
Strongest Talent in Naruto

Arriving in Naruto World with the strongest talent. With unparalleled training speed and becoming the strongest in the Uchiha clan! A legend is born and he is the most feared existence in the Ninja world! ------------------ Early Access and read ahead: www.patreon.com/Skykritze Donation: https://ko-fi.com/skykritze Do consider supporting me as your support will help me in producing more works for you guys. ------------------ Original work: https://wap.faloo.com/book/355710.html ------------------ This is a translated fanfiction of naruto

Skykritze · Anime & Comics
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188 Chs

Control Amaterasu? Akira's creativity!

Support me and enjoy advance chapters at: www.patréon.com/Skykritze.

There are 18 early access chapters posted in patréon if you want to read ahead.

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Chapter 163:

The Sannin looked at Akira with shocked, especially Tsunade, who is full of worry, as she didn't expect Akira to make such a sudden decision.

Akira said with a smile: "Yes, you can leave Iwa to me and I will take care of it. The Sannin will then deal with Suna since you guys can cooperate with each other tacitly and deal with Suna easily."

"That being said, can you face Iwa ninja alone..." Jiraiya objected subconsciously. Although Tsunade didn't say anything to object, those eyes looked at Akira as if they could speak and there was a look of worry in her beautiful eyes.

Akira chuckled and said in a low voice: "Don't worry, if I can't deal with it, I won't force it."

Jiraiya finally relented after Akira said this.

Tsunade's eyes were a little moved. She knew that Akira's plan to deal with Iwa was actually to help her get her revenge.

"Let's pay close attention to the movements of Iwa and Suna for now. I have sent all our sensory ninjas to collect information." Orochimaru's voice was cold.

Akira pouted his lips. In fact, Akira can roughly guessed the next movements of Suna and Iwa without inquiring about the intelligence.

Iwa will first definitely have to send someone to discuss the alliance with Suna and when their discussion and plans were completed, they will then launched a truly big assault.

After the discussion with the Sannin, Akira and Tsunade walked out of the room side by side.

Tsunade looked at Akira with her pair of beautiful eyes as if she wanted to talk about something.

"What's wrong?" Akira felt something amiss.

Tsunade then said lightly: "You are now very powerful, although the power of those eyes is very strong, but you can't use them frequently right? Otherwise, there should be great side effects..."

Akira was taken aback as he never thought that Tsunade knew part of the secret behind mangekyo sharingan.

However maybe it is quite possible as the Senju clan and Uchiha clan have deep ties since a long time ago and Senju Hashirama together with Senju Tobirama are even Uchiha Madara's old rival. Senju clan should be the only clan that understand the sharingan the best besides the Uchiha clan themselve in the world. In addition, Tsunade is also a expert in medical ninjutsu and she can detect something to some extent.

Seeing that Tsunade was so worried, Akira heart felt warm. He was happy that Tsunade was concern about him.

"Are you caring about me?" Akira smiled and blinked innocently.

Tsunade was stunned, she then immediately saw the mischievousness in Akira's eyes and said, "What are you talking about, who is worried about you..." Tsunade said and the blushed on her face betrayed her thoughts. (Tsundere)

"The way you blush is so cute." Akira admired it openly while chuckling.

Tsunade's face turned redder and she glared at him. This guy is really...

"Don't worry, I know my limits and will make good use of this power." Akira lightly stroked Tsunade's cheek. Akira is clear about the side effects of the mangekyo sharingan and it is precisely because of the side effects that Akira will work hard to train his Yin and Yang attributes.

"That's good." Tsunade breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Akira's serious expression. She cares about Akira very much. She has just lost her brother, but she doesn't want to lose her love ones again.

Akira smiled, turned around and hug Tsunade into his arms, while at the same his hands were dishonest and take advantage of the situation.

Tsunade's figure is so perfect that even Akira couldn't resist the temptation. Tsunade is definitely the first among all the beauties in the Narutoverse. It is then strange if he can control himself when he is hugging such a big beauty in his arms.

"You, you... what are you doing, what if someone see this!" Tsunade struggled slightly, but her resistance is really little.

"Don't worry, no one will come over and bother us." Akira said. The ninjas in the base vaguely understood the relationship between Akira and Tsunade and of course they wouldn't bother them so stupidly.

Tsunade's face blushed even redder and her body turned weak.

Of course Akira didn't go too far, he just took some advantage of it and stopped.

Tsunade gasped for a while and gradually recovered. Tsunade has gradually emerged from the shadow caused by the death of Nawaki while spending time with Akira and it could be seen that she was no longer as haggard as before.

"I'll go take a look at Konan, Yahiko and Nagato." Akira kissed Tsunade's cheek.

"En." Tsunade blushed shyly and her voice was as soft as a mosquito.

Akira left in a good mood, while Tsunade looked at Akira's back, with her face still blushing. She stared at Akira figure for a long while, waiting for Akira to leave and finally the corners of her mouth showed a smile.

Akira found the three, Konan, Yahiko and Nagato soon after.

"Brother Akira!" When Konan saw Akira, she immediately ran towards him and hung on Akira like a little koala and refused to get down. Akira don't know if he should laugh or cry. She was clearly a small iceberg in front of others, but how could she be so lively in front of him.

But that's okay, Konan's cuteness can only be appreciated by him. This satisfies someone's possessiveness to a large extent.

Akira squeezed Konan's face and checked the current strength of the three and found that all three of them have improved a lot, especially Nagato. Nagato has the rinnegan and his growth speed is self-evident.

Akira was very satisfied with the progress of the three strengths, so he encouraged and rewarded them. Which had led to Nagato and Yahiko being very happy, as for them to get Akira's approval is the greatest satisfaction.

Meanwhile Konan has been pestering Akira about wanting to sleep with him.

Akira had no choice but to relent. Holding the little fairy in his arms, Akira have to say that Konan, this girl, is really developing more and more, cough, cough, will he be able to eat her after a few years?

Upon waking up, Akira devoted himself to a new routine of training.

Akira only did two things during this time, one was to be familiar with the mangekyo sharingan's abilities and the other was to train his Yin and Yang attribute. Afterall Akira had just awakened his mangekyo sharingan and he has yet to familiarize with the abilities.

Especially the ability of Amaterasu is not very easy to control.

Since Akira doesn't have the fire-controlling ability of ''infernal style: flame control" like Sasuke, Amaterasu's control is more troublesome and is definitely a problem.

Hence Akira has been thinking about it all this time, as he want to master his mangekyo sharingan more perfectly.

Akira was on the way to train, but suddenly a flash of inspiration came. Isn't there a ready made method if I want to control Amaterasu?

In an instant, an excellent idea came to mind.