
Strongest Shinobi (Currently Rewriting)

He was used as an experiment, tortured for as long as he knew. One day a voice in his head spoke to him of freedom. As they awaited their chance, they were saved by a Shinobi from Konoha. Follow this Uchiha on his journey to be the strongest. Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of the characters, except the OC. I don't own the cover. If the owner wants me to remove it, I will. {The story is currently being rewritten. Chapters are currently retracted, to make the transit between chapters a bit smoother when I upload them. Might take a while for them to be posted/uploaded again, I am posting when I've rewritten about a quarter, about ten chaps for every ten I've rewritten.} This work is mostly practice for me, so I would appreciate it if the comments are to help in bettering my writing. No hate comments, and last but not least, there might be some inconsistencies. Remember it is a fanfic so things can differ from the Canon. Then the MOST IMPORTANT thing of all: If you don't like it, don't read it. Don't write any hate comments, because I WILL delete them. They are a distraction and will make me lose my interest to write. They are really depressing to read.. Don't ruin it for people who do like to read what I write, even if it isn't that good. Criticism is fine if it helps improve my writing, so do comment on those parts That's all. English isn't my native language, so leave reaction so I can correct the mistakes. Updates will from now on be on Saturdays and/or Sundays.

LaughingSnowFox · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Ch 20. Naruto's affinity, Unexpected event.

The following days were spent having an in depth talk with Naruto. Apparently Naruto knew that he needed to avoid trouble, especially amongst the easily provoked women-community, but he seems to have become interested into how the older men had reacted to some porn magazines and he made the technique with them in mind. It was a sure-kill technique he had come up with all on his own. At least that was how Naruto described the technique. It was a promising thought, as Naruto had made a new technique all on his own. A bit worrisome as well, as Izana feared Naruto's mentality would develop in the wrong way.

The technique would be a on-hit-knockout to the men in the village, as they all seemed to be vulnerable to the technique. They would all be too distracted to remember why they were chasing him, giving Naruto the opening he needed to escape their pursuit. It was a unique yet quite disturbing technique to be used, especially since there needed to be in depth knowledge about women, which Naruto had clearly put a lot of time into. It was one way to handle one of the things that bothered Naruto. He just wanted to find a way to get back at all the people who were mean to him and this was a super effective way to do it.

Izana decided to ignore Naruto's antics, as long as he didn't used the technique too often. He still needed to have an outlet after all. Bottle something up too much and it might just burst. If people were mean or outright abusive, he wouldn't raise a hand and would probably even help Naruto, from the shadows of course to stay out of the conflict. No need to let them know Naruto might have a helper to get him out in a pinch. Naruto seemed to enjoy it after all. What was a harmless prank in the face of a malicious crowd?

If they took it too far, Izana wouldn't mind having them talk with his fist. If there was one thing he was certain of, it was the fact that people had a loose mouth when they were overconfident in their wellbeing. A few hits might do the trick to keep them a little subdued. Though he was sure they wouldn't like it one bit. He hit a lot harder than Naruto, with a possible trip to the hospital to boot.

Naruto laughed and was just happy that he could spend time with Izana again. Naruto, like Sasuke, told him all about his live in the academy. He was still an outcast as most of the other children tended to avoid him. A contribution of their parents, no doubt. It was not surprising that the attitude of the parents rubbed off on their children.

There were a few kids that played with him though, the minority being the children from the major clans of the village, like the Akimichi, The Nara, the Yamanaka and the Aburame. Mostly boys, with only a few girls that went along but didn't play with him.

The girls still avoided him like the plague, keeping their distance from him as they chatted amongst themselves. There was one particular girl that wouldn't even talk clearly to him, stuttering and mumbling when he got near, but she was still really nice to him. Whenever he could though, Naruto skipped the lessons as much as he managed to do. One particular reason being that the teacher, a man named Umino Iruka, continuously scolded him. He disliked Naruto a lot, at some point even ignoring him just to make Naruto feel like he didn't even exists. He was like all the other villagers and seemed to hate him.

It made him feel the worst, as the attention he so desperately wanted and needed was disappearing everytime he got inside of the classroom. The only times Naruto would feel appreciated was when he visited Izana and the Uchiha clan.

Izana rubbed Naruto on the head as the latter seemed really bothered by it. He was also a person. He could get hurt as much as anyone else could, something he was experiencing 24/7. Being ignored, treated like he didn't even exist, was the worst treatment he could get.

He was always alone when he got home. The only times he could feel alive inside of the school was being taken away from him, slowly but surely.

"Well, you've got some friends to play with now. They don't hate you, do they?" Izana said as he tried to cheer up Naruto. Naruto visibly perked up as he told them what kind of games they played. It was a new experience for him, something he desperately wanted to share, the feeling of joy needing to be spoken out loud.

"Well, I'm sure that the teacher will come to like you when he knows you a little bit better, so try your best. Wouldn't it be great if you had someone else to talk to besides me? I'm sure you can learn a lot from other people as well." Izana said.

Naruto nodded, followed by begging eyes as he looked at Izana in a silent plea.

It was a reminder of what Izana had promised Naruto, just as they had finished cleaning the paint from the other day.

Izana had tried to ignore it the last few days, but Naruto didn't forgot the promise Izana made and constantly reminded him about it. He was looking forward to it after all. It was a chance for him to excel in something other than creating the worst clones possible.

Izana chuckled as he rubbed Naruto's head again.

"Fine. I'll show you something new, but know that you won't be able to do it until you reach a certain level of chakra control." Izana said as he body-flickered away from Naruto and was back within a couple of minutes.

In his hand, Izana held a piece of white paper.

"Do you know what this is?" Izana said as he held up the paper. It was thicker than normal paper, as well a being only the size of his hand. Yet Izana held it as if it had some deeper meaning, something he needed to learn.

Naruto shook his head, wondering what Izana was going to do. It didn't appear like it was anything special, but he could be mistaken.

"This is chakra induction paper. It will let you know which chakra affinities you have. There are five basic natures, each with their own property. There are others, but they are special in a way. For now, just focus on the basic five. By channeling your chakra through it, the reaction will indicate which chakra nature you have." Izana explained further how it worked and handed Naruto the paper.

He showed his own with another paper to show him how it worked.

Naruto looked with big eyes at the burning paper as it wrinkled, cut in half and eventually vanished. That were four chakra affinities! Four! Imagining what his own affinity could possibly be made Naruto nervous and impatient, as he grasped the piece of paper tighter in his hands.

Naruto was excited to see his own affinities and did what Izana told him. The paper remained the same for a while until it finally had a small cut in it.

"Wind affinity. Good." Izana said, handing Naruto some leaves.

"Try it when you have the time, try to cut the leaf with your chakra. Focus on your classes first and when you have time, try to practice. I would recommend trying to stick the leaves to certain parts of your body as well. It is one of the more basic chakra control exercises. It will help a lot." Izana stood up and dusted his pants, ready to leave. He had a lot of things on his mind currently, things that needed to be investigated and handled as soon as possible.

He had spent enough time with Naruto these days and he really needed to find out what was happening in the Uchiha residence. Naruto didn't seem to mind either as he focused his attention on the leaf, giving Izana a small wave when Izana left.




Izana came back to the Uchiha residence and again felt suffocated. The mood in the clan residence was still the same as when he came back, it even felt a bit heavier than before, as if something bad was going to happen any minute now.

Izana tried to find his uncle to ask him what was happening with the Uchiha, but he couldn't find him anywhere.

"Ryuujin, do you sense him?" Izana said as he had already scoured through the places his uncle might have been. Ryuujin had far better senses than him, as Ryuujin's chakra perception was that much stronger.

[Not yet. He might be outside the residence.] Ryuujin responded as he didn't sense Fugaku's chakra in the vicinity.

"Then we need to find someone besides uncle Fugaku that might know what is happening."

[You could try Shisui or Itachi. Itachi did seem a bit exhausted lately, so maybe he knows.] Ryuujin replied.

They could always wait for the evening, in the hope that Fugaku would talk about it, but something told Izana that Fugaku would avoid to answer his questions. The clan head did not need to mention clan affairs to anyone who asked. Especially since Izana was still as child, one that did not have enough strenght to even make a difference.

"Itachi it is then." Izana said, having gone over his options. He went back and began to search for Itachi. A difficult task if there was one.

Itachi was hard to find as he was out most of the time. The only way Izana could look for Itachi was roam around Konoha and sense his chakra. Hopefully, Itachi would be in Konoha and not on a mission. That would foil his attempt to discover more immediately.

When Izana had walked through half of Konoha, the sky started to darken and the stars appeared in the sky. Children were running back home while the adults were getting back from work.

"Shall we continue to look or shall we go back, your call Ryuujin." Izana said, attracting the strange gazes of the villagers around him. To them it appeared as if he spoke to himself or someone invisible. Let them think what they wanted. The Uchiha didn't have a good reputation anyhow.

[Let's look a little longer. You can always eat out, it's not like you're a kid that needs to be home when dark. You are already a Genin who is almost a Chuunin, so you can make your own decisions.] Ryuujin said, not really caring if he went back at all. The mood in the Uchiha manor was so heavy that even Ryuujin wanted to stay away longer.

"Alright, then lets look a little longer." Izana said as he searched near the training ground and the forest near the village. It was a place where Itachi and Shisui often trained, so he might be there.

The thing that Izana didn't expect to happen upon, was a fleeing Shisui who was chased by unknown shinobi wearing masks. Shisui was injured, blood splattering around with every big movement he made. The masked man followed him closely, attacking when they had the chance and closing up on him.

Shisui managed to fend them off with his Susanoo, making them back off, as he finally found a chance to feel and disappeared.

"Ryuujin, where did he go?!" Izana said as he was alarmed by the situation. He even saw Shisui bleeding from one of his eyes. That couldn't be good. The Sharingan was one of their lifelines. If it was damages, the enemy knew how to fight them.

[The Naka River.] Ryuujin said as he had a bad premonition when he also sensed Itachi near it.

[Hurry, Izana. I fear something bad might happen.] Ryuujin said with urgency as he sped Izana on. They rushed through the forest, the scenery flashing by as they decresed the distance between them and Shisui.

They were too late.

They arrived just at the point where they saw Shisui jump backwards down the cliff. A smile on his face as he chose his own end, by his own hands.

Without a thought, Izana transformed into full tailed beast mode and sped forward just above the water. Shisui fell at a fast pace and descended with increasing speed towards the violent currents. If he disappeared amongst the waves, who knew if there would even be a body to find.

Ryuujin sped up even faster, almost becoming a blur as he managed to catch Shisui in his mouth. Shisui was held firmly on his forked tongue, landing just on the front side against his fangs. Ryuujin closed his mouth to protect him from the wind as they increased their speed even more to distance themselves from the scene. Shisui seemed to notice his particular situation, evident by the small movements which quickly stopped. The situation was looking dire. The strong taste of blood in their mouth didn't spell anything good, nor did the abrupt stop of movement.

[Izana, we need to find somewhere safe. Konoha is no longer safe for Shisui.] Ryuujin said. If Shisui had been attacked so close, chances were that there was internal conflict, something that Shisui had gotten himself involved with.

[Agreed, we need to hide him somewhere.] Izana responded as he could taste Shisui's blood in his mouth. There was a slight acidic taste to it unlike how blood was supposed taste. A hint of unease creeping in at the thought that crossed his mind.

[Ryuujin.... it can't be that...]

[Yes, your guess is correct. He's poisoned. It's time for you to show how much of my Yang release you've mastered.] Ryuujin said gravely as they flew even farther away, towards the Valley of the End, as there was supposed to be a small hideout made by Jiraiya in case of emergencies.

A hideout they would make generous use of.