
Strongest Terrorist System

What happens after the Most Wanted Terrorist in the world gets transmigrated to another world with the strongest terrorist system in hand? He becomes a true God of Destruction and causes headaches for all in that world of course.

PandaEatingBambo · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: The name is █ █ █ █ █

Hi, my name is █ █ █ █ █

You can call me Mr. BOMB or Most Wanted terrorist.

I'm just gonna tell you about how I died... I'll tell you upfront, the day I died wasn't a peaceful one.

The world was never a peaceful one. People just block out all the bad news around them so that they don't notice anything bad is going on until it happens to them. Do you know how many crimes happen every single day? Do you know how many people die from fights happening around them? People get shot and people die. There are also insane lunatics that like blowing up buildings by smashing them with planes.

I personally don't consider myself a Terrorist. I mean everyone around the world calls me that and all but I really don't think so... I consider myself personally a person that feels unsafe at all times due to the state of the world.

I've had an anxiety disorder since I was young, the difference is that I feel way more anxiety than what a normal patient would feel by 20 times and the only way for me to cope with this fear of mine is to make sure I have an escape route at all times and to make sure that I have something I could rely on.

I was born an orphan. An orphan that grew up near some really dangerous places as well as some extremely unruly kids. There were drug dealers near where I lived, there were gang fights that happen all the time. Gunshots that go off at night, the people that walk past people without any eye contact. There isn't the slightest bit of what you would call a law here.

There was no such thing as the police where I grew up. All of the people who lived there were people who followed the same mindset, in order to live you must not irritate anyone, and if you do you must immediately take out the threat or run. Because if you don't you'll end up with a bullet in your skull. Although most of the time you'll die even if you run.

So growing up there I learned several important ways to survive in this world.

1. You need a healthy body. It's because if you have a bad one you can't run if you meet trouble.

2. You must keep your brain active at all times. You must learn to filter things that could potentially cause you trouble.

3. You must learn to suck in all useful information that could be useful.

4. You need a weapon, If you don't have one and you're trapped in a dead-end you're gonna die and you know it.

5. You need a hostage, Yeah, this last one might sound silly and is probably the reason why people call me a terrorist.

I became the greatest terrorist on Earth and am wanted internationally by all countries worldwide. The FBI, CIA, UNOCT, and a couple others. They've been on my tail for close to 10 years already, I mean I only stole a single Atomic Bomb, why must you go so far to track me down? America has thousands of them. What can a single one do?

I was only keeping it for safety purposes.

I only planted like 140,000 bombs around the world and have only used 1/100 of them and I didn't even kill that many people.

I only have the US president's son and 100 other countries' important people hostage, Why must you go so far to track me down, I'm doing you all a favor, you know! I'm raising them for you for free, you know! I didn't even charge you for rent nor the food.

Why are you calling me the most insane Terrorist in the world!

Why are you saying that I kidnapped hundreds of people for no reason whatsoever. I'm doing it to make sure of my safety! You guys have been chasing me for 10 years straight since I BORROWED your Atomic Bomb for safety purposes. You've been chasing me with machine guns and your special forces. I've only activated 1/100 of the bombs I've hidden around the world to keep you from trying to sentence me to death... It's all for my safety, why can't you understand that!

I was hiding in the middle of New York City when the FBI found me. I know some might ask why New York? Of Course it's because oftentimes the more dangerous the place is the more safer it is.

If I wasn't ratted out by one of my most trusted men I wouldn't have been caught!

Sigh* people were never reliable in the first place.

Now at the top of one of the Empire State I see helicopter's in the horizon and flashes of red blue as well as red laser dots all around below me. The annoying siren continues to ring and ring and ring and... sigh*

I turn around and look at the 100 or so hostages I have tied up behind me. Some as young as 10 years old and some as old as 60. All different ethnicities behind me, different languages and from different countries. Most of them are pleading to be let loose, some of them sitting there with a Terrified face looking all around the place.

"I know that you wish to leave, but for my safety I need all of those cops gone. Do any of you have a good idea that could help me leave?"

Everyone of them were staring at me and it looked like they were asking if I was insane.

"Guess not..."

I pick up the speaker from off the ground and grab the remote with some bombs in my hand.

I walked out onto the balcony.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! It is I, the man you call the most wanted terrorist! I am currently within the empire state building with over 100 important hostages."

"I know how there are people that believe you should catch me anyways and accept no threats, but to all those out there I have a piece of news here for you. I've hidden more than 100,000 bombs around the world. There is a bomb in almost every major city in the world. Just within New York I've also hidden about 1,000 bombs."

The moment this word went out the internet was in uproar.





"There's also something that I believe the US hasn't told you about."

"It's the fact that they made a big mistake about ten years back, fun fact, do you know how many Nuclear Bombs the US has?"

"The answer is their missing one now!"

Everyone around the world went into an uproar!

"Do you still not accept threats?"

"What if I told you that there is probably most certainly a bomb under the floor of every hotel in almost every state?"

"What if I told you that I've hidden the Atomic Bomb somewhere in New York?"


"What if I told you I'm tired of running from you guys and that I wish to end my life with a bang?"


"Some call me insane, some call me mad, others might call me the most wanted terrorist but the truth behind all of this is because I just can't feel safe. "

I take out the remote from my pocket and yell.

"This is your last chance! Leave me alone! Quit following me around!"

"Or you're all gonna end up like this!"

I press a button on the remote and a building near us explodes.

"Quit following me aroun-"

One of the hostages who were tied up somehow untied himself and aimed to grab my controller!


I struggled with him and ended up with the controller breaking but then I looked across from the building and saw the big billboard that was actually a timer I set there to start to move!


This means the bombs I set up to make my escape were gonna blow!

I immediately kicked the hostage off to the side and made a run for it!

I'm not gonna die because of my own bomb! I remember my backup escape plan: a bungee jump through the elevator shaft and a cushion at the bottom! I was planning to do that later to make my escape but now the timing is completely messed up!

"It's all because of that damned... sigh* people, even hostages are sometimes unreliable."

I Jumped down the elevator shaft immediately after putting on my gear and then I heard the explosion on the roof! That explosion was in actuality only a fake explosion and was supposed to be my cover. I then hear a series of explosions coming from the buildings around.

The bombs in this building are about to go off soon!

Then I suddenly hear a very disturbing noise.

Ding!* The sound of someone getting onto the elevator is heard.


THE ELEVATOR STARTS GOING DOWN. When it got to floor 101 it got stuck and the rope for my bungee jump wouldn't grow any longer!

Stuck dangling in the air above a 1,000 meter high elevator shaft is not something that normal people could stand.

The Time was ticking away and the bombs only needed 30 more seconds before it blew up the building and there I was stuck in the middle of an elevator shaft because of a couple of hostages that were doomed to die... SIGH*



FUCK since I'm gonna die might as well die like I said!


I TOOK OUT MY REMOTE CONTROL for the bomb Nuclear Bomb and activated it!

Goodbye you worthless piece of shit world.




That was how the most wanted terrorist in the world died. Not whilst fighting off the CIA or FBI but rather due to his own beginners mistake and a couple of unreliable hostages.

But during the explosion something strange happened.


You got a message!

Strongest Terrorist System...



New Host...

New World...

You have been selected as the new host of the Strongest Terrorist System...

You will be reborn in a cultivation world where the environment is more fitting for a god of destruction such as you.

Thank You

Message End