

One individual stands out from the group as he is not holding any guns or weapons, but rather, he carries a black suitcase.

This middle-aged man exudes a sharp gaze and possesses an intimidating presence. His posture reflects a militarized demeanor, indicating that he is likely a veteran.

The middle-aged man catches sight of the Administrator, directors, and others at the front of the hospital. He and his team make their way towards them with purpose.

"Wow, who is the important person arriving at the hospital? There are at least 30 bodyguards accompanying them, and they are armed!" one of the onlookers exclaims in surprise.

"Who do you think it could be?" one of the spectators asks.

"I'm not sure, but whoever it is, they must be a bigshot. Not just anyone can have that level of privilege and security," another spectator responds, expressing uncertainty.

Amidst the murmurs of the crowd, the middle-aged man and his team finally reach the front where the higher-ups of the hospital are gathered.

As the Administrator and the group of directors notice the middle-aged man and his team approaching them, they hasten to greet them with enthusiasm and respect.

"Hello, dear sirs. What brings you to our hospital? If there is anything you need, please don't hesitate to let us know. We will do our best to accommodate your requests, as long as they are within reason," the Administrator warmly addresses the middle-aged man and his team.

"Yes," one of the directors echoes in agreement, showing their willingness to assist the middle-aged man and his team.

"Hello, everyone. I apologize for any inconvenience we may have caused," the middle-aged man addresses the Administrator, directors, and others gathered.

"No need to apologize," the Administrator and the other directors assure the middle-aged man, emphasizing that there was no inconvenience caused.

"I won't take up much of your time, as I understand you are all busy. In short, we are here to provide protection for the Madam," the middle-aged man states, clarifying the purpose of his and his team's presence at the hospital.

Upon hearing the middle-aged man's statement about protecting the Madam, the Administrator and the others are taken aback.

"Protect!?" one of the directors exclaims, expressing surprise. Despite their suspicions, they are still caught off guard by the revelation.

The Administrator, wanting to clarify the situation, quickly asks for the name of the Madam. "Um, sir, if you don't mind me asking, may I know the name of the Madam you are referring to?"

"We should move inside," the middle-aged man suggests, noticing the growing crowd and wanting to ensure privacy.

Upon hearing the suggestion, the Administrator and the others quickly look around and start to feel embarrassed by the attention they have been attracting. Realizing their mistake, the Administrator promptly invites the middle-aged man and his team inside the hospital, eager to provide them with a more private setting.

"Um, sorry, sir. We were quite rude just now," the Administrator apologizes, acknowledging their earlier behavior.

"No, it's okay," the middle-aged man reassures them, understanding their reaction.

"We should proceed inside, sir. Oh, and I apologize for forgetting to ask earlier, but may I know your name?" the Administrator asks, realizing they haven't been properly introduced.

"You can call me Rudolf, and I am the commanding officer of this group," the middle-aged man introduces himself, providing his name and position to the Administrator.

As the conversation continues, they proceed to enter the hospital, moving towards a more private area.

However, the captain of the guards instructs the guards to return to their respective posts, as their presence is no longer required for the moment.

Once they are in a private space, the middle-aged man reveals the identity of their Madam, stating, "Our Madam, who we are tasked to protect, is Sophie Laurel."

Upon hearing the name Sophie Laurel, the Administrator and the others begin to ponder her identity. The Administrator then requests the captain of the guards to go to the admissions office and check if there is a patient registered under the name Sophie Laurel.

"Okay, Sir Rudolf. We will wait for the captain of the guards to check and find out the location of your Madam's room," the Administrator responds, acknowledging the need to confirm Sophie Laurel's presence in the hospital.

After approximately five minutes, the captain of the guards returns with the information regarding the patient named Sophie Laurel.

"Sir, here it is," the captain of the guards hands over the information to the Administrator.

"Please give it to Sir Rudolf," the Administrator instructs, passing the document to Sir Rudolf for his review.

"Thank you for your help," Rudolf expresses his gratitude to the Administrator.

"No, no, you're welcome," the Administrator responds politely.

Upon hearing this, Rudolf wastes no time and begins reading the information to determine the room number assigned to Sophie Laurel.

Upon seeing that Sophie Laurel is assigned to Room 355, Rudolf stands up and expresses his gratitude to the Administrator. He then asks if he can deploy some of his bodyguards both inside and outside the hospital.

"Thank you for your help," Rudolf says.

"We are glad we could assist," the Administrator responds.

Rudolf then asks, "Can I deploy my men inside and outside the perimeter of the hospital?"

"No problem, as long as it does not hinder the operations of the hospital," the Administrator agrees.

"I understand, Sir Rudolf. As I have other duties to attend to, I won't be able to personally accompany you. However, I can arrange for one of the directors to accompany you and your group," the Administrator offers, suggesting a suitable alternative to ensure Rudolf and his team have the necessary support.

"no need as i know you all have duties aswell" Rudolf respond

"Thank you for understanding, Sir Rudolf," the Administrator acknowledges. "If you need any further assistance or have any questions, please don't hesitate to let us know. We are here to help."

As Rudolf and his team make their way to the 3rd floor of the hospital where Room 355 is located, he instructs 20 of the bodyguards to disperse and position themselves both inside and outside the hospital. Their task is to remain vigilant and keep a lookout for any suspicious individuals or activities.

As Rudolf reaches Room 355, he knocks on the door, patiently waiting for a response.

Someone inside respond "come in"

Upon hearing the response from inside the room, Rudolf opens the door and enters.


Back to ago 20 minutes

"System, I have a question. Will there be any issues with my summon?" Sophie asks, her face reflecting her concern.

"Host, you don't need to worry. All system summons are loyal to their host to the point that they would not hesitate to risk their lives if you command it," the system explains, aiming to alleviate Sophie's concerns.

"That's good to hear," Sophie responds, her face showing a sense of relief upon hearing the system's explanation.

"So, where are the bodyguards that you summoned, system?" Sophie asks, curious about their whereabouts.

"Host, they will arrive here in approximately 20 minutes," the system informs Sophie, providing an estimated time of arrival for the bodyguards.


Sophie's phone rings, and she answers it, noticing that it's an unfamiliar number.

"Hello, who is this?" Sophie asks, curious about the caller's identity.

"Hello, ma'am. I am Sebastian, the butler of Payne Whitney Mansion. I called to inquire about when you will be returning home so that I can make the necessary preparations," the butler explains.

"Oh, I see. I can't come home right now as I am currently at the hospital," Sophie responds, informing Sebastian of her current location.

"What!? Madam, what happened? Are you okay? Do you need me to do anything for you?" Sebastian expresses his concern.

"No need to worry, I'm okay. Tomorrow, I will go to the mansion, and you can start moving my things from the old house to the mansion," Sophie instructs, providing Sebastian with the necessary information.

"Okay, madam. Rest well," Sebastian acknowledges, relieved to hear that Sophie is alright.

"Thank you. Goodbye," Sophie bids farewell before ending the call.

"Goodbye, madam," Sebastian replies, and Sophie hangs up the phone, concluding the conversation.

Sophie continues her conversation with the system, eager to address any further concerns or questions she may have.

Suddenly, there is a knock at the door, interrupting the conversation between Sophie and the system. Sophie composes herself and responds, "Come in."


Present time

"Hello, madam. I am Rodulf, the commanding officer of your protection squad," Rudolf bows.

"Hello, Rodulf. Can you please explain to me what your duties are, as well as the duties of your team?" Sophie asks.

"With pleasure, madam. We are responsible for ensuring your safety. If there are any threats to your life, we are committed to protecting you with our own lives," Rodulf explains sincerely.

"Okay, is there anything specific that I need to be aware of or any important information that you think I should know?" Sophie asks, wanting to ensure she is well-informed.

"Madam, there is something important that you need to know," Rudolf's face suddenly becomes serious.

Sophie is taken aback by Rudolf's reaction, but she remains calm and composed. "Please, go ahead and tell me," she says in a calm voice, ready to listen to what Rudolf has to say.

"The accident wasn't really an accident. It was an attempt on your life," Rodulf reveals, his face serious and stern.

"What?!" Sophie exclaims, her face filled with shock and her complexion turning pale.

"So the accident was an attempted assassination on me?" Sophie asks, her voice filled with disbelief. "Have you confirmed this information?" she inquires, wanting to know if there is any concrete evidence to support the claim.

"Yes, madam. We have indeed confirmed it. However, it is important to note that the person who wants you dead must be a powerful individual, as even the police did not intervene," Rodulf explains, his face and voice reflecting the seriousness of the situation.

"Did you find out who is responsible for this?" Sophie asks, her face and tone turning cold as she calms herself down.

"We are sorry, madam, but it will take some time to determine who is behind this," Rodulf explains apologetically.

"But don't worry, madam. We will surely find out who is behind this. In the meantime, we are tasked with protecting you, so you don't have to worry about anything happening to you," Rudolf reassures Sophie.

"Okay, is that all I need to know?" Sophie asks, her voice tinged with a hint of relief.

"Yes, madam," Rodulf responds. Seeing the tired expression on Sophie's face, he excuses himself, understanding that she needs some time to process the information and rest.

As Rodulf leaves, Sophie takes some time to process the information she received. Feeling mentally and emotionally drained, she decides to rest and get some sleep, allowing her mind and body to recuperate from the shock and stress of the situation.

Next morning.....

As the sun shines through the window of the hospital, Sophie stirs awake in her bed.

As she blinks her eyes to clear the remaining sleepiness, she remembers the information Rodulf had told her.

While she was thinking about it, there was suddenly a knock on the door.

Interrupted in her thoughts, Sophie composes herself and says, "Come in."