
Strongest Ordinary

Yuri abandoned his life on his hometown to become a hero we wasn't ment to be.

Grimmy_ · Fantasy
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Lets go farmer boy

Sunner /day 69 /Year 246969

Buzzing of mana operated vehicles covered the bustling Capital city of Erantal, high buildings that touch the sky, and serious looking people walking to their various jobs on the busy street.

Amidst the crowd a 17 years old boy wearing a patchwork jacket and jeans could be seen looking around the utopia with curious eyes of that of a baby.

His unkept black hair almost covers his features, but a small smile could be seen plastered on his average looking face.

Pulling a map and a compass from his bag, he look around the city to look for land marks.

Few people walking pass him gave him a curious glance, before quickly averting there gazes.

There's that gigantic golden clock on my north, in the west there should be the a building Mega Mall, in the south should be floating palace... alrigth that means that the VETSA Academy was northwest from here.

After acquiring his direction he put his map and compass back to his bag and marched northwest following the road.

The rush hour was over when the boy finally could finally see his destination. on the street there only a few people could be seen walking on the street that made his journey faster.

On his way to the academy he spot a 7 years old girl with white hair, skipping happily as she walk along the street.

"That little girl must have an ancient bloodline, but why is she alone in the streets?"

He decided to not dwell on it and continued walkinh to the crossroad next to the little girl.

The little girl was that is currently looking at the traffic lights.

Few minutes later the traffic ligth turns green. and the girl hurriedly jump to the road. not noticing that a speeding truck that was about to hit her.

"Watch out little miss!" the boy yelled.

His shouts only manage to make the girl turn her head to him in confusion.


Without hesitation he spring into action, adrenaline pump in his veins as he quickly circulate all of my soul power in his body, kicking the ground he dashed towards the girl like a launched rocket.

Wrapping the girl in his embrace, he felt a sudden pain spread in his entire body.

Only then, he realized It was to late.


Sirens echoes drown the incomprehensible chatter of people, amidst of all that, a weaping child can be heared beside me.

Throbbing pain in my body was slowly dissipating, while my senses are coming back to me.

Forcing my eyes to open, my vision was blurry but i still manage to see a vague sigth of a guy in a golden clothes beside me,

His hand was placed on my chest while emitting a soothing golden radians that made the pain in my body slowly disappear.

As my vision became clearer, i noticed that beside me was the little white hair girl from before, she's now staring at me as tears covered his small cute face.

A bitter sweet taste of blood could be savor in my mouth, as well feeling of something blocking my throat.

Coughing, i spit out the a piece of coagulated blood out of my mouth, making my breathing a easier.

"Can you hear me?" The guy with blond hair asked.


"What are you feeling?"



The wimpering girl walk beside the blond guy.

"Brother Abner, he's not dying rigth?"

Abner smiles and raise his other hand that started to glow in a more intense golden glow.

"He's going to be alright."

Swinging his glowing hand toward my chest. it created waves of light that exploded to every direction.

Just like a snap of a finger, all the pain in my body disappeared, my consciousness was suddenly kicked back to life.

Abner stood up and reached his hand to me showing a friendly smile

"Abner Lightseeker."

Seeing this i grab his hand and pulled myself up.

"Yuri Watterson."

The crowd started cheering while a few noticeable squeals from young ladies can be heared.

Quickly looking around, i saw are few more people in golden robes near me, while few police officers are blocking the path not letting the crowd to come near us.

"What happened?" I asked the guy that unleashed an impressive healing ability to me.

"You got hit a truck after saving little Alice here, If not for you this little trouble maker might have..." Abner smiled awkwardly.

"Yeah, so where's the truck driver? I really really want to have a word with him"

Naa, i just really wanted to punch the bastard.

"He got away, but don't worry he'll be caught soon enough."

Abner pointed the broken parts of the truck, where a plate number was laying on the ground.

"looks like the truck driver has a shitty luck for leaving that around"

"looks like it" Abner laughed.

"Well, thank you for healing me,so um...Abner do i need to pay you for your service or ?"

"Hahaha, there's no need for that."

He suddenly place his fist on his chest and bowed.

"Instead, I'm the one that should thank you for saving a friend of mine"

The young ladies on the crowd started squealing again.

Aren't this a little to dramatic?

Nevertheless, I awkwardly put my fist on my chest to return the gesture.

This guys must be famous, well he's tall, good good looking and has a powerful ability , I won't be surprised if he was hail from famous clan.

My thoughts was disrupted when I felt a tugging on my jacket, looking down, its the little girl that i saved a few moments ago,

She's looking up at me with her teary eyes.

"Um...thank you for saving me"

Placing my hands above her head, i gave her a light pat.


The little girl gave me a smile.

I turned my head to Abner.

"So um, i have important matters to attend to, so im going now."

I hurriedly picked up my bag on the ground, put it on before walking away.

"Wait, Mr Watterson-"

Abner tried to stop me, but was blocked by media people that somehow manage to pass the police, they started asking him questions and pointing microphone on his face.

Seeing that, i decided to slip away before those people learned that i exist on the first place.

After walking a few minutes I reached my destination, VETSA Academy, VETSA means Void Entity Threats and Security Association.

The Academy occupied at least a quarter of the whole City, Its understandable since most of the strongest hero's in the world trained there. thus Erantal was also called the Hero's Capital.

The Academy was surrounded by a tall wall, with only one gate, while a few guards is watching the entrance, armed with assault rifles. considering rifles are ineffective against void beast or hero's, the guards are only here to defend against ordinary people.

Walking near the gates, I asked one of the guards where's the examination for new student were at.

One of them take a glance at me and smiles.

"Boy you might be lost Erantal university was south of the city"

"Actually, I'm here to take the examination for VETSA Academy"

"Your joking rigth? I mean you have a black hair, i dont see any sharp ears or a tail, which could only means your don't have a bloodline."

"Hell, you just won't let me in cause I'm black?"

"Come on kid, both know that Ordinary people don't have the strength to pass the examination, even though the academy said that everyone can join, they knew people like you won't pass anyway."

The guard gestured me to go away.

"Listen, I have walked a long way just to get here,and i won't just going home without trying!"

"Kid, I'm telling you this for your own good, do you know that the examination would be aired in TV, so just go home so you can avoid embarrassing yourself"

I raised shoulders.

"YOLO." i bellowed.

The guard facepalms.

"You have guts kid, fine its your funeral" The guard gestures yuri to go inside.

Without a second word Yuri walked inside the academy.

"Hey, kid the examination was located in the stadium, just walk straight you'll see it." the guard bellowed.

"Alrigth thanks"

The Academy was full of people with different color of hair, that symbolizes there bloodline, there are also a few people with unusual body parts like wings, horns, or tail.

Cadets are wearing the color coded uniforms that match the bloodline they have.

I actually find it funny how colorful the Cadets are inside the academy.

Walking to the huge hallway, i noticed that most of the people eyes are on me, as if I'm some kind of a unusual creature.

Ignoring their piercing gazes i swaggered my way to the stadium. There are only a few people standing on line, to registrar that handles combat type Cadets so, i waited patiently.

Few moments later, i walk to the registrar, the guy in charge was a young guy with pink hair wearing a pink cadet uniform, he took a single glance at me before he started sniggering.

"Pfffff...Hey Mark look at this clow!" he bellowed

A guy named Mark turned his head towards me and started laughing.

"hahaha the fuc* man, this guy mental or something? "

I look at them bemused.

"So where do i sign my name?" i asked with a blank face.

"Listen here captain powerless, if I we're you i would turn around now and go home."

"Hey, man i don't want any trouble. I'm just here to take the test." i reasoned.

The Pink haired guy laughed

"What made you think that someone like you can pass the examination? did you hit your head somewhere? "

I sigh.

"Hell people like you, do have a lot of time in there hand huh, can you just let me sign already?"

"How about No! so off you go little farmboy, and stop wasting our time."

The guy smirked.

Seeing this i couldn't help but clench my fist in anger.

"Listen here pink clown, i didn't come here to listen to your jokes! Just let me sign up thats all"

Hearing what i said the guy with the pink hair raised an eyebrow.

"Ow, the little peasant boy was angry. are you looking of a figth?"

I step forward.

"What if I am?"

"Your on! just don't cry to mommy, after i beat you up"

The guy stand up walk out of the counter, and swaggered towards grinning from ear to ear.

"Hey, Jack don't hurt him too much" Mark bellowed.

"Hahaha, don't worry I-"

Jack words was cut short when I rushed forward and send a punch to his face.