
Strongest Shinobi (Currently Rewriting)

He was used as an experiment, tortured for as long as he knew. One day a voice in his head spoke to him of freedom. As they awaited their chance, they were saved by a Shinobi from Konoha. Follow this Uchiha on his journey to be the strongest. Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of the characters, except the OC. I don't own the cover. If the owner wants me to remove it, I will. {The story is currently being rewritten. Chapters are currently retracted, to make the transit between chapters a bit smoother when I upload them. Might take a while for them to be posted/uploaded again, I am posting when I've rewritten about a quarter, about ten chaps for every ten I've rewritten.} This work is mostly practice for me, so I would appreciate it if the comments are to help in bettering my writing. No hate comments, and last but not least, there might be some inconsistencies. Remember it is a fanfic so things can differ from the Canon. Then the MOST IMPORTANT thing of all: If you don't like it, don't read it. Don't write any hate comments, because I WILL delete them. They are a distraction and will make me lose my interest to write. They are really depressing to read.. Don't ruin it for people who do like to read what I write, even if it isn't that good. Criticism is fine if it helps improve my writing, so do comment on those parts That's all. English isn't my native language, so leave reaction so I can correct the mistakes. Updates will from now on be on Saturdays and/or Sundays.

LaughingSnowFox · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Ch 22. Hidden schemes revealed

The next day, Izana yawned loudly. The day before had been tiring, especially since he did not get enough sleep, having monitored Shisui's condition throughout the night. The change in his Sharingan didn't help either, as his eyes were still hurting from the sudden change they were undergoing.

"Ryuujin, are my eyes alright? They still hurt." Izana said as he gently rubbed his eyes. They were still irritated, as if someone had thrown rough sand in his eyes. His eyes were constantly tearing up, but nothing helped assuage the painful throbbing.

[They're not fully developped yet. Give it some time, it shouldn't be long now.] Ryuujin said, as he could already feel the chaotic chakra in Izana's eyes slowly calm down. It had been rampant for most of the night, being one of the reasons Izana had such poor sleeping quality.

Izana nodded and went to check up on Shisui. He stumbled through the safehouse, cleaning up as he went. Pieces of bloodied bandages, towels as well as Shisui's damaged clothes were strewn around across the room. He didn't have time to clean up after himself after the whole debacle. Arriving at Shisui's bedside, Izana sighed in relief. Shisui was still sleeping, but all the wounds were gone. There wasn't any poison remaining in his body and his complexion was getting better and better. It seems his worry throughout the night had been unfounded.

"Shouldn't be long now." Izana murmured as he rummaged through the cabinets and found some clothing that would fit Shisui. The clothing he was wearing now was pretty torn down and were nothing more than rags, barely covering him up.

Izana filled a jar with water and grabbed a couple of glasses. When Shisui woke up he was sure to be thirsty, don't even mention hungry. Unfortunately all the food that was currently stored in the safehouse were those military ration pills, nothing too filling for someone who was recovering. He would need to some food later today if he wanted to cook something nutritious.

Unfortuntely there wasn't any real food in the cabin, so that had to wait till after Shisui woke up. It would surely be disorienting, waking up in an unknown place with no one to explain the situation, don't even mention on how he should move around, now that he was visually impaired.


Shisui groaned slightly as he was beginning to wake up. Izana walked towards his bedside and waited for him to completely wake up, as glass of water already filled and put at the side of the bed.

"I'm not...dead?" Shisui whispered almost inaudible. Disbelief was apparent in his voice, as his hands were slightly trembling. It would be rather shocking, accepting death and still waking up to 'see' the light of day again.

"Alive and kicking." Izana responded, placing his hand reassuringly over Shisui's, the trembling quickly fading.

Shisui turned his head towards Izana.

"Izana. Why are you here?" Shisui said, still a bit groggy from the state from last night. He had almost died after all, the amount of stress and fatigue he had went through literally tiring him almost to death.

"I treated you. You were almost gone for good." Izana said as he looked over Shisui's body for the last time. If there was still something wrong, Izana would use his technique again to fix it all up. There was no such thing as being too careful.

Seening nothing out of the ordinary, Izana was relieved to see there were no wounds or other injuries to be found. The only thing Izana was powerless to fix, for now, were Shisui's eyes.

They were still the same black, hollow sockets as last night, casting a stark contrast to his lively, rudy face. Maybe if Izana's proficiency in his yang technique went up, he would be able to reform Shisui's eyes.

[Don't get too hung up over it. It was already amazing you could completely heal his wounds and cure his poison. It won't be long until you can regrow flesh, so be patient.] Ryuujin said as he could feel Izana's negative thoughts.

Izana visibly perked up. No need to see everything in a bad light. He only needed a few more times to practice and increase his skill to be able to use the Creation-technique. It was just like Ryuujin said, it was only a matter of time.

"Shisui. Why were you in that situation last night? If I'm not mistaken, you were attacked by the Anbu from Konoha. Why were you even attacked, what did you do to illicit such a response from the village?" Izana said as he felt the situation was all to suspicious. Something was happening in the village that he had no knowledge of.

"Ah, this is not something you have to concern yourself with Izana." Shisui said as he drank a bit of water, having accepted the glass Izana handed to him.

"I am already involved, so it's no used hidding it from me." Izana said, not planning to stay out of it. He had already a mark painted on his back, getting one more would make no difference. Surely his tails from before he left the village would return. Something he had already expected to happen as soon as returned.

"No, you really should stay out of it. This is not something you can handle." Shisui said, adamant to keep Izana out of it.

"Like is said, I'm already involved. Even more so when I had to save you from comitting suicide. Think of how Itachi feel right now." Izana said, as he could already imagine how Itachi felt. He had seen Itachi's forlorn look, as he watched his best friend choose suicide and jump off the cliff.

"Haah? Why do you know about that?" Shisui said. He had not seen Izana anywhere near him at the time. He had his suspicions, seeing how the beast had dissappeared when Izana appeared, Izana's massive chakra pool and the fact that Izana had safed him from mortal death. But knowing it and hearing it were two different things. Somewhere in his mind, he needed to hear it, from Izana's own mouth.

"I was the one who saved you from falling in the Naka river. Lukily I didn't swallow you, otherwise we would be stuck with another problem right now."

"I don't understand what you mean, Izana. I was caught by a beast not you." Shisui said, waiting for Izana to clarify it even further. He needed to hear it, to hear Izana call himself a Jinchuriki.

"I'm telling you, I am that beast, a tailed beast unknown to all but the Third and my family. Didn't Itachi tell you about that? I was sure he had with how close you two are." Izana said, a bit surprised, yet not, as Itachi had been very protective with the secrets he knew, especially if they concerned the family.

"So you are saying you really are a...." Shisui sighed as he already could feel a headache coming up. He had guessed it, but this really put things into perspective. Hahaha, there were too many things he did not expect.

"I'm a jinchuriki. A special one of a being called Ryuujin. I'll introduce you to him later. First tell me what happened. I won't leave if you don't. Even if you won't tell, I'll ask Itachi tell him what happened to you. Your pursuers have no doubt seen my tailed beast form already, painting a target on my back. " Izana said, a wicked smile on his face.

"You're one mean kid." Shisui smiled wryly.

"I know, more than you think I am. So tell me." Izana said.

Shisui carefully sat up, leaning with his back against the headrest of the bed. He turned to Izana and started to explain what was curently happening with the Uchiha and the people who attacked him. It was a long story, but all the details needed to be shared. If he wasn't crystal clear, Izana would surely find himself in an unsavory situation.

"So, to summarise. The Uchiha are planning a coup, you and Itachi are spying for the Third and planning to stop it. The plan was using your Mangekyō Sharingan, the Kotoamatsukami, to hypnotize the heads of the Uchiha in abandoning the coup. Danzo attacked you and stole one of your eyes, while you handed the other to Itachi.

You planned to commit suicide to help awaken Itachi's Mangekyō and you thought you would die until I saved you. Correct so far?" Izana said as he was a bit taken aback by the seriousness of the situation. This was a lot worse than he could have ever imagined.


"No wonder the Uchiha residence felt so suffocating. They've been planning this for a while then." Izana said to himself.

If this was already brooding for a couple of years, then it wouldn't be long until the Uchiha executed the plan. This was bad, really bad.

If this went through, civil unrest was but the least of their problems. Other villages would surely take notice of the state of affairs, starting another war, one that would be detrimental to everyone.

"I fear that the measures that will be taken will be far worse. The village might even decide to eradicate the Uchiha, especially Danzo." Shisui said. Izana could feel the anger emanating of Shisui when he mentioned Danzo.

Danzo again.

Why was it always that scheming raccoon? He was also the one that had put the tails on his back, now he was also the one that wanted to wipe out his family.

"Don't worry. I'll make sure to avoid that outcome. I'll even try to get your eye back from Danzo." Izana said, not mentioning he was planning far worse for that man.

Danzo had been spying on him since the Kyuubi's attack, suspecting Izana ever since he delayed Kurama. Now Danzo was threatening his family. He won't let Danzo get away with this. He has gone too far. Let's see how many scheme's you have up your sleeve, Danzo!

Shisui didn't know what Izana was thinking about and only became a bit worried.

"Be careful, Izana. Don't let the Uchiha elders find out that you know about the coup. Only a few of the Uchiha know."

"Don't worry. I'll make sure they won't know." Izana said, not seeing the problem.

I'll make sure to protect my family. If Danzo touches even one hair on their heads, Izana will rip him to pieces. He will skin him alive, tear the eyes from his sockets, pull his tongue from the roots, make sure he would be alive to exprience what its like to anger him and make him wish he was dead.

[He won't know what hit him. When you kill Danzo, make sure it's as painful as it can be. At least you'll be able to deter others with Danzo's death and the way how he dies.] Ryuujin added as he too had been sick of hidding from that man, not that they had done a good job at that. Let him come. If Izana wouldn't take care of him, he sure would.

Izana and Ryuujin both smiled wickedly as they were imagining the death of the biggest eyesore of the century.