
Strongest Shinobi (Currently Rewriting)

He was used as an experiment, tortured for as long as he knew. One day a voice in his head spoke to him of freedom. As they awaited their chance, they were saved by a Shinobi from Konoha. Follow this Uchiha on his journey to be the strongest. Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of the characters, except the OC. I don't own the cover. If the owner wants me to remove it, I will. {The story is currently being rewritten. Chapters are currently retracted, to make the transit between chapters a bit smoother when I upload them. Might take a while for them to be posted/uploaded again, I am posting when I've rewritten about a quarter, about ten chaps for every ten I've rewritten.} This work is mostly practice for me, so I would appreciate it if the comments are to help in bettering my writing. No hate comments, and last but not least, there might be some inconsistencies. Remember it is a fanfic so things can differ from the Canon. Then the MOST IMPORTANT thing of all: If you don't like it, don't read it. Don't write any hate comments, because I WILL delete them. They are a distraction and will make me lose my interest to write. They are really depressing to read.. Don't ruin it for people who do like to read what I write, even if it isn't that good. Criticism is fine if it helps improve my writing, so do comment on those parts That's all. English isn't my native language, so leave reaction so I can correct the mistakes. Updates will from now on be on Saturdays and/or Sundays.

LaughingSnowFox · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Ch 13. Early graduation.

The day Izana could take his examination had finaly arrived. Izana stood in front of the Academies first training ground. It was wide and rather empty with no obstacles at all. Standing in front of him was the the Third Hokage, a jonin examiner and a teacher from the school. It wasn't his homeroom teacher, as she was still teaching the rest of his class. Thank god, otherwise they would have to wait for a few hours.

"Well Izana, there are three examinations. Practical exams, in the form of Taijutsu and ninjutsu, a written knowledge exam and battle tactics. If you pass all three, then the Third Hokage will give you a final assignment. If you succeed, you will become a Genin. If you fail, you'll have to continue your classes and wait for the normal graduation exam. Am I clear?" The teacher said.

Izana nodded after which he needed to take a written test. It was comprised of many subject, from plant knowledge to the geography from other countries. It was all things a shinobi needed to know, while some things were things you didn't even learn at the academy and had to use your head to do it.

Izana passed the written examination with ease, though he didn't know if he had a perfect score. It would be a bit too much, even for him.

Next was the ninjutsu. He needed to adequately use a C-rank jutsu to pass the examination. A D-rank would suffice as well, but it needed to have the strength of a C-rank jutsu. Izana skipped the kata as he immediately molded his chakra and performed the jutsu he chose. It was the one he was the most comfortable with, having used it a lot when he trained with Itachi at home.

"Fire-style: Great fire ball!" Izana spat out a massive fire ball, easily exceeding the power of a C-rank and landed in the B-rank. Not that surprising, as he had enough chakra reserves thanks to Ryuujin and his own training.

The Jonin looked with shock at Izana, but Sarutobi wasn't surprised. Izana had a lot of chakra. He had sensed it since a while ago, when he first came in. The beast inside him had probably helped Izana with his chakra training and expanded his chakra storage with leaps.

When the Third sensed carefully, directly focussing his attention on just sensing chakra, he could feel how big Izana's chakra reserves were. He was shocked silly as it was above that of a Chuunin and almost if not already was at the level of a Jonin. And it was still slowly but surely growing even now.

If the kid wasn't limited to C rank jutsu from the academy, he might've even learned B and A-rank jutsus. How frightening. The kid was a monster in human skin. Literally.

"Ninjutsu exam, passed. Now the Taijutsu. You will fight against a Chuunin. Only Taijutsu allowed. Sharingan activation is allowed as well, but genjutsu is not." the Jonin examinor said.

At the other end of the training ground appeared someone who was said to be a Chuunin. When Izana took a good look at his opponent, he saw that he also had a Sharingan. Though his had only two tomoe instead of Izana's three tomoe. Remembering how few Uchiha clan members of his age had the sharingan activated, it was already a major accomplishment for the Chuunin in front of him to have two tomoe. He didn't appear that old at all.

"Are you ready? Begin." the Jonin examiner said.

Though he said begin, both Izana and his opponent didn't move, their eyes staring straight at the other for a sign of the slightest movements. As the stalemate got longer and longer, Izana's opponent finally made his move. He quickly dashed forward, smashing his hand forward, while guarding for possible counters with his other. Izana parried his punch, kicking towards the opponents feet, while looking closely for counters.

The world around Izana seemed completely dyed in a dim colored filter, every movement seemed to have slowed down as he could see his opponents every move, every action and every gap. Izana hit whenever an opening could be found, though still carefull if those openings may be feints.

Having disrupted his opponents foundation, Izana planted his own fist at the opponents chest, followed by swift hits towards the head and hips. When his hits made contact, Izana would guard for possible counters, when the counter didn't come he would aim for the opponents legs and the joints in the arms. If the joints were weakened, so would the attack power behind new attacks.

As the battle continued, Izana's opponent started to lose ground as his movements became sluggish. He could barely guard against the attacks anymore and chose to dodge or retreat.

When his opponent retreated, Izana saw his chance as he sped forward and smashed with his fist against the opponents chest, blasting the air out of him, making him fall unconscious as the poor guy was gasping for breath desperately.

Though the Third could keep up with the movements of the youngsters, he was amazed at the battle insight Izana had. The boy could notice whenever there was a gap in the opponents guard. When it was a feint, he wouldn't attack that spot but target another. If it wasn't a feint, he would mercilessly hit the opponent until he couldn't move anymore.

The Third could feel a cold sweat on his back as this battle style reminded him of someone. He had been merciless too, crazed with battling and finding joy in the thrill.

Gene's could be quite terrifying indeed. He had to keep a close eye on the boy and make sure he wouldn't stray from the right path. He needed to make sure the boy kept seeing the village in a good light. Though it would be hard, as the council and even the villagers saw the Uchiha in a bad light. The future looked bleak.

Still, he would make sure the boy remained a positive view of the village. One Uchiha terror was enough in his lifetime. He didn't need a second one. If he turned out to be a threat, he would dispose of the boy as soon as possible. Fortunately he had Danzo for those tasks.

The Third thought as the battle drew near a close. When the dust of the violent battle settled, the chuunin lay collapsed on the ground completely out cold for a while.

The Jonin was surprised as well. Still he was an Shinobi, so he quickly regained his senses and declared the Taijutsu exam as passed.

Finally, a quick battle tactics assessment was done. What insights would be needed when facing multiple or just a single enemy. Every instance was under the impression that he would be in a team of three, as well as be with a Jonin instructor. Answering each question with what he thought would be right, Izana waited patiently for the results.

The Jonin instructor conversed silently with the Third.

Waiting for them to finish, Izana began to wonder what kind of dinner aunt Mikoto would be making tonight. Hopefully it would be egg fried rice. He really loved the way aunt Mikoto made that.

The duo was finally done conversing, as a scroll was given to the Thirds.

The Third stepped forward as he handed the scroll to Izana.

"This is your mission. It will start tomorrow. You have to finish it within the day or you won't pass the exam. You can't receive any help from other Shinobi, nor can you from civillians. You can however collect information. Dismissed." The Third said as he left the training ground with the other examiners.

When Izana looked into the scroll to see what his mission entailed, Izana's face darkened when he saw the mission.

"You've got to be kidding me, right?" Izana said, disappointed at the contents of the scroll.




The next day Izana stood up early and started his mission. He couldn't belief he had to find a stupid cat. If he remembered correctly, this cat would be put in the mission chart weekly. He had heard Itachi complaining about it, as the cat called Tora was really nasty towards those who were trying to catch her.

The cat must really hate her owner then. Izana surmised. Izana looked once more through the scroll, scanning the picture inside it. Brown female cat with amber eyes and a red ribbon around her right ear. Three stripes were on the top of her head.

Izana went towards the last seen area and searched for any trails. When he found one, a hole in the hedge, Izana followed the path the cat would've followed. Though the trail was long cold, Izana could still get some clues from it.

"Why doesn't the owner just put it on a leash?" Izana muttered in irritation as he went towards the fish selling store. He could see many cats, but not the one he was looking for.

When he asked the owner of the store, he had apparently seen the cat not long ago and pointed towards the direction in which it left. Izana followed the directions, asking from time to time if other people knew about the cat, as they all pointed at the same direction.

Within an hour the cat was spotted and quickly captured. Izana would damn well look out for the claws of the outright furious beast as he grabbed the cat in the neck where it couldn't bite or scratch him.

He went to the Hokage's office and finished his mission. "You're done early." Was all the Third said as he let an ANBU call for the owner.

When the ANBU came back, a really fat woman ran forward and grabbed the poor cat from Izana's hands and hugged her cat fiercely. No wonder the cat ran away that often, If I was hugged that way I would do the same, was what Izana thought as he only felt pity for the cat.

"Congratualtions Izana, you've pased the exam. Unfortunately we don't have a Genin squad for you at the moment. I would recommend you wait for a week. We'll call for you when we have one ready." The Third said as he took slight puffs from is pipe.

"I understand." Was all Izana said. He didn't think there was one for him anyway. In the meantime he might as well practice his Bukijutsu.

"May I ask for something?" Izana asked, as the Third nodded in response. "Then might I ask for a teacher for Bukijutsu? I want to improve my skills with weapons. All kinds of weapons to be precise." Izana said.

The Third nodded again as he agreed.

"I will send a Jonin to you tomorrow." Was all the Third said as he went back to reading the documents on his table.

Izana was content with the promise as he left the office and went towards the Uchiha residence to tell his family the good news.

So I've been thinking what kind of mangekyo I should give to Izana. I have a couple of ideas but I'd like to hear your opinion too.

Leave a comment If you know an good/awesome/incredible/weird/anything ability. Not too odd.

LaughingSnowFoxcreators' thoughts