernaturals was thus born but it cost millions of lives! Kence, a man that was tortured in almost all possible ways vowed that he will become strong enough to take his revenge! Due to some circumstances he turned into a tree but he will make sure that he would become the..... Strongest Tree!

KenceRussel · Fantasy
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93 Chs

Chapter 84

Kence put the Sun Crystal on the ground and picked the other item he got from killing the deer. The ring was all black in color, he didn't know what its use but since it's a 'monster drop' from a deer that powerful it would surely be something valuable

"System Identify!"

"Beep. Scanning Item"

"Scan successful"

"Item: Spatial Ring

A ring made from precious spatial stone. It can store items inside but not living things. Can be bound using soul power"

When Kence read the information in the translucent window that appeared on his vision he was pleasantly surprise. It's actually the spatial ring of legends! With this he don't need to carry a backpack with him as that's too inconvenient

Just like before, he can easily kill the deer after their ultimate attacks clashed if he was able to eat his fruits. The life or death situation when fighting the deer was greatly benefited Kence! It not only pushed him to the peak of Grand Knight but it also gave him these valuable treasure

The saying is really true, where there is danger there would be opportunities! Kence excitedly used his soul power to enter the ring but when he did so he felt pain on his head

Right! His soul was still injured from the previous fight. Although his break through healed most of his physical body and soul injury but it didn't fully heal it. Plus, healing the soul is even harder than healing the body

The only fortunate thing is his break through helped him heal his soul, if not then it would take a few days for it to fully heal. But now, maybe half a day is enough. But until then it was better to not engage in more fights

Kence endured the pain to bind with the spatial ring, it only needs to record his soul and everything is done. With a swipe his backpack and the Sun Crystal entered the spatial ring. Kence was shocked to see that the space inside the ring was actually this huge!

It was ten kilometers long and wide! Just how many things he can store on it? It's too big! Kence withdrawn his soul power immediately as his soul was still injured. If he continuously uses his soul power then not only will his soul not heal but it will become even more injured

"Hmm" Alice slowly opened her eyes and can feel some pain on her body. Thankfully, the Life Fruit is really effective and from a life-threatening state she was almost back to normal. "W-what happened?" She asked confused

She can only remember Kence hitting her body and then she loses consciousness. "It's okay now. I'm sorry that was my fault" Kence said apologetically

"No, it's okay. If I'm on my own I would surely die from the creature that did that to you" Alice said while shaking her head. If even Kence was blown away because of that creature how can Alice put any resistance?

"You can rest or cultivate for now. I'm still injured and I need to heal as soon as possible" Kence said before closing his eyes and controlling his energy to nurture and heal his soul. Even then the biggest portion of his awareness was still use to detect any danger that will come. He can only rely on himself to stay alive as Alice was still too weak for now

Alice was suspicious as she can't see any visible injury from Kence but nonetheless started cultivating. She needs to improve her cultivation base as soon as possible!

The faster the better so she can immediately take her revenge to the people who sully her body. She closed her eyes and started absorbing the energy in the surrounding. The Tower of Treasures or Death is really Mystical! As the energy inside it was higher than outside it also made the Supernatural's cultivation speed to rise!


Soon, morning arrived. Fortunately, aside from low levelled beasts there wasn't any strong enemy that found Kence and Alice. Kence opened his eyes as he sensed that large amount of energy was flying in a certain location

He saw those energy entering Alice's body. It looks like she broke through into the Knight Rank. This was partly because of the high amount of energy in the surrounding

"Good morning!" Kence greeted but Alice only nodded her head. It seems like she still wasn't ready to have much interaction with someone especially men. Kence didn't mind that though, he was not that petty

"I will enter the cave, it might be dangerous. Do you want to come with me or wait here? Either way both is dangerous" Kence said as after a night's rest his soul is already healed up. Sure, he wants to train Alice into a competent underling but he still needs to raise his strength inside the tower!

"I will go with you" for Alice waiting for Kence outside the cave or coming with him is both dangerous. It was better to stick with the man, who knows she might learn something from him there. "Okay, follow me. I know you're still not comfortable near men but be as close to me as you can so that I can protect you"

Alice nodded her head and walked closer to Kence. Even then there was still two meters distance between the two. But for Kence that is enough, two meters of distance means nothing to him. He can travel that two meters in less than a second

The two slowly and cautiously entered the cave. They thought that the inside would be dim and dark but it was actually bright inside. There were some yellow colored stones on the ceiling that glowed and making the surrounding bright

However, there were also black things on the ceiling that was covered by something. That 'something' moved and they were actually bats!

The bats opened their wings and their red eyes stared at Kence and Alice. There were at least a hundred bats inside the cave and they all charged towards the two. Alice's face immediately paled, even yesterday she didn't met that many beast at a time

"Hmph!" Kence snorted while looking at the bats coming to him. The bats maybe numerous but they were all in the Warrior Rank. Even if the bats are twice their number Kence won't be afraid

"[Innate Skill: Leaf Storm!]" Hundreds of leaves immediately appeared inside the cave and they harvested the lives of these bats. His leaves are already as hard as metals, even though controlling hundreds of them didn't produce much power but it was more than enough to kill Warrior Rank Supernatuals. His awareness was still not that powerful and he need to divide his mind controlling these many leaves. If his awareness is strong enough, he can pact these leaves with destructive power or even control hundreds of thousands of leaves! Too bad, as of now that was impossible

In no more than a minute the hundred bats all fell on the ground while their body glowed and slowly shrunk until only Energy Pearls were left. Naturally, Kence won't waste his 'hardwork' and put all the pearls inside his spatial ring

Alice rub her eyes in astonishment. She can't believe that in just a mere wave some of the pearls vanished just like that. Even then she knew not to pry too much and just kept her mouth shut

"Let's continue" Kence said before slowly walking deeper into the cave. He didn't let his guard down. Just the entrance alone has a hundred bats, who knows if he went deeper, they might encounter tens of thousands of them. As powerful as he is, he still needs to flee when the quantity beat the quality

Walking for few tens of meters Kence suddenly sensed something


From the yellow colored stone in the ceiling a streak of lightning shot out in the space close to Kence. Fortunately, although it was close but the lightning didn't targeted him. "W-what!" Alice was shock when she looked at the ground where the lightning landed

The ground was scorched while a two inches deep and three inches wide hole appeared on it. There were still some smokes coming out from that hole

Kence's face become serious while looking at those yellow colored stones. Sure enough, this cave is not ordinary! There might not even an ordinary place inside this tower. Just the stones can produce that much power

The two stood there for about 20 seconds to see if the stone will emit another lightning strike. After 20 seconds another stone ten meters away from Kence shoot lightning on the ground

"Is there a twenty seconds interval?" Kence asked but he was wrong. In just ten seconds the third stone shoot a lighting. This time the two were not that lucky and the third lightning came out from the stone directly above Kence

"[Innate Skill: Wooden Palm!]" Kence's right hand transformed into a wooden palm that he used to protect himself. The palm was destroyed while leaving scorched marks on it

The only good thing is that even though the lightning is fast but Kence can feel the buildup of energy before it shot some lightning. His superior reaction speed can help him survive those lightning attacks but what he was worried about is Alice

Alice was not stupid and know the danger. She gritted her teeth before moving another meter closer to Kence. This was her current limit, even with just this distance she's already extremely uncomfortable

Kence decided to observe the lightning strikes first before proceeding to see if there was a pattern to them. But to his disappointment it seems like the lightning attacks were random. It can take a minute before another stone released its power but it can also be only a second before two or three lightnings will be released

It all depended on luck! After observing, the two continue their exploration amidst the danger that the yellow stones bought. If Kence was afraid of this kind of danger why would he even dare enter this tower! Plus, the deer from before was more dangerous than these stones. With luck even after walking for hundreds of meters no lightning might come to his direction

However, as they proceeded it's not only the stones that they need to be careful with. They met more cave bats inside. Some of the bats can even shot a small lightning ball. Fortunately, they are mostly warrior rank but as they went deeper to the cave they also started encountering Knight Rank bats. If it's just Kence he won't think this is too much of a problem but he still needs to protect Alice!

As more time passed it became harder to defend themselves from the stones and bats. The cave was extremely large, they were already walking inside for three meters but they still didn't see the end of it. Kence was in a sour mood though. It became harder and harder to travel in the cave but he still didn't encounter any treasure

Now, he's exhausted and decided to rest without even getting another treasure aside from Energy Pearls. If he gained even one treasure then this trip would be a successful one, if not it's just a waste of time!

Kence can't actually rest properly as he still need to guard them from the lightning attacks. He decided to wait for his energy to recover on its own instead of using energy fruit. After all he has limited supply of it because of the backpack's capacity!

If he knew that he would gain a spatial ring on this trip then he would bring more fruits with him! Alice was currently sitting next to Kence but her head was on the opposite side of the man while her body constantly moved as she was too uncomfortable

"We'll continue for another kilometer and if we still didn't get any treasure we would head back outside" Kence said and Alice nodded her head

After recovering all of Kence's energy another round of exploration was made by the two

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