
Strongest Police Officer

A godly police officer experiences rebirth after being betrayed by his close comrade. Coupled with his many years of experience in the police force and a system without equality, he vows to eradicate corrupt officials, save the weak from their oppressors, and bring justice to the world.

Damaker · Action
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88 Chs

Hiring the services of an expert I

The interior of the building was well decorated with art from famous artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali, etc.

"Over here!" Mr. Joe was immediately brought out of his stupor by the guard's reminder.

Subsequently, they made their way to the second floor and arrived before a door.

Although the second floor wasn't as big as the first, it wasn't small regardless.

"Sir, this is as far as I can go. Please you may go in." The leader of the guards ushered Mr. Joe inside after arriving before the door.

"Alright. Here! Mr. Joe replied as he fished out dollar notes from his pocket.

"No!, no! Sir. I can't accept it. I was only doing my job" The guard's leader refused while staring intently at the money, his greed betraying his actions.

"Don't worry. I understand. Besides, I'm not buying your conscience, I'm just trying to compensate you for the trouble. Don't worry just take it." Mr. Joe insisted.

After hesitating for a while, the guard's leader reluctantly brought out his hand as he accepted the money. "Well, if you say so. Thanks!" He replied and after that bid his farewell.

"No! Don't worry." Mr. Joe smiled evilly as he waved his hand passively.

After seeing Mr. Joe's evil smile, the guards all had goosebumps. That was when they knew they'd truly fucked up! They all had one thought in mind." We've truly fucked up!"

"It's good to make allies wherever one goes. Who knows what could probably happen tomorrow?" Mr. Joe on the other hand had different thoughts in mind.

"Kacha! The door opened widely as Mr. Joe pushed down its handle.

The room was furnished extravagantly. There was a massive sofa located in the middle of the room. A bookshelf at the far side of the room with tables and chairs placed beside it.

Just inches away stood an artificial intelligence.

Inside the room sat the minister going through some files. His graceful demeanor and posture were in sharp contrast to his personality.

Looking at his current posture and appearance, he resembled a scholar who only spoke with his book and pen.

However, beneath that scholarly appearance, hid a disgusting personality.

After noticing someone opened the door to his office without the basic courtesy of knocking, he abruptly raises his head ready to discipline the person who could be so daring to do so.

"Oh! So it's Mr. Joe! However, when he saw the person responsible for that, all his anger subsided and was later replaced with smiles.

"You've come earlier than expected." The minister was pleasantly surprised when he saw Mr. Joe. Today was the first time Mr. Joe had arrived at a meeting on time.

Since he had known him, he's always the last person to arrive whenever a meeting is scheduled. Even in an organization where the rules are strict, he never changes his habits.

"Wait! I thought you were going to criticize me a moment ago. What happened? Mr. Joe joked after seeing the minister's surprised expression.

"Ah! I don't dare!" The minister embarrassingly responded. How could he dare criticize someone with a rank higher than him in the organization? He isn't that dumb.