
Strongest Magic System

Griffin, a very feared mafia, must experience something unusual when he is 20 years old. A strange message appeared in front of him as he fled from the pursuit of a group of people with his younger sister. As if things weren't bad enough, he fell off the top of a building, but woke up in another world filled with mana, wizards, monsters, magical creatures from fairy tales. And most confusingly, there is a system that keeps him getting stronger. How will Griffin survive in this other world? And what mystery brought him to that world? Welcome to the Strongest Magic System.

Black_Phoenix5 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 26 - The War of Lirest and Boaren (3)

Hearing Cody's apology, Raymond felt a huge weight lift off his heart. Especially when he saw Cody crying like that.

"Well, I've calmed down hearing you say that. We're both going to die today anyway." Raymond gave himself up

"No, you can't die."

"What do you mean?"

"Lirest still needs you."

Raymond pondered for a moment.

"I don't know, can I bring change to the situation out there?"

"Whether it can or can't, we have to try it. You're the most stubborn person I've ever met. Don't give up that easily."

Raymond looked at the chains on his hands and feet.

"I've tried several times, but these shackles can't be removed."

"Then try again. Aren't you the person who most often tries things you can't do? If you haven't achieved the results you want you won't stop."

The corner of Raymond's lips showed a smile when he heard the sentence just now. "Okay, let's try."

"I don't have much magic left, but I might be able to try to destroy this sinner cage once you've broken down the shackles on your hands and feet. I've heard from the magician's conversation in Boaren, the sinner cage can be destroyed if it is hit with powerful magic from the outside and inside."

Come to think of it, Raymond had heard the same thing from Griffin.

"Are you sure you can do it? Isn't your magic almost exhausted?"

"Someone once said 'You won't know if you don't try.'"

Raymond smiled at that. It was one of the lines he often said to Cody and Isabella.

"Okay, let's try."

Raymond started to exert magic all over his body. Every part of his body gave off very thin green mana because most of his magic had been sealed.

He put all his strength into breaking the chains on his hands and feet using magic.

Meanwhile up there, Griffin was running in the middle of the forest. He remembered where the black shadow had taken all the mages just now, and that gave him a bad feeling. The direction he was heading now headed straight to Boaren. If he wanted to save them, who knows how many enemies he would have to fight.

When Griffin arrived at Boaren, he saw dozens of Boaren wizards there. The caged ferocious hound sized monsters were ready to be released. The magicians in Lirest had been tied up with black magic rope, so they couldn't join in the fight. Meanwhile, it turned out that the figure that had captured the witches just now was the one Griffin wanted to meet the least. A strange creature that he had just found while in a dungeon.

"Shit, why is it here too?"

[(Cursed Species) Devil Shards – Level 16]

[(Cursed Species) Devil Shards – Level 18]

[(Cursed Species) Devil Shards – Level 19]

There were three devil shards there, and they were much stronger than the ones Griffin fought back in the dungeon. No wonder they were able to extend their black shadows from Boaren to Lirest.

"It won't be easy." Griffin muttered.

One of the Boaren wizards used his magic and threw a fireball at Griffin.


Griffin with a single slash destroyed the magic and immediately dashed forward.

The devil shards saw Griffin and started attacking using the black shadows on their bodies.

[Additional mana has been added to the flame sword.]

Griffin started slashing all the black shadows that were aiming at him.

Fire magic doesn't have any effect, but if it's added with normal mana, for some reason Griffin can cut the black shadows from the devil shards. And with his flame sword and mana combination, his power and destructive power exceeded his previous attacks. Plus his magic points have reached 30, of course there is an addition to his magic power. Making Griffin's magic much stronger than anyone who was there.

All the magicians started to activate their skills.

[The witch of Boaren casts a wind type skill]

[The witch of Boaren casts a fire type skill]

[The witch of Boaren casts an earth type skill]

The ground around Griffin shook lightly, at the same time a strong wind blew towards him, causing Griffin's balance to be disturbed. The flames from the flame sword skill also became somewhat smaller.

[A swarm of witches has started interfering with your magic abilities]

"Shit, they're smart."

All the wizards around him targeted Griffin together. All magic is deployed to interfere with Griffin's magic ability, because the one who will kill the man is not them.

The collection of devil shards started attacking using the black tentacles on their bodies.

Sat sat sat

Griffin whose balance was disturbed was painstakingly slashing all the tentacles that came. Luckily even though his fire magic was interrupted, he was still able to cut through the long and large tentacles.

"The magicians here are quite troublesome."

Griffin looked around one by one the wizards. Judging from the strength of the magicians he had encountered up until now, the average magician in Lirest and Boaren was only around 5-8. It was rare for anyone to reach level 10. And that was indeed the average level of magicians. Meanwhile, if he look at his status points, Griffin's strength can be estimated to be around level 16. A fairly high level when compared to the others, especially with such a large amount of mana.

But still, against a large number of enemies using one sword skill with a short attack range is quite disadvantageous. Moreover, there are monsters as terrible as devil shards in this place. Of course Griffin couldn't take it easy.

"It seems that it can only be like this."

Griffin pointed his hand forward.

[Large amount of mana has been used]

[Mana begins to flow from your body]

In an instant, an enormous amount of mana shot out of his hands and spread in all directions. Like red smoke that spreads carried by the wind. The range of the red smoke wasn't very far, only covering an area with a radius of 8 meters around Griffin. The red smoke was very thin and only shortened the line of sight, but they could still see Griffin clearly, because its aim was not to block their view.

"I ordered magic to turn my mana into element that is the source of my power. Turn this area into my domain."

Flames shot out of Griffin's hands. Then the flames rapidly spread through the air, precisely burning up all the mana Griffin released into air. The flames moved swiftly like a fire placed directly on oil.

"AHHHH!" Most of the witches started screaming in pain, as well as the devil shards.

Not all of them were within Griffin's mana range, hence not all of them being burned by the fire just now, but this was enough to overwhelm them. Fire that is dangerous to ordinary mages, and his mana that is dangerous to the species from hell. This is a dangerous combination that can only be used by Griffin who has unique mana and a very large amount of mana. Even though it can't kill devil shards, it can weaken them.

"What is this fire?"

"How could his mana burn like this."

"Amazing fire magic."

"How could he expend that much mana?"

All Boaren witch who was outside the range of Griffin's magic area started to look panicked. They witnessed the sight of the witches burning like they were in hell.

Meanwhile the magicians of Lirest stared at the magic in front of them in awe. Instantly all the witches who had given up seemed to see hope. If someone this powerful came to their aid, then they still had a chance of winning.

When the fire seemed to start to fade, Griffin immediately seized the opportunity.

[You activated skill "Flame Sword" Level 1]

[You have used two skills "Flame Sword" at the same time]

[Mana usage will be doubled.]

[A large amount of mana has been used in the flame sword.]

[A large amount of mana has been used in the flame sword.]

[Warning! Heavy mana usage in fire skills will have side effects on your body.]

[Warning! Your body temperature is starting to rise due to the overuse of fire magic.]

[Side effects reduced due to increased vitality points.]

[Minimized side effects.]

"I knew vitality and stamina helped a lot."

Griffin had expected that vitality and stamina points would help in resisting the side effects of using magic on a large scale. Even though there was still a lingering side effect due to the low stamina and vitality points, it was still much better than before.