
Strongest Shinobi (Currently Rewriting)

He was used as an experiment, tortured for as long as he knew. One day a voice in his head spoke to him of freedom. As they awaited their chance, they were saved by a Shinobi from Konoha. Follow this Uchiha on his journey to be the strongest. Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of the characters, except the OC. I don't own the cover. If the owner wants me to remove it, I will. {The story is currently being rewritten. Chapters are currently retracted, to make the transit between chapters a bit smoother when I upload them. Might take a while for them to be posted/uploaded again, I am posting when I've rewritten about a quarter, about ten chaps for every ten I've rewritten.} This work is mostly practice for me, so I would appreciate it if the comments are to help in bettering my writing. No hate comments, and last but not least, there might be some inconsistencies. Remember it is a fanfic so things can differ from the Canon. Then the MOST IMPORTANT thing of all: If you don't like it, don't read it. Don't write any hate comments, because I WILL delete them. They are a distraction and will make me lose my interest to write. They are really depressing to read.. Don't ruin it for people who do like to read what I write, even if it isn't that good. Criticism is fine if it helps improve my writing, so do comment on those parts That's all. English isn't my native language, so leave reaction so I can correct the mistakes. Updates will from now on be on Saturdays and/or Sundays.

LaughingSnowFox · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Ch 15. Meeting a snake.

Izana had a couple of day left before the Third would call for him. The time that it took for him to learn the sword had been two days. He didn't have any battle experience though and he didn't want to show too much of his capabilities about his apptitude and strength, don't even mention about when he manifested his tails. When he talked about showing others, he naturally meant the rats that were following him around on a daily basis. He knew they were there, even if he couldn't see them sneaking up on him in the dark.

The only time his trackers would leave him alone was when he was with the Third, because as soon as they came near the office, the Third seemed to notice them as his gaze always moved towards wherever they were hiding. A perfect sensor abillity Izana would definitely want to learn in the future.

Aside from the times he visited the Third, Izana was always watched, even when he went to do his private things. Image being looked at when you're peeing or in the shower. It was as uncomfortable as hell! He really wanted them to leave, but he knew it was hardly possible. They were already stuck to him the moment the Third knew about his possession of Ryuujin. They knew about his transformation, his control over it and his appearance. Training in the tailed beast form was necessary, especially since he would have a need of it in the future. There was no other way around it, as his trackers were already aware of it. The only thing Izana could currently do was keep them in the dark about his full strength.

Izana sighed as he decided he really wanted to be alone for a while and went towards the Hokage wall. Up there, there was little room to really hide. They had to be invisible or inside the ground to make that possible. Even then, Ryuujin would notice them as soon as they came close enough. A simple chakra burst was often enough to knock them out. Of course with the repercussion his trackers would be doubled follwing the next hour or so.




Having climbed to the Hokage wall, Izana couldn't help but stop to stare at the figure heads carved into it. From left to right, the first Hokage, Senju Hashirama. The founder of Konoha and only user of the wood style.

Next to him was his brother, Senju Tobirama, Second Hokage. He developped the village by introducing medical facilities, the Anbu, the ninja school system and other institutions. He was also the one who assigned the Uchiha clan as the Konoha Military Police Force, one of the reasons the Uchiha weren't liked in the village. He eventually died in the First Shinobi war.

On the right side of him was the current Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen. Izana didn't really know a lot about him, only knowing he was supposedly called the God of Shinobi, as he could use all chakra natures and was the teacher of the three Sannin. Jiraiya being one of them.

Lastly, Izana choked up a bit as he saw the familiar face of Minato on the wall. The fourth Hokage, the Yellow Flash of Konoha and one of the few friends he could call his own.

Averting his gaze from the wall, Izana continued his way to the top, looking forward to his few minutes or even hour of free time.

Izana arrived on top of the wall, only to see that there was already someone there. Not intending to acompany him, he turned around to leave, but was immediately stopped by said person.

"I didn't expect to see another person up here." The man said as his slitted pupils looked closely at Izana. Izana could feel his calculated gaze locking on to him.

Their searching gaze went all over him, feeling like a dozen snakes were slithering all over his body along the path the gaze went. Izana wanted nothing more than to leave, to take a shower to rid himself of the feeling. Yet, something told him that this man had something he wanted very badly. Something he needed in the future.

The contrast between mind and body was confusing. It was as if his body was screaming for him to leave, that this man was dangerous. Yet his mind, his intuition, told him that he would regret it if he didn't speak to him, that he would miss this opportunity. So, Izana followed his instincts. That didn't mean that he lowered his guard, however. His body had a perfect sense of danger as well, as much as his intuition when it came to things.

"Well, I really wanted to be alone. Being on my own has become a leisure that I currently am not allowed to posses." Izana's eyes glanced out of the corner of his eye, as he could even now sense the people who were tailing him close by. They had stayed at a certain distance, carefully observing the situation, but more specifically, the man in front of Izana.

The man in front of him clearly sensed it as well, as his eyes glanced at the same direction, a sneer twitching on the corner of his face. A ridiculing gaze was directed at the hidden anbu, a hint of mockery in his voice.

"I suppose youngsters these days are quite interesting to others." The man sat down again on the edge of the Hokage wall, his interest in the anbu already dissipated.

"I've heard of you, young Uchiha. Quite clever, aren't you. Only being nine, ten years old? How early they graduate lately. A pity you don't have a team or a teacher to guide you." The man said, as if hinting at something.

Izana didn't respond to his words, though he did sit down besides the man. Izana had a faint feeling that he knew this man. Not personally, but he had heard of him. If he wasn't mistaken, this man besides him was none other than Orochimaru, one of the Sannin aside from Jiraiya.

"Well, I'm quite honored that Orochimaru-sannin knows me. I must have made quite the impression then to have been noticed by someone as great as you." Izana said, as he spoke casualy with Orochimaru beside him. His previous fears had abated, if only a little.

"Haha, it seems I have made quite the impression as well, for the young Uchiha genius to know who I am. I don't show myself often in the village after all." Orochimaru said as a faint spark of interest had been lighted in the child besides him.

"Well, I happen to know another Sannin, though he is a bit...perverted? He has some odd hobbies." Izana said, not sure the word he used was correct. He heard from others it was perverted, but Jiraiya himself said he was just appreciating the beauty of women and using it for his books. It was very confusing to say the least. Well, hobbies and perceptions about people change depending on the people doing the judging.

"That man never changes." Orochimaru said as he seemed a bit amused. It had been a while since he had heard about Jiraiya. It seems he was still the same as before, even after all the time that had passed. He looked at the kid, an idea making itself known in his head.

"Why don't you help me with my research? I am researching all kinds of jutsu. If you help me, you can learn a lot from me in return." Orochimaru said as taking the kid as an assistant might be interesting. He could also gain quite a lot of insights from the Sharingan this kid bears. If he was correct, the kid should have a three-tomoe sharigan. A rare sight these days.

"I don't know. I have a lot to do, besides being in a team that is. I wonder if you can help me Orochimaru-sannin." Izana said, wondering if Orochimaru could help him with one of his goals. He had a lot off issues that needed to be fixed, if they could be.

"Say it and I will see if I can help." Orochimaru said. He did not promise anything, as the kid was clearly bothered by something, even with the backing of his clan.

"Do you have a way to make a body for the soul to inhabit? One that is alive, doesn't reject the soul fitted inside of it and fits the soul perfectly without any problems?" Izana said, not very hopeful if Orochimaru could help. It was a difficult endeavor, one that needed a smart mind. He had heard Orochimaru had been experimenting with jutsu and the anatomy of the human body. There might be chance he could help him.

Orochimaru's interest in the kid grew as he seemed to have the same kind of interest he had. Maybe a slightly different point of view, but the way there was practically the same.

"I am researching that indeed. If you need it, I want you to help me in return. An eye for an eye, so to say." Orochimaru didn't like free give aways, only taking equal exchange as the botom line. He didn't reject extra's either. They were most welcome.

"No problem." Izana responded, as this solved one of the problems he faced. Now he finally had a way to make Minato and Kushina's bodies. It might take a while, if it ever happened at all, but he finally had a way. The future had brightened just a little.

"I won't join your team though. The Third is finding me a team right this moment. In the future, maybe. For now? Let's see how the current team will fit together. I will help you with your research if I have the time." Izana said as he really looked forward to it. There was much he could learn from Orochimaru.

"Then we will see each other at another time and date then. I will contact you." Orochimaru said as he disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Something Izana had become quite accustomed to.

"Agreed." Izana said as he watched the smoke dissipate. Izana wondered if his trackers had heard their conversation. He doubted it though, as Orochimaru seemed like a very secretive person.

"I wonder who will be my sensei and who will be my team mates." Izana said aloud, not speaking to anyone particular. He really hoped it was someone he could get along with.

Izana had no way of knowing that his hopes would turn out to be true.