
Strongest Police Officer

A godly police officer experiences rebirth after being betrayed by his close comrade. Coupled with his many years of experience in the police force and a system without equality, he vows to eradicate corrupt officials, save the weak from their oppressors, and bring justice to the world.

Damaker · Action
Not enough ratings
88 Chs


[System warning! System warning! A shot has been fired from an unknown person. It is headed within the host's proximity. You have five seconds to decide. Your decision would determine the system's mission.

Count down begins: 5,..,..,...,...,]

"What? An assassin? Yebou was shocked when he heard the system's notification. He couldn't understand the reason an assassin would try to kill him. He hadn't done anything to warrant such a threat.

However, now wasn't the time to think about this.

"Move! Yebou shouted as he instructed Sergeant Quaye to move from his standing place. He wasn't sure if the shot was targeted at him or Sergeant Quaye.

Therefore, he decided to warn Sergeant Quaye before the inevitable happened.

"What do you mean? Sergeant Quaye asked confused. He has no idea what Yebou was talking about.

"Shit! Yebou cursed when he saw Sergeant Quaye still not moving.

Immediately, he activated dash and rushed to where Sergeant Quaye was standing.

"Boom" Before Sergeant Quaye could process what was going on, he fell hard on the ground.

"What do you mean by this? Sergeant Quaye asked with a darkened face as he stood up and dusted his clothes. From what he remembers, Yebou was asking him a question which got him confused then the next thing he knew he was lying on the ground.

He had no idea what truly happened.

"Sergeant! This is not the time.

Someone is hiding in the shadows who wants to take our lives." Yebou replied as he dusted his clothes.

"What? An assassin? Sergeant Quaye asked as he surveyed his surroundings. He was momentarily stunned when he heard those words from Yebou.

"But where is he? He asked when he didn't see anyone or anything wrong when he checked his surroundings. Because of the darkness, he couldn't see far into the distance.

[Congratulations! Host has successfully moved away from the shot trajectory.]


[Mission: Capture or kill the assassin]

[Deadline: Within the next three days]

[Rewards: 5 Level Ups and an invisible tracker]

[Mission Status: Ongoing]

A system messaged poped up immediately Yebou moved away from the shots trajectory.

"Damm it! If I had this tractor, everything would have been easy." Yebou murmured, after reading through the sustem's mission.

"Please stay here, I'll be back soon!" Yebou said as he activated his night vision and made a run after the assassin.

"Where a.. r ..e y...o...u g..oing? Before Sergeant Quaye could complete his question, Yebou had disappeared from where he was previously standing.

"What! He's this fast? Sergeant Quaye became shocked as he experienced the speed Yebou displayed.

"He speed seems to be growing at an incredible rate. Wait! Could it be..... Sergeant Quaye gasped as he remembered something he had hheardsome time ago.

It is said that, those with extraordinary talents and those favored by the gods have special abilities that could be increased as they grow.

The speed Yebou displayed now has increased a lot as compared to the speed from the video he watched about a week ago. This is the only reason he could attribute the increment to. Perhaps he is one of them?
