
Ending The Battle With A Bang!

"Are you hungry, Eiko?" Colette asked the Baby Slime, who was now perched on top of her head.

"Hungry!" Eiko replied.

"Good! I'm starving as well," Colette stated. "What do you want to eat?"

"Dreadnaught Core!"

"... Okay, let's have some beef stew instead."


Matty and the others, who were walking beside Colette, couldn't help but smirk because they thought that the Baby Slime was merely joking with them.

On the contrary, during the battle in the Ammarian Kingdom, Eiko and her Terrorist Squad managed to snatch one of the Dreadnaught-Ranked Cores that Prince Cyrus tried to sneakily get when Lux wasn't paying attention.

Eiko had even ordered one of the Hecatoncheires to slap the Second Prince of the Vahan Empire away since he was trying to get what rightfully belonged to her.

Of course, the Hecatoncheires held back, or else the Second Prince of the Vahan Empire would have turned into meat paste.

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