
Strongest sect Master

This is a story about starting a sect and becoming the most powerful sect master. Jiang Chen arrived in this fantasy world eighteen years ago and became a member of a small family with good talent. He also has a System, and he began taking disciples gradually, forming a group of strange disciples with extremely varied personalities and steadily built the most powerful sect in the heavens and numerous worlds, eventually becoming the most powerful sect master.

sleepingpeacefully · Eastern
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Current strength

First ancestor smiled as he finally broke into the spirit master realm after decades of waiting.

"Ancestor should consolidate the martial arts realm in the sect as the sect has a spirit gathering formation that will allow ancestor to quickly consolidate the realm". Jiang said as he came to congratulate his first ancestor.

As he quickly used his eye of insight to check what changes had taken place in his first ancestor.

[Jiang Wan (first ancestor)]

[Age: 158]

[Loyalty: 93]

[Martial art realm: Early First Layer Spirit Master]

[Physique: Low-Level Heavenly Lightning Body]

[Bloodline: Heavenly Lightning Emperor(Initial Awakening)]

[Martial art Talent: 58]

[Innate Talent: Wrath of Heavenly Destruction (Bloodline Divine Ability)]

[Martial Art Cultivation Technique: Heavenly Lightning Sutra (Remnant)]

[Martial Art: Heavenly Thunder, Thunder Storm Slash, Lightning Rush, Thunder Punch]

He was shocked by the change in the first ancestor; not only had he awakened the bloodline, but he also had the bloodline's divine ability. He still remembers all the opponents he met in the battle tower, as they also have bloodline abilities that increase their strength exponentially, so he really wonders how strong this bloodline ability is, and his first ancestor talent also reached '58' points, almost similar to him.

He had to say that this breakthrough had completely rejuvenated the first ancestor. He immediately took out the cultivation technique [Heavenly Lightning Sutra] from the system inventory, and a small jade appeared in his hand. "Ancestor, this is the gift for this breakthrough," he said, and he gave the jade to the ancestor.

First ancestor nodded as he took the jade but did not check immediately as he did not think much about the present Jiang Chen gave as first he needed to consolidate his realm. He followed Jiang Chen and entered a room to consolidate his realm. While his students and both elders were shocked by such a phenomenon. So Jiang Chen assured them that it was nothing and that no problem would arise because of this.

After that, he also entered his room, as his strength also increased suddenly, so he also needed to understand the changes and properly adjust to them.

Now that he has reached the half-step spirit master realm, he needs to compress his qi. The more he compresses, the stronger he will be after breaking through the spirit master realm.

While he was sitting and adjusting his breath, he noticed his strength had increased tremendously, as he might be able to fight a ninth-layer spirit master now. As his [Infinite Cosmos Sutra] grants him many times more qi than other martial artists.

His current quantity and quality of qi would not lose to fifth-layer spirit master realm martial artists. With that, his ancestor is actually quite strong, as his breakthrough managed to help him reach the half-step spirit master realm directly from the early ninth layer innate. According to him, his ancestor's qi is now not weaker than that of a fifth or sixth layer spirit master realm martial artist, and with his mastery of martial arts, he should be easily able to defeat a seventh or eighth layer spirit master realm martial artist, and with bloodline divine ability, he cannot guess what level of strength he will reach.

Anyway, now his ancestor can be called one of the strongest in the spiritual kingdom. On the bright side, that is, but there may be hidden masters like the Huang clan, which is definitely not a simple clan.

After taking an hour to understand his new strength, he went outside, and he saw that his first ancestor still did not leave the room, so he did not bother but started to change and arrange the new formation, like the new third rank gathering formation and the sect protecting formation. When he was arranging the formation, elder Xiao Yi also came and noticed the high-quality formation, which he seems to be unable to understand.

But when he learned that the sect's new protecting formation is a fourth-rank formation, he was shocked, as from what he knows, there is no such formation in the whole spiritual kingdom.

It took about three to four hours to completely arrange these two formations. As for elder Xiao Yi, he went to help Elder Zhong Wenshu arrange some formation in the alchemy room, as when he first built the sect, he did make an alchemy room, but it was, to put it simply, not up to the standard of the current sect, so some changes are needed.

He also gave the spirit chef inheritance to Uncle Ji of Ye Feng, as he actually helped in the kitchen of the sect all this time, so he specially bought this for him. And with this, he can also create nourishing foods that increase the martial arts training speed of his sect's disciples.

And he still did not want to let everyone enter the 'star god mansion', as his sect's disciples are still young and it is too much for the current sect, and if anyone outside somehow knows about it, then it will definitely create massive problems, and the alchemy pavilion and refining hall did not help much. It only has some better assisting formation, and it would not be much different from outside since he cannot use the god-rank cauldron and his sect does not have any refiners, so they did not make a difference for his sect.

But for the Tower of God, that is different; it can help everyone quickly increase their strength, so he had to let everyone enter the tower so they could quickly increase their strength.

So first he is going to let his two direct disciples and first ancestor cultivate in the 'tower of god' and let them first increase their strength, and then later, when he breakthroughs the spirit master realm, he will become strongest in the whole spiritual kingdom, and then he will let his disciples and elders in the 'tower of god'.

So with that, everything was settled, and now all of them just needed to work hard to train and become stronger.

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