
Strongest Shinobi (Currently Rewriting)

He was used as an experiment, tortured for as long as he knew. One day a voice in his head spoke to him of freedom. As they awaited their chance, they were saved by a Shinobi from Konoha. Follow this Uchiha on his journey to be the strongest. Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of the characters, except the OC. I don't own the cover. If the owner wants me to remove it, I will. {The story is currently being rewritten. Chapters are currently retracted, to make the transit between chapters a bit smoother when I upload them. Might take a while for them to be posted/uploaded again, I am posting when I've rewritten about a quarter, about ten chaps for every ten I've rewritten.} This work is mostly practice for me, so I would appreciate it if the comments are to help in bettering my writing. No hate comments, and last but not least, there might be some inconsistencies. Remember it is a fanfic so things can differ from the Canon. Then the MOST IMPORTANT thing of all: If you don't like it, don't read it. Don't write any hate comments, because I WILL delete them. They are a distraction and will make me lose my interest to write. They are really depressing to read.. Don't ruin it for people who do like to read what I write, even if it isn't that good. Criticism is fine if it helps improve my writing, so do comment on those parts That's all. English isn't my native language, so leave reaction so I can correct the mistakes. Updates will from now on be on Saturdays and/or Sundays.

LaughingSnowFox · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Ch. 8 Kyuubi Pt. 2

When Ryuujin finally told Izana he could help them, Izana took off towards the distance in which he could see the Kyuubi rampage.

It was a lot further away, in the middle of the forest far away from the village. He could still see the tracks from where the Kyuubi had first stood, elongating all the way from the village to where it stood now. A lot of houses and a big part of the village had been destroyed, but it could have been much worse if the kyuubi had remained inside of the village.

"Only someone really strong could do this." Izana muttered as he could see how deep the tracks were. The kyuubi was one if not the strongest tailed beast in existence, meaning only someone strong could have managed to drive it out of the village.

As Izana got closer, he could see that most of the shinobi were still far away dealing with the injured. So far, the fighting had stopped, as the kyuubi was far away enough for the evacuation of the injured to start.

Rushing towards the kyuubi, Izana noted that there were no presences near him, giving him ample opportunities to exert his strenght.

Deeming it safe to go all out, Izana used his Full tailed beast mode as he turned into Ryuujin, letting Ryuujin take control for now. As it was Ryuujin's own body, he knew best what to do at this time.

Ryuujin looked around, his eyes scanning the area around him and he seemed to think it was still a bit too dangerous as he pushed the kyuubi farther away from the village, to ensure they would be less easily spotted. His bright white scales helped even less, as the red lightning arcs flashed occasionally as his chakra surged. Pushing the kyuubi so far away that the village had become almost out of sight, Ryuujin finally spoke up.

"You have grown big in the time I have been absent, Kurama." Ryuujin noted, a hint of mockery in his tone. He was baiting Kurama to reply to him, something that hadn't failed before, knowing how easily prickled Kurama was.

Yet no answer was given.

Kurama swiped with its claws and tails towards them, intending to smash them to the ground, pulverizing them under his claws by force.

Ryuujin slapped the attacks to the side, arcs of red lightning slightly stunning the limbs Kurama had previously used to attack, making his movements duller than before.

"You've become quite the nuisance. In place of the old man, I'll teach you a lesson."

Not expecting to hear a reply, Ryuujin grabbed Kurama by its tails, flying high up into the sky, not dropping it down before they had moved an even great distance away from the village.

As he still hadn't calmed down and continued his rampage, Ryuujin pinned him down to the ground, sealing his movements.

Even his tails couldn't be moved, as they were tightly clenched into a single bundle by Ryuujin's razor sharp claws. They twitched violently, trying to forcefully break free only to be clenched down even tighter.

Ryuujin worried slightly that the shinobi would arrive and hoped to end it sooner. After all they were very adept at using their body flicker techniques, taking them no time at all to arrive at their position.

Before Ryuujin could start to worry about when Kurama would return back to his usual self, a sudden change happened, as clarity seemed to return to his eyes. Kurama roared in anger at the fact he was pinned down, yet he warily looked at Ryuujin as if looking at a stranger. There was no recognition at all.

Kurama was surprised to see an unknown huge creature and tried to free itself.

"I will kill you! Let go of me, lizard!"

Kurama roared, furious yet wary of the opposite party as he struggled even harder.

"Haa?! Lizard?!?! Ha...Hahahaha.. Don't you remember me, you annoying little punk! We've met a really long time ago. You were still a weeny little fox back them when the old man was still alive. You even had a nickname amongst the other tailed beast, if I remember correctly. How dare you call me a damned lizard...."

Kurama, a bit provoked by Ryuujin's words, started to remember Ryuujin. The same attitude from a long time ago, the irritation that would flare up at teh slightest derogative naming, the sheer arrogance the damned lizard had when it talked down on you. He remembered him now. But it was still too unbelievable to fathom how this was possible.

"How can you still be here? I heard you travelled to some other place." Kurama said, shocked to see Ryuujin after such a long time.

"What, you didn't miss me. Too bad, I missed you a bit. You explosive tsundere. Can't say it doesn't fit. You get angry at the slightest thing, but are weak to compliments. You know what they say, if the shoe fits...."

Ryuujin laughed, though it sounded more like a suppressed growl, as the ground shook slightly from just the movements it made.

Kurama got angry at Ryuujin, his actions and words only making it worse, as it truly was a sore spot for him.

"Don't call me that. I didn't ask for such a stupid nickname."

Kurama, having calmed down but still grumbling, freed himself from Ryuujin's grasp and sat down without destroying anything more. The deep tracks in the earth had already left enough damage. Even more and the shinobi would flock around here even faster than he could imagine.

Ryuujin too let go of Kurama and stood on the ground, still wary he might attack. It's Kurama, you'd never know. His whole character was rather explosive, especially considering the situation he and the other tailed beast had been in since a long time ago.

"So old man, how come you're here?"

Kurama started, as he was interested in how Ryuujin could be here. From what he remembered, Ryuujin should have traveled to a whole new world, a place where there were supposedly other creatures like the tailed beasts.

"Well, some stuff happened, things took a wrong turn halfway on the trip which caused me to cancel my previous plans. As a result I now share a body with a four-year-old Uchiha kid."

Ryuujin mumured, thinking back on his past with a hint of regret. If he had though a bit more about his follow-up steps, maybe he would still exist in his physical body outside of Izana. Though it wasn't something he intended to fix. He rather liked his current situation now.

Kurama, hearing this for the first time, was shocked at Ryuujin's words.

"Did those pesky Uchiha do that? How dare they fuse a Tailed beast and a human. It's even worse than being sealed."

Kurama, getting angry again, was mowing down the trees around him, not caring at all for his surroundings.

His anger grew as he noticed that the state Ryuujin was in now couldn't be retained any longer, the chakra already weakening slightly as time passed. Ryuujin sighed as he saw he failed to calm Kurama down.

"I'm sure it had to be Madara. I don't know how he could still be alive, but he took control over my body. Luckily it seems his control over me has been broken, for now at least."

Kuruma snorted in disdain as he recalled the filthy feeling of having been controlled against his will.

"I'll make sure to wipe out that filthy clan, but first I need to take care of something else."

Before Ryuujin could respond, he felt his form start to fade. Kurama smirked as he stormed back towards the village.




[I'm sorry Izana, I did all I could.]

Ryuujin said as he was dissapointed in himself that he couldn't stop Kurama, even though it seemed to work temporarily.

Izana had become worried even more as he felt Kushina's chakra flare up, while simultaneously he saw golden chains emerge to wrap around Kurama. They stood out clearly against the deep blue sky, shimmering as they tied Kurama down tightly.

Not planning to wait, Izana ran towards the big Fox, but as he saw Kushina and Minato, he couldn't get any closer.

[It's a barrier. It's useless Izana, we can't get closer. Not when we've used up most of our chakra.]

Ryuujin said, slightly worried as he saw Minato make handseals, after which Kurama shrank by half. They could see a part of Kurama being pulled into Minato, steam rising as it entered his body.

Minato groaned as markings were etched into his chest.

What he planned to do next shocked them the most as Minato summoned a pedestal with a new born baby on it.

"Ryuujin, tell me he isn't going to do that? He's planning to seal him in Kushina, right, right!?"

Izana shouted as panic kicked in.

Ryuujin didn't respond as he felt the despair of Izana grow. Izana knew what would happen if the Kurama wasn't sealed in Kushina. He had told it to Izana himself. Kushina would surely die if this continued.

As Minato formed the seals, Kurama lunged at the child, intending to kill him before he was locked away again. Before he could, Minato and Kushina jumped in front of the claw, halting its advance to protect their child.

Izana felt tears flow down his eyes as he could already see how big the wounds were. They couldn't be saved anymore. Heat flowed into his eyes, as the third tomoe appeared in each of his eyes. He didn't seemed to know or he just didn't care at this moment. All he saw was the red claw pierced deeply through their bodies.

Minato and Kushina spoke words of advise to the child they would see for the last time.

After Kushina was done speaking, Minato smiled and performed the seal, letting Kurama completely dissapear into the child as marking appeared on the child's belly. It was done, Kurama was sealed away once more.

Minato fell down, breathing softly, the barrier disapearing.

Izana quickly ran towards them, the tears still dripping down his cheeks. Kushina saw him and smiled, not even an ounce of guilt or regret, only sadness that she would die without seeing her own child growing up.

"I'm sorry Izana, that you had to see big sis this way."

Blood seeped down her lips as she told him what Minato had experience with his enemy, a masked man that called himself Madara. He was the one who caused the attack. He was the one that controlled the Kyuubi and made it attack the village.

She looked at her child, as she felt her body grow cold.

"Please look after him Izana. Please look after Naruto. He will be hated by the village. Please make sure he still has you to go back to when he has it hard. He needs a family, even more so when Minato and me aren't there to care for him." Kushina's last word were barely a whisper as she finally closed her eyes.

"Please Ryuujin! You must know something to safe them, right?" Izana said desperately.

[I'm sorry Izana. The only thing I could do is seal their souls, but then we'd still need new bodies, get Minto's soul back from the reaper and make sure the souls aren't damaged in the process.]

Ryuujin sounded weary, tired as even he was affected by the sudden death of their friends.

"Just do it. I will figure something out. Please, seal Kushina's soul for now. I don't want Naruto to never meet his parents, like I have never met mine." Izana said as the tears were still dripping down his face.

[Then get ready. It will hurt a lot, as I'll be using your blood and my chakra as a medium to seal her soul into an object. Do you already know what object to use?]

Izana nodded as he pulled out a good luck charm he had been given by his aunt for his birthday. It was a bright red, golden thread shaped into three tomoe. It was the pride and joy of their clan, the Sharingan.

"Aunt Mikoto told me she had used a lot of special material for the charm. Will it work?" Izana was worried as he'd heard that materials had to be chakra conductive to let it seal things.

[It will work. Now focus. Your chakra channels will be severely strained after this, so you won't be able to use your chakra for a few weeks, maybe even up to a month. Now prepare yourself. This is going to hurt.]

Ryuujin took over as transformed one hand into claws and slightly made a cut in Izana's other hand. The claws were deeply coated in crimson blood, which sucked out the chakra rich blood from Izana's veins. Ryuujin's chakra pulled the blood out, yet it also caused a lot of pain, as the same red lightning from before sparked dangerously from the long claws, traveling inside Izana's veins vigorously. The pain made Izana tremble, as his untransfromed body wasn't taking the sudden surge of chakra well, as it burned through his chakra pathways inside of his body, leaving them injured behind.

As the drops of chakra infused blood fell on the charm, Ryuujin used his chakra to extract chakra rich blood from Kushina's body as well as he started to mingle the blood and began to write a complicated formula on the charm.

When he drew the last symbol, the mark shone once as something slightly transparant left Kushina's body and entered the charm.

[It's done. You only need to make sure to nourish the charm with your chakra once every month and make sure it doesn't get damaged. Now for the rest, you need to collect a part of their body, hair, blood, preferably maybe a chakra rich organ. We need it later if you want to recreate their bodies.]

Izana nodded as he put the charm away safely, quickly collecting what Ryuujin had asked him, their hearts safely harvested, even if it pained Izana to do so. If he wanted to bring them back, he needed to do whatever it takes to bring them back, even when it was something inhumane. Izana had just finished putting it away, just in time to see the Third coming their way with a lot of ANBU. It was fortunate he had been quick, otherwise he would have been spotted by them. It was the last he wanted, as it would surely be cause for an uproar.

Sarutobi stepped forward, halting slightly as he saw Kushina's and Minato's bodies on the ground, grief visible on his face.

"Did they say anything before they died?" Sarutobi asked, finding it slightly hard to speak as his throat clammed shut. This was the successor he had found and cared for, a dear friend and his wife. Now suddenly dead in front of him. How could he inform Jiraiya about this, inform him his dear student had died suddenly?

He breathed in deeply, calming himself down, as he listened to what Izana said. Izana told Sarutobi everything Kushina told him, while keeping it to himself what he'd done. There was no need to inform Sarutobi about it. It was as Ryuujin had said before. He needed to keep his secrets from the higher ups. Especially considering the darkness that was present there.

Sarutobi nodded, as he picked up Naruto and wanted to leave. Izana stopped him and looked at the little bundle in Sarutobi's arms. A single question in his mind as he thought back to what Kushina had asked him.

"What will happen to Naruto?"

Sarutobi understood where Izana came from and answered, "He will be put in a orphanage, but don't worry, he'll be taken good care off."

Izana nodded as Sarutobi left, while the ANBU collected Kushina's and Minato's bodies.

Izana felt his tears threaten to fall down again as he remembered what he and Kushina had spoken about.


"Izana, did you know? We decided to call him after the main character from a book that Jiraiya wrote."

Izana looked questionably to Kushina.

"Kushina-nee, are you sure you want to call him that. After all, the books that Jiraiya-san writes are indecent."

Izana had no idea at the time what indecent meant, but since Ryuujin had called it that, it had to be so, so he repeated what Ryuujin had told him of what he knew of Jiraiya's books.

Kushina blushed hard, but still defended Jiraiya.

"W-well… it's true most of his books are…indecent, but this book wasn't. The character was very cool and brave. He never gives up hope, so we wanted to call him after the character so he can be like that too."

[That means Jiraiya will be Naruto's godfather. Not sure if that's a good idea. Jiraiya is not the best example of a fine adult. Hehehe, he is loose in the three prohibitions, woman, money and alcohol.]

Izana slanted his head in confusion but kept Ryuujin's words to himself.

*Flashback ends*

The joy he'd seen on Kushina's face had almost been blinding, that was how happy she was.

Izana promised he would bring Minato and Kushina back. In the meantime, he would make sure he would visit Naruto as often as possible.