
Strongest Psychic Trainer in Pokemon World

"Where am I?" When I woke up, I found myself in a world where Pokemon and reality coexist My Grandpa is an elite trainer who guarded the northern border My Grandma is a renowned Pokemon expert in the industry My Father is an elite trainer who owns his own gym brand. My Mother is a renowned elite breeder in the industry. Nothing can stop me from achieving my goal of becoming number one! ----------------------- Schedule: 5 Chapters/week (This is my minimum estimate, but there may be more depending on how busy I am) ----------------------- You can vote for this novel, leave a chapter comment or paragraph comment, suggest some ideas (preferably in the latest chapter), give this novel a review, recommend my novel to your friends or people that you know, or just simply send a gift to this novel. Thank you ^^

Hellowkun · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Dangerous clash

"Dark brown uniform..."

Hearing Chris, Marquis Dennis nodded his head and thinking about something.

After calling for the 21th something, Jun's uncle, Chris finally be able to connect to Jun's grandpa and retell about everything that Jun said to him. For years, Chris had been on a hunt for the Pokemon poacher who had killed his parents.

At first, his desire for revenge was intense, but as time passed, he became numb to it. Despite hearing news about the poacher on multiple occasions, Chris could never seem to apprehend them, as they always managed to evade him. Now, he had Yuna to take care of, and he realized that instead of continuing to pursue a fruitless vendetta, he needed to focus on her well-being.

"That's why Jun said he need for us to moved since their backround is not small since they related to Pokemon reserach. And..." Chris stopped suddenly.

"And what?"

"Um... Father, Jun said, they maybe related to that incident..." Chris said slightly

Knocking his finger to the table, Dennis finally said, " Are you sure, it's them? Where are you now? you are alone right?"

"Me? Yes, I am alone... I am on my way to Vermillion forest." Chris answered and then retell about Jun story about how he found Pudding, Mia Jigglypuff.

"What about Mia?" Dennis asked

"This... I--"

"Don't tell her... yet... we don't know the situation in there. Better if we have a real conclusion then you tell her"

Chris hesitated a little but finally concede, "Understand. By the way, do I need to moved the Platoon?"

After silent for a while, "No need... I will move personally" Dennis said


Chris was taken aback by this answer.

Marquis Dennis decided to take matters into his own hands, but he understood the risks involved, especially since it was related to Jun. If it had been just another report about the poacher, Marquis Dennis would not have moved personally, as they had received similar reports in the past only to find out that it was a regular Pokemon poacher instead.

However, now that Jun was involved and had strong evidence, such as the Jigglypuff that he had found, and the fact that the poachers were hiding in the Vermillion Forest near their base of operation, didn't it seem like they were challenging them directly? As the wise saying goes, the safest place is often the most dangerous. It seems the poachers know this well, but they will undoubtedly pay a heavy price for it


"Father, what happened?" Leonard asked as he sipped his coffee.

"Jun clashed with a Pokemon poacher," Dennis answered calmly.

"Burrfttt... W-what?? What happened?" Leonard panicked, spilling his coffee on his clothes.

Dennis looked at him disapprovingly. How could a gym leader lack the composure expected of a gym leader?

Ignoring Leonard's question, Dennis stood up and made a phone call.


"There's a poaching group roaming in Vermillion Forest, and my grandson clashed with them. I don't care what you're doing. ASSEMBLE NOW IN VERMILLION FOREST!"

"... Understood."


Leonard was stunned. "Father, do you really need to move your main squad? Moreover, aren't they still on a mission on Mt. Moon? There is no need to exaggerate it, right? It's only a random Pokemon poacher. I believe Jun can handle it."


Leonard stood up immediately, afraid of his father's enraged state. "But isn't it a normal Pokemon poacher?" Leonard inquired fearfully

This was not the first time they had taken care of Pokemon poachers. They had already arrested and released back to back the same poacher several times, so Leonard was not too afraid for Jun's safety.

Dennis did not answer Leonard's question. "I said, I will remove that poacher group today. There's no need for such Pokemon poachers to exist anymore," Marquis Dennis's voice was somber. Then he stood up and left.

However, before he stepped outside, he stopped and turned his head. He saw Leonard lifting his coffee glass and shouted, "WHY ARE YOU STILL DRINKING YOUR COFFEE?! ARE YOU NOT GOING?!"

"Go, go right away!" Leonard gulped his coffee and responded immediately.

After that, the two went out, and Dennis took out a Luxury Ball and threw it.


Salamence appear and roared, then look at left and right.

"Your kid is not here... it was with Mia" Dennis said and patted Salamence wings

"Grrrr" Salamence grunted at Dennis words.

After that Dennis took out another Luxury ball and throw it.



A humanoid Pokemon with a large mustache wields a silver spoon in each hand appear suddenly.

Dennis and Leonard boarded to Salamence and Dennis commanded, "Alakazam teleport to Vermillion forest"

After he commanded, in the blink of and eye, all of them dissapeared.


"HAHAHA," the man laughed, after which he walked with Xatu on his shoulder.

The man, who had been threatened with a spear gun by Jun earlier, saw that his boss coming, regained his composture and kicked his Cacturne. "Alright, you lazy boy, don't pretend anymore. There's no danger anymore," he scolded his Cacturne, which had feigned defeat upon seeing the unfavorable situation.

"Turne!" The Cacturne opened one of its eyes and, upon seeing its big boss coming, it slowly stood up, making Jun tense.

"Xatu, use confusion," the man looked at Jun and instructed his Xatu

However, Xatu hesitated a little. Its little brother was in Jun's hands now. What if Jun did something to harm its little brother if it attacked him?

Seeing Xatu's unresponsive behavior, the man frowned and took out a remote control, pressing a button.

"XATUUU~!!!" Xatu trembled painfully. Jun frowned even more upon seeing this.

"Why? Do you want to switch sides now?" taunted the man before raising the level of electricity on Xatu's neck to level two and pressing the button again.

"XATUUU~!!!" After hearing this, the other Xatu that had followed Jun earlier used confusion and targeted Jun. Jun reacted immediately, "Metang, use confusion!"

Both confusions clashed in the middle, resulting in an explosion and dust flying everywhere.


Not waiting for to long, "Hiss."

Suddenly, Jun heard something and his heart contracted. "It was Seviper!" he realized.

The Seviper had the hidden ability [Infiltrator], which allowed it to bypass its foe's barriers. In this case, Seviper used its ability to pass through the dust and locate Jun's position.

Seviper opened its mouth widely, intending to launch a devastating attack on Jun with its bite.


Eevee, who witnessed this, felt its fur stand on end and jumped in between Jun and Seviper.

"NOOOOOO!!!" Jun screamed as he looked at Eevee, who was now suspended in mid-air, trapped in front of Seviper's fangs.