
Strongest Talent in Naruto

Arriving in Naruto World with the strongest talent. With unparalleled training speed and becoming the strongest in the Uchiha clan! A legend is born and he is the most feared existence in the Ninja world! ------------------ Early Access and read ahead: www.patreon.com/Skykritze Donation: https://ko-fi.com/skykritze Do consider supporting me as your support will help me in producing more works for you guys. ------------------ Original work: https://wap.faloo.com/book/355710.html ------------------ This is a translated fanfiction of naruto

Skykritze · Anime & Comics
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188 Chs

You Still Cant Beat Me!

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Chapter 40:

Akira and Minato stood on opposite sides, while Kushina and Mikoto also watched the battle from the sideline.

"Brother Akira, you can do it!" Mikoto made no secret of her support for Akira, and Kushina also made a cheering gesture at Akira, making Minato smile bitterly.

Akira, this guy is really popular with girls…

"Minato, let's start!" Akira nodded slightly at Kushina and Mikoto, then said.

"I am ready" Minato also got serious.

Akira and Minato both acted at the same time and quickly began to move.

"Fire style, great fireball jutsu!" Akira hand sealed and spit out a huge fireball and it burned at high temperature, distorting the air. The intense flame made Minato feel more pressured.

"What a powerful fireball, it is much more powerful than the great fireball jutsu I have mastered…" Mikoto's eyes flashed brightly and her eyes suddenly shined with admiration.

"It's just a C-rank ninjutsu. But Akira has exerted such a powerful power in his hands. Akira's progress during this period is really too rapid…" This thought flashed in Minato's mind. The hand is also non-stop: "Wind style, wind cutter jutsu!"

A hurricane struck, like a sharp blade, cutting the fire, Akira's fireball was broken by the wind cutting technique, the fire spread along, burning the earth, and a pungent scorched black smell spread out. However, Minato also cut open the fireball technique to avoid being burned.

Minato breathed a sigh of relief, chakra surged, and shouted, "Flying Raijin!"

Minato took out a row of kunai, all of these kunai were specially made, with the technique formula(jutsu-shiki) of the flying raijin on them, which was specially used for flying raijin.

Minato is now only at the initial stage of mastering the Flying Thunder God, he still can't leave the mark(technique formula) of flying raijin on the enemy's body like in the original story. At present, Minato can only use the flying raijin on kunai to move, but it's not bad.

Minato quickly threw these special kunai out, with more than a dozen kunai scattered around, so that Minato could use flying raijin to move at any time to deal with Akira.

Akira narrowed his eyes. He was familiar with the original story and knew how powerful flying raijin was, but even the most powerful ninjutsu would also have a weak point. At least Akira currently has a way to deal with flying raijin.

"Flying raijin!" Minato flashed and he moved to the side of kunai behind Akira and then he stabbed at Akira without a break.

Seeing that he was about to stab Akira, but he then heard the sound of crow caw.

Akira's body instantly turned into crows and dissipated.

"The crow clone jutsu!" Minato frowned. He knew that this was Akira's crow clone jutsu, and he knew that this is going to be troublesome. With the illusion of the crow clone, it is very difficult for him to attack. No wonder Akira was comfortable facing those jonin. Minato smiled bitterly and finally understood what it was like for those opponents to face Akira.

"Flying raijin!" Minato used flying raijin once again, appearing to a kunai side, ready to attack Akira again.

Minato approached Akira, kunai in his hand was about to touch Akira's body, but at this moment, Akira's body exploded!

"No, it's another clone!" Minato suddenly understood that he was fooled. This is Akira's clone jutsu again and this clone is different from the ordinary crow clone, this is a shadow clone! And Akira could control this clone, causing the clone to explode directly!

Minato immediately defended and avoided, but was still affected by the explosion. His ninja uniform was blown torn apart, and there were some wounds on his body, causing him to very embarrassed.

"Minato, my ninjutsu is called shadow clone explosion jutsu , what do you think?" Akira's body revealed and he said lightly.

The shadow clone explosion jutsu is a A-rank ninjutsu, the ninjutsu used by Uchiha Itachi in the original story. The power of this ninjutsu is very strong, using the clone to explode and the enemy will killed be killed if they are negligent.

This ninjutsu was also learned recently by Akira, with the guidance of sage of the six path, he has make rapid progress. If Akira had not hold back on the jutsu, Minato would be seriously injured or worse die.

"Sure enough it is very strong, Akira…" Minato sighed, but he was not discouraged.

"Is it better?" Akira smiled.

Minato was a little unconvinced: "My flying raijin has the effect of high-speed movement, Akira you may not be able to counter my flying raijin?"

"Really?" Akira smiled and then he create a dozen shadow clone, each shadow clone was just guarding at the special kunai of Minato. Akira smiled: "My shadow clones are able to explode under my control, as long as you teleport to the kunai, my clones will explode, it's useless even if you have flying raijin…"

Minato suddenly smiled bitterly without a word, remembering the power of the clone's explosion just now, he still had lingering fear.

"Well, I lost." Minato finally gave in.

Hearing his admit of defeat, Akira put away his clone, in fact, Minato's use of flying raijin was indeed good. But flying raijin has a weakness, that is, his offensive ability is too weak, so in the original sotry, Minato invented the jutsu, rasengan which was used with flying raijin.

But currently Minato haven't create the rasengan and his strength is far not as powerful as in the original story, so it is not too difficult for Akira to counter his flying raijin. Although flying raijin is powerful, there are also ways to counter it. Akira has body flicker jutsu and crow clones jutsu, so he has an advantage against Minato.

"What a wonderful battle!"

"Brother Akira's shadow clone explosion jutsu just now is really amazing!" Both Kushina and Mikoto greeted them and said one after another. Mikoto also gently helped Akira wipe the non-existent sweat on his face, making Minato a little envious.

"Minato, your strength is about jonin level, not bad." Akira smiled.

Minato nodded, "Finally, I haven't been overtaken by you too much."

Perhaps under the pressure brought by Akira, Minato also grew very rapidly. Although not as strong as Akira, but he is also firmly ranked second among his peers.

"Akira, Minato, both of you were here!" At this moment, a voice came.

Akira and Minato looked toward the sound, only to see a member of Anbu wearing an animal mask appearing in front of the two. This person is the white fang, Sakumo wearing a anbu mask.

"Taicho." Minato said quickly.

White Fang is currently the captain of Anbu, and usually takes care of Akira and Minato, so Akira and Minato both are courteous and respectful of him

"Well, there is a new mission, both of you follow me to see third hokage." White Fang said solemnly.

New mission?

Akira turned serious, looking at Sakumo's posture, it seemed to be a very important mission, otherwise Sakumo would not come to get Akira and Minato himself.