
Strongest Talent in Naruto

Arriving in Naruto World with the strongest talent. With unparalleled training speed and becoming the strongest in the Uchiha clan! A legend is born and he is the most feared existence in the Ninja world! ------------------ Early Access and read ahead: www.patreon.com/Skykritze Donation: https://ko-fi.com/skykritze Do consider supporting me as your support will help me in producing more works for you guys. ------------------ Original work: https://wap.faloo.com/book/355710.html ------------------ This is a translated fanfiction of naruto

Skykritze · Anime & Comics
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188 Chs

Kato Dan's Death

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There are 12 early access chapters posted in patréon if you want to read ahead.

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Chapter 85:

Kato Dan's greatest reliance is his spirit transfomation jutsu, as long as he make good use of the ninjutsu weakness to counter Dan, Dan will be vulnerable to enemy attack.

Now Dan's body is in front of Akira and he can determine Dan's life or death!

"As long as the main body of Dan is killed, Dan will die." Akira took out a Kunai from the ninja tool bag and prepared to kill Dan. He would not hesitate when it was time to do it.

Akira approached Dan, but before he even touched Dan's body, suddenly a flow of chakras under his feet can be felt, making Akira a little startled.

"This is a sensory type ninjutsu, that should be done by Dan. He placed chakras around his body abd as long as a enemy gets close, he can immediately detect it!" Akira narrowed his eyes. Dan is really cautious, placing sensory ninjutsu to detect danger.

Sure enough, Kato Dan, who was fighting with Iwa ninjas outside, immediately felt something wrong and his face suddenly changed.

"No, someone is approaching my main body, I need to hurry back to the cave, damn it, who is it?" Dan's expression changed drastically and became very flustered. He didn't expect anyone to approach his main body. Reacting quickly, the spirit transformed Dan quickly rushed back to his body!

"Who the hell dared to touch my body... Damn it, I must kill the culprit!" Dan was furious, anxious and hateful, constantly guessing who it was.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that Dan's face changed drastically, the Iwa njnjad rushed back hurriedly. They all looked at each other, not knowing why.

"There must be something wrong with Kato Dan's main body, otherwise he won't be so nervous! Let's take a look, but be careful, the other party may have back up!" Kisseki was also very cautious and whispered to his surbodinate.

"Hai, Kisseki sama!" The Iwa ninjas all nodded and followed Kisseki. It's a pity that the speed of Kisseki and others can't keep up with the speed of the spirit transformed Dan

Since Kato Dan is in a spirit transformed state, he can basically ignore any obstacles while traveling quickly. His speed is very fast, almost within a few breaths, he arrives in the cave, getting closer and closer to Akira.

"Boy, Dan is here, careful!" Sage of the six path sensed the familiar Chakra of Dan and reminded immediately.

"ok, thanks!"

Akira stayed calm. With a move of his finger, the kunai in his hand struck Kato Dan's body directly, injuring Dan body and blood bursting out.

At the same time, Dan's spirit not far away felt a burning sensation, a pain from tearing the spirit came and Kato Dan give out a bloodcurdling scream.

"Damn, my body must have been attacked, otherwise it wont be so painful! I have to return to my body quickly, otherwise my spirit will be destroyed directly!" Dan was completely panicked, speeding up the spirit traveling speed and finally reached the fork and entered the cave. Akira's shadow can also be seen from a distance.

Of course Akira also noticed Dan's spirit, secretly shock at how quick he is! The speed of the spirit transfomation jutsu is so fast, it is simply very terrifying and indeed troublesome if he confront with the spirit transfomation jutsu head-on.

"Uchiha Akira, you actually framed me! Are the Iwa ninja out there lured here by you? What a scheming bastard, you actually have the murderous intent to kill me. I should have acted first and kill you!" Kato Dan was also intent on killing Akira and seeing Akira is here in the cave. Dan became furious and eyes turn red in rage seeing his rival here trying to kill him.

At this time, he deeply regretted it. If he made his move first and with his strength, he would have killed Akira already, how could he have fallen to the present situation?

"You can only blame yourself for being stupid." Akira said faintly, without stopping his hand, he pierced towards Dan's heart and blood gushed out like a fountain again.

Dan's spirit became weaker again and he let out another bloodcurdling scream, feeling his vitality disappearing bit by bit.

Akira has completely took the initiative!

Kato Dan surprisingly discovered that he had no strength to resist against Akira. Akira had an incomparable understanding of his spirit transfomation jutsu that he was good at and pushed him into the dark abyss step by step.

That's right, Akira first analyzed the weakness of the spirit transformation jutsu and then dispatched the shadow clone to pay close attention to his situation and then used Iwa ninjas to fight and stall Dan. Finally, he took action and killed Kato Dan personally!

After thinking about every step, Akira pushed Dan into desperation step by step!

Even though Kato Dan was very strong and the spirit transformation jutsu is very terrifying, but Akira still forced Kato Dan to such despair he is now.

"Uchiha Akira, I'm going to kill you!" Kato Dan was filled with hatred and anger, and it completely ignited by Akira as he rushed towards Akira with a roar.

Kato Dan's body has been seriously injured at this time and the power of the spirit transformation jutsu has also been greatly weakened. He was shocked, but he still want to kill Akira with his last breath as he pounced on Akira!

"Kill me?" Akira didn't start to panic. The Kunai in his hand had completely pierced the heart of Dan's body. Once done, he then quickly escaped: "Yang style, body flicker jutsu!"

Akira's figure was erratic, leaving an afterimage on the spot and also instantly avoided Kato Dan's attack.


The body flicker jutsu that Akira had mastered was the Yang style body flicker jutsu taught by the sage himself. The body flicker jutsu range and speed are very outstanding. He is also one of the best body flicker user, therefore he could naturally avoid the attack of Kato Dan easily.

"Kato Dan, you can't kill me. Your body's heart has been pierced and no one can live if their heart is pierced. Now your spirit is greatly weakened and it can't pose a threat to me. You lose." Akira said lightly.

Akira is right, he has fully grasped the victory and Dan is now determined to lose!

"No I regret not killing you earlier... I must kill you!" Dan yelled unwillingly, but the white light radiated by his body gradually faded and his spirit also gradually became completely transparent as it is about to dissipate.

Kato Dan still want to struggle, but he was powerless, unable to do anything. He could only watch Akira helplessly with his eyes, but he didn't have the strength to take anymore action.

"Farewell." Akira said casually, Kato Dan is dead and he have one less threat!

Kato Dan's spirit dissipated into white particles and finally disappeared completely in this cave.

Kato Dan dead!